Viewing replication details - Amazon Elastic File System

Viewing replication details

You can monitor the time when the last successful sync was completed in a replication configuration. Any changes to data on the source file system that occurred before this time have been successfully replicated to the destination file system. Any changes that occurred after this time might not be fully replicated. To monitor when the last replication successfully finished, you can use the Amazon EFS console, AWS CLI, API, or Amazon CloudWatch.

  • In the EFS console – The Last synced property in the File system details > Replication section shows the time when the last successful sync between the source and destination was completed.

  • In the AWS CLI or API – The LastReplicatedTimestamp property in the Destination object shows the time that the last successful sync was completed. To access this property, use the describe-replication-configurations CLI command. DescribeReplicationConfigurations is the equivalent API operation.

  • In CloudWatch – The TimeSinceLastSync CloudWatch metric for Amazon EFS shows the time that has elapsed since the last successful sync was completed. For more information, see CloudWatch metrics for Amazon EFS.

A replication configuration can have one of the status values described in the following table.

Replication state Description


The replication configuration is in a healthy state and available for use.


Amazon EFS is in the process of creating the replication configuration.


Amazon EFS is deleting the replication configuration in response to a user-initiated delete request.


Amazon EFS is in the process of pausing replication, as a result of opting out of the Region for one or both of the file systems in the replication configuration.


Replication is paused as a result of opting out of the Region for one or both of the file systems in the replication configuration. To resume replication, you need to again opt in to the AWS Region. For more information, see Specify which AWS Regions your account can use in the AWS General Reference Guide.


One (or both) of the file systems in the replication configuration is in a failed state and is unrecoverable. To access the file system data, restore a backup of the failed file system to a new file system. For more information, see Protecting your data in Amazon EFS.

  1. Open the Amazon Elastic File System console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose File systems.

  3. Choose a file system from the list.

  4. Choose the Replication tab to display the Replication section.

    In the Replication section, you can see the following information for the replication configuration:

    • Replication state may be Enabling, Enabled, Deleting, Pausing, Paused, or Error.

      The Paused state occurs as a result of opting out of the source or destination Region after the replication configuration was created. To resume replication for the file system, you need to again opt in to the AWS Region. For more information, see Specify which AWS Regions your account can use in the AWS General Reference Guide.

      The Replicating state occurs after a replication is created, with the file system as either the source or destination file system.

      The Error state occurs when either the source or the destination file system (or both) is in a failed state and is unrecoverable. For more information, see Viewing replication details. To recover, you must delete the replication configuration, and then restore the most recent backup of the failed file system (either the source or the destination) to a new file system.

    • Replication direction shows the direction in which data is being replicated. The first file system listed is the source, and its data is being replicated to the second file system listed, which is the destination.

    • Last synced shows when the last successful sync occurred on the destination file system. Any changes to data on the source file system that occurred before this time were successfully replicated to the destination file system. Any changes that occurred after this time might not be fully replicated.

    • Replication file systems lists each file system in the replication configuration by its file system ID, the role it has in the replication configuration (either source or destination), the AWS Region in which it's located, and its Permission. A source file system has a permission of Writable, and a destination file system has a permission of Read-only.

To view a replication configuration, use the describe-replication-configurations- command. You can view the replication configuration for either a specific file system, or all replication configurations for a particular AWS account in an AWS Region. The equivalent API command is DescribeReplicationConfigurations.

To view the replication configuration for a file system, use the file-system-id URI request parameter. You can specify the ID of either a source or destination file system.

aws efs describe-replication-configurations --file-system-id fs-0123456789abcdef1
{ "Replications": [ { "SourceFileSystemArn": "arn:aws:elasticfilesystem:eu-west-1:111122223333:file-system/fs-abcdef0123456789a", "CreationTime": 1641491892.0, "SourceFileSystemRegion": "eu-west-1", "OriginalSourceFileSystemArn": "arn:aws:elasticfilesystem:eu-west-1:111122223333:file-system/fs-abcdef0123456789a", "SourceFileSystemId": "fs-abcdef0123456789a", "Destinations": [ { "Status": "ENABLED", "FileSystemId": "fs-0123456789abcdef1", "Region": "us-east-1" } ] } ] }

To view all the replication configurations for an account in an AWS Region, don't specify the file-system-id parameter.

aws efs describe-replication-configurations
{ "Replications": [ { "SourceFileSystemArn": "arn:aws:elasticfilesystem:eu-west-1:555555555555:file-system/fs-0123456789abcdef1", "CreationTime": 1641491892.0, "SourceFileSystemRegion": "eu-west-1", "OriginalSourceFileSystemArn": "arn:aws:elasticfilesystem:eu-west-1:555555555555:file-system/fs-0123456789abcdef1", "SourceFileSystemId": "fs-0123456789abcdef1", "Destinations": [ { "Status": "ENABLED", "FileSystemId": "fs-abcdef0123456789a", "Region": "us-east-1", "LastReplicatedTimestamp": 1641491802.375 } ] }, { "SourceFileSystemArn": "arn:aws:elasticfilesystem:eu-west-1:555555555555:file-system/fs-021345abcdef6789a", "CreationTime": 1641491822.0, "SourceFileSystemRegion": "eu-west-1", "OriginalSourceFileSystemArn": "arn:aws:elasticfilesystem:eu-west-1:555555555555:file-system/fs-021345abcdef6789a", "SourceFileSystemId": "fs-021345abcdef6789a", "Destinations": [ { "Status": "ENABLED", "FileSystemId": "fs-012abc3456789def1", "Region": "us-east-1", "LastReplicatedTimestamp": 1641491823.575 } ] } ] }