Configuring HTTP headers - Amazon DCV

Configuring HTTP headers

You can configure the Amazon DCV server to send additional HTTP response headers to the Amazon DCV client when users connect to a session using the web browser client. The response headers can provide additional information about the Amazon DCV server that users are connecting to.

Configuring HTTP headers on a Windows Amazon DCV Server

To configure the HTTP headers on Windows, configure the web-extra-http-headers parameter using the Windows Registry Editor.

To configure the HTTP headers on Windows
  1. Open the Windows Registry Editor.

  2. Navigate to the HKEY_USERS/S-1-5-18/Software/GSettings/com/nicesoftware/dcv/connectivity/ key.

  3. In the navigation pane, open the context (right-click) menu for the connectivity key. Then, choose New, String.

  4. For Name, enter web-extra-http-headers and press Enter.

  5. Open the web-extra-http-headers parameter. For Value data, enter the HTTP header name and value in the following format.

    [("header-name", "header-value")]

    To specify multiple headers, add them in a comma-separated list.

    [("header1-name", "header1-value"), ("header2-name", "header2-value")]
  6. Choose OK and close the Windows Registry Editor.

  7. Stop and restart the Amazon DCV server.

Configuring HTTP headers on a Linux Amazon DCV Server

To configure the HTTP headers on Linux, configure the web-extra-http-headers parameter in the dcv.conf file.

To configure the HTTP headers on Linux
  1. Open /etc/dcv/dcv.conf with your preferred text editor.

  2. Locate the [connectivity] section. Specify the HTTP header name and value in the following format.

    [connectivity] web-extra-http-headers=[("header-name", "header-value")]

    To specify multiple headers, add them in a comma-separated list.

    [connectivity] web-extra-http-headers=[("header1-name", "header1-value"), ("header2-name", "header2-value")]
  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Stop and restart the Amazon DCV server.