Map third-party numbers to your Amazon Connect account - Amazon Connect

Map third-party numbers to your Amazon Connect account

In some countries you may need to obtain a third-party phone number that is hosted directly by a carrier in that country instead of being hosted by Amazon Connect. The carrier is interconnected with Amazon Connect and provides billing services. In these situations you need to open a ticket to AWS Support to map your AWS account ID and Amazon Connect instance to the phone number.

To map third-party numbers to your account
  1. If you have an AWS Support account, go to Support Center and submit a case.

    Otherwise, open the AWS Management Console and choose Support, Create case, Looking for service quota increases?

  2. In your case, add your Contact Center Instance ARN.

    Form for requesting limit increases, showing fields for limit type and region selection.
  3. Specify your Region, and choose 3rd Party Number Mapping.

  4. In the Use case description box, add the name of your Partner, and the numbers you want to load and their respective phone number types (DID or toll free).

  5. Choose a Contact option and then Submit.