Transfer calls to a quick connect or external phone number using the Contact Control Panel (CCP)
You can transfer calls to people in a predefined list, called quick connects. You can also transfer calls to external phone numbers that you enter.
To transfer to a quick connect or to an external number
While you're connected to the contact, choose Quick connects on the CCP.
From the list of quick connects, choose the name of another agent to transfer the call to. (Your Amazon Connect administrator adds the names of agents to the list of quick connects.)
Agents see the quick connects of the queues in their routing profile, including the Default outbound queue.
Or, to call an external number, choose Number pad, enter the number you want to call, and then choose Call.
After the call is connected to the transfer destination, you can choose Join so the caller, the transfer destination, and you are in a conference call.
When the call is joined, the three of you can talk. Choose Leave to complete the transfer and exit the call.
Complete the after contact work and then choose Clear contact.
Manage a transferred call
After you initiate a transfer, the customer is placed on hold and you are connected to the transfer destination. The following image shows what actions you can take at this point.

Transfers create multiple contact records
A contact record is opened for a customer when they are connected to your contact center. The contact record is completed when the interaction with the flow or agent ends (that is, the agent has completed the ACW and cleared the contact). This means it's possible for a customer to have multiple contact records.
The following diagram shows when a contact record is created for a contact. It shows three contact records for a contact:
The first record is created when the contact is connected to Agent 1.
The second record is created when the contact is transferred to Agent 2.
The third record is created when the contact is connected to Agent 3 during a callback.

Each time a contact is connected to an agent, a new contact record is created. The contact records for a contact are linked together through the contactId fields: initial, next, and previous.
For more information, see About contact states in Amazon Connect.