You can create a LAG by provisioning new connections, or aggregating existing connections.
You cannot create a LAG with new connections if this results in you exceeding the overall connections limit for the Region.
To create a LAG from existing connections, the connections must be on the same AWS device (terminate at the same AWS Direct Connect endpoint). They must also use the same bandwidth. You cannot migrate a connection from an existing LAG if removing the connection causes the original LAG to fall below its setting for the minimum number of operational connections.
For existing connections, connectivity to AWS is interrupted during the creation of the LAG.
To create a LAG with new connections
Open the AWS Direct Connect console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose LAGs.
Choose Create LAG.
Under Lag creation type, choose Request new connections, and provide the following information:
LAG name: A name for the LAG.
Location: The location for the LAG.
Port speed: The port speed for the connections.
Number of new connections: The number of new connections to create. You can have a maximum of four connections when the port speed is 1G or 10G, or two when the port speed is 100 Gbps or 400 Gbps.
(Optional) Configure MAC security (MACsec) for the connection. Under Additional Settings, select Request a MACsec capable port.
MACsec is only available on dedicated connections.
(Optional) Add or remove a tag.
[Add a tag] Choose Add tag and do the following:
For Key, enter the key name.
For Value, enter the key value.
[Remove a tag] Next to the tag, choose Remove tag.
Choose Create LAG.
To create a LAG from existing connections
Open the AWS Direct Connect console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose LAGs.
Choose Create LAG.
Under Lag creation type, choose Use existing connections, and provide the following information:
LAG name: A name for the LAG.
Existing connections: The Direct Connect connection to use for the LAG.
(Optional) Number of new connections: The number of new connections to create. You can have a maximum of four connections when the port speed is 1G or 10G, or two when the port speed 100 Gbps or 400 Gbps.
Minimum links: The minimum number of connections that must be operational for the LAG itself to be operational. If you do not specify a value, we assign a default value of 0.
(Optional) Add or remove a tag.
[Add a tag] Choose Add tag and do the following:
For Key, enter the key name.
For Value, enter the key value.
[Remove a tag] Next to the tag, choose Remove tag.
Choose Create LAG.
To create a LAG using the command line or API
create-lag (AWS CLI)
CreateLag (AWS Direct Connect API)
To describe your LAGs using the command line or API
describe-lags (AWS CLI)
DescribeLags (AWS Direct Connect API)
To download the LOA-CFA using the command line or API
describe-loa (AWS CLI)
DescribeLoa (AWS Direct Connect API)
After you create a LAG, you can associate or disassociate connections from it. For more information, see Associate a connection with a LAG and Disassociate a connection from a LAG.