Ejemplos de registros para el tráfico de la ACL web - AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, y AWS Shield Advanced

Las traducciones son generadas a través de traducción automática. En caso de conflicto entre la traducción y la version original de inglés, prevalecerá la version en inglés.

Ejemplos de registros para el tráfico de la ACL web

En esta sección, se proporcionan ejemplos para registrar el tráfico de la ACL web.

ejemplo Regla basada en tasas 1: configuración de la regla con una clave, establecida en Header:dogname
{ "Name": "RateBasedRule", "Priority": 1, "Statement": { "RateBasedStatement": { "Limit": 100, "AggregateKeyType": "CUSTOM_KEYS", "CustomKeys": [ { "Header": { "Name": "dogname", "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": 0, "Type": "NONE" } ] } } ] } }, "Action": { "Block": {} }, "VisibilityConfig": { "SampledRequestsEnabled": true, "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true, "MetricName": "RateBasedRule" } }
ejemplo Regla basada en tasas 1: entrada de registro de la solicitud bloqueada por la regla basada en tasas
{ "timestamp":1683355579981, "formatVersion":1, "webaclId": ..., "terminatingRuleId":"RateBasedRule", "terminatingRuleType":"RATE_BASED", "action":"BLOCK", "terminatingRuleMatchDetails":[ ], "httpSourceName":"APIGW", "httpSourceId":"EXAMPLE11:rjvegx5guh:CanaryTest", "ruleGroupList":[ ], "rateBasedRuleList":[ { "rateBasedRuleId": ..., "rateBasedRuleName":"RateBasedRule", "limitKey":"CUSTOMKEYS", "maxRateAllowed":100, "evaluationWindowSec":"120", "customValues":[ { "key":"HEADER", "name":"dogname", "value":"ella" } ] } ], "nonTerminatingMatchingRules":[ ], "requestHeadersInserted":null, "responseCodeSent":null, "httpRequest":{ "clientIp":"", "country":"FR", "headers":[ { "name":"X-Forwarded-For", "value":"" }, { "name":"X-Forwarded-Proto", "value":"https" }, { "name":"X-Forwarded-Port", "value":"443" }, { "name":"Host", "value":"rjvegx5guh.execute-api.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com" }, { "name":"X-Amzn-Trace-Id", "value":"Root=1-645566cf-7cb058b04d9bb3ee01dc4036" }, { "name":"dogname", "value":"ella" }, { "name":"User-Agent", "value":"RateBasedRuleTestKoipOneKeyModulePV2" }, { "name":"Accept-Encoding", "value":"gzip,deflate" } ], "uri":"/CanaryTest", "args":"", "httpVersion":"HTTP/1.1", "httpMethod":"GET", "requestId":"Ed0AiHF_CGYF-DA=" } }
ejemplo Regla basada en tasas 2: configuración de la regla con dos claves, establecidas en Header:dogname y Header:catname
{ "Name": "RateBasedRule", "Priority": 1, "Statement": { "RateBasedStatement": { "Limit": 100, "AggregateKeyType": "CUSTOM_KEYS", "CustomKeys": [ { "Header": { "Name": "dogname", "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": 0, "Type": "NONE" } ] } }, { "Header": { "Name": "catname", "TextTransformations": [ { "Priority": 0, "Type": "NONE" } ] } } ] } }, "Action": { "Block": {} }, "VisibilityConfig": { "SampledRequestsEnabled": true, "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true, "MetricName": "RateBasedRule" } }
ejemplo Regla basada en tasas 2: entrada de registro de la solicitud bloqueada por la regla basada en tasas
{ "timestamp":1633322211194, "formatVersion":1, "webaclId":..., "terminatingRuleId":"RateBasedRule", "terminatingRuleType":"RATE_BASED", "action":"BLOCK", "terminatingRuleMatchDetails":[ ], "httpSourceName":"APIGW", "httpSourceId":"EXAMPLE11:rjvegx5guh:CanaryTest", "ruleGroupList":[ ], "rateBasedRuleList":[ { "rateBasedRuleId":..., "rateBasedRuleName":"RateBasedRule", "limitKey":"CUSTOMKEYS", "maxRateAllowed":100, "evaluationWindowSec":"120", "customValues":[ { "key":"HEADER", "name":"dogname", "value":"ella" }, { "key":"HEADER", "name":"catname", "value":"goofie" } ] } ], "nonTerminatingMatchingRules":[ ], "requestHeadersInserted":null, "responseCodeSent":null, "httpRequest":{ "clientIp":"", "country":"FR", "headers":[ { "name":"X-Forwarded-For", "value":"" }, { "name":"X-Forwarded-Proto", "value":"https" }, { "name":"X-Forwarded-Port", "value":"443" }, { "name":"Host", "value":"23llbyn8v3.execute-api.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com" }, { "name":"X-Amzn-Trace-Id", "value":"Root=1-64556629-17ac754c2ed9f0620e0f2a0c" }, { "name":"catname", "value":"goofie" }, { "name":"dogname", "value":"ella" }, { "name":"User-Agent", "value":"Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (Java/11.0.19)" }, { "name":"Accept-Encoding", "value":"gzip,deflate" } ], "uri":"/CanaryTest", "args":"", "httpVersion":"HTTP/1.1", "httpMethod":"GET", "requestId":"EdzmlH5OCGYF1vQ=" } }
ejemplo Salida de registro de una regla que se activó al SQLi detectarse (finalizar)
{ "timestamp": 1576280412771, "formatVersion": 1, "webaclId": "arn:aws:wafv2:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:regional/webacl/STMTest/1EXAMPLE-2ARN-3ARN-4ARN-123456EXAMPLE", "terminatingRuleId": "STMTest_SQLi_XSS", "terminatingRuleType": "REGULAR", "action": "BLOCK", "terminatingRuleMatchDetails": [ { "conditionType": "SQL_INJECTION", "sensitivityLevel": "HIGH", "location": "HEADER", "matchedData": [ "10", "AND", "1" ] } ], "httpSourceName": "-", "httpSourceId": "-", "ruleGroupList": [], "rateBasedRuleList": [], "nonTerminatingMatchingRules": [], "httpRequest": { "clientIp": "", "country": "AU", "headers": [ { "name": "Host", "value": "localhost:1989" }, { "name": "User-Agent", "value": "curl/7.61.1" }, { "name": "Accept", "value": "*/*" }, { "name": "x-stm-test", "value": "10 AND 1=1" } ], "uri": "/myUri", "args": "", "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1", "httpMethod": "GET", "requestId": "rid" }, "labels": [ { "name": "value" } ] }
ejemplo Resultado de registro de una regla que se activó al SQLi detectarse (sin finalizar)
{ "timestamp":1592357192516 ,"formatVersion":1 ,"webaclId":"arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:123456789012:global/webacl/hello-world/5933d6d9-9dde-js82-v8aw-9ck28nv9" ,"terminatingRuleId":"Default_Action" ,"terminatingRuleType":"REGULAR" ,"action":"ALLOW" ,"terminatingRuleMatchDetails":[] ,"httpSourceName":"-" ,"httpSourceId":"-" ,"ruleGroupList":[] ,"rateBasedRuleList":[] ,"nonTerminatingMatchingRules": [{ "ruleId":"TestRule" ,"action":"COUNT" ,"ruleMatchDetails": [{ "conditionType":"SQL_INJECTION" ,"sensitivityLevel": "HIGH" ,"location":"HEADER" ,"matchedData":[ "10" ,"and" ,"1"] }] }] ,"httpRequest":{ "clientIp":"" ,"country":"US" ,"headers":[ {"name":"Host","value":"localhost:1989"} ,{"name":"User-Agent","value":"curl/7.61.1"} ,{"name":"Accept","value":"*/*"} ,{"name":"myHeader","myValue":"10 AND 1=1"} ] ,"uri":"/myUri","args":"" ,"httpVersion":"HTTP/1.1" ,"httpMethod":"GET" ,"requestId":"rid" }, "labels": [ { "name": "value" } ] }
ejemplo Resultado de registro de varias reglas que se activaron dentro de un grupo de reglas (RuleA-XSS es de finalización y la Rule-B, no)
{ "timestamp":1592361810888, "formatVersion":1, "webaclId":"arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:123456789012:global/webacl/hello-world/5933d6d9-9dde-js82-v8aw-9ck28nv9" ,"terminatingRuleId":"RG-Reference" ,"terminatingRuleType":"GROUP" ,"action":"BLOCK", "terminatingRuleMatchDetails": [{ "conditionType":"XSS" ,"location":"HEADER" ,"matchedData":["<","frameset"] }] ,"httpSourceName":"-" ,"httpSourceId":"-" ,"ruleGroupList": [{ "ruleGroupId":"arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:123456789012:global/rulegroup/hello-world/c05lb698-1f11-4m41-aef4-99a506d53f4b" ,"terminatingRule":{ "ruleId":"RuleA-XSS" ,"action":"BLOCK" ,"ruleMatchDetails":null } ,"nonTerminatingMatchingRules": [{ "ruleId":"RuleB-SQLi" ,"action":"COUNT" ,"ruleMatchDetails": [{ "conditionType":"SQL_INJECTION" ,"sensitivityLevel": "LOW" ,"location":"HEADER" ,"matchedData":[ "10" ,"and" ,"1"] }] }] ,"excludedRules":null }] ,"rateBasedRuleList":[] ,"nonTerminatingMatchingRules":[] ,"httpRequest":{ "clientIp":"" ,"country":"US" ,"headers": [ {"name":"Host","value":"localhost:1989"} ,{"name":"User-Agent","value":"curl/7.61.1"} ,{"name":"Accept","value":"*/*"} ,{"name":"myHeader1","value":"<frameset onload=alert(1)>"} ,{"name":"myHeader2","value":"10 AND 1=1"} ] ,"uri":"/myUri" ,"args":"" ,"httpVersion":"HTTP/1.1" ,"httpMethod":"GET" ,"requestId":"rid" }, "labels": [ { "name": "value" } ] }
ejemplo Resultado de registro de una regla que se activó para inspeccionar el cuerpo de la solicitud con el tipo de contenido JSON

AWS WAF actualmente informa que la ubicación de la inspección corporal en JSON es. UNKNOWN

{ "timestamp": 1576280412771, "formatVersion": 1, "webaclId": "arn:aws:wafv2:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:regional/webacl/test/111", "terminatingRuleId": "STMTest_SQLi_XSS", "terminatingRuleType": "REGULAR", "action": "BLOCK", "terminatingRuleMatchDetails": [ { "conditionType": "SQL_INJECTION", "sensitivityLevel": "LOW", "location": "UNKNOWN", "matchedData": [ "10", "AND", "1" ] } ], "httpSourceName": "ALB", "httpSourceId": "alb", "ruleGroupList": [], "rateBasedRuleList": [], "nonTerminatingMatchingRules": [], "requestHeadersInserted":null, "responseCodeSent":null, "httpRequest": { "clientIp": "", "country": "AU", "headers": [], "uri": "", "args": "", "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1", "httpMethod": "POST", "requestId": "null" }, "labels": [ { "name": "value" } ] }
ejemplo Resultado de registro de una regla de CAPTCHA para una solicitud web con un token de CAPTCHA válido y vigente

La siguiente lista de registros corresponde a una solicitud web que coincidía con una regla con CAPTCHA acción. La solicitud web tiene un token de CAPTCHA válido y no caducado, y solo se registra como una coincidencia de CAPTCHA si AWS WAF, de forma similar a como ocurre con el Count acción. Esta coincidencia de CAPTCHA se indica en nonTerminatingMatchingRules.

{ "timestamp": 1632420429309, "formatVersion": 1, "webaclId": "arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:123456789012:regional/webacl/captcha-web-acl/585e38b5-afce-4d2a-b417-14fb08b66c67", "terminatingRuleId": "Default_Action", "terminatingRuleType": "REGULAR", "action": "ALLOW", "terminatingRuleMatchDetails": [], "httpSourceName": "APIGW", "httpSourceId": "123456789012:b34myvfw0b:pen-test", "ruleGroupList": [], "rateBasedRuleList": [], "nonTerminatingMatchingRules": [ { "ruleId": "captcha-rule", "action": "CAPTCHA", "ruleMatchDetails": [], "captchaResponse": { "responseCode": 0, "solveTimestamp": 1632420429 } } ], "requestHeadersInserted": [ { "name": "x-amzn-waf-test-header-name", "value": "test-header-value" } ], "responseCodeSent": null, "httpRequest": { "clientIp": "", "country": "US", "headers": [ { "name": "X-Forwarded-For", "value": "" }, { "name": "X-Forwarded-Proto", "value": "https" }, { "name": "X-Forwarded-Port", "value": "443" }, { "name": "Host", "value": "b34myvfw0b.gamma.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" }, { "name": "X-Amzn-Trace-Id", "value": "Root=1-614cc24d-5ad89a09181910c43917a888" }, { "name": "cache-control", "value": "max-age=0" }, { "name": "sec-ch-ua", "value": "\"Chromium\";v=\"94\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"94\", \";Not A Brand\";v=\"99\"" }, { "name": "sec-ch-ua-mobile", "value": "?0" }, { "name": "sec-ch-ua-platform", "value": "\"Windows\"" }, { "name": "upgrade-insecure-requests", "value": "1" }, { "name": "user-agent", "value": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.54 Safari/537.36" }, { "name": "accept", "value": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9" }, { "name": "sec-fetch-site", "value": "same-origin" }, { "name": "sec-fetch-mode", "value": "navigate" }, { "name": "sec-fetch-user", "value": "?1" }, { "name": "sec-fetch-dest", "value": "document" }, { "name": "referer", "value": "https://b34myvfw0b.gamma.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/pen-test/pets" }, { "name": "accept-encoding", "value": "gzip, deflate, br" }, { "name": "accept-language", "value": "en-US,en;q=0.9" }, { "name": "cookie", "value": "aws-waf-token=51c71352-41f5-4f6d-b676-c24907bdf819:EQoAZ/J+AAQAAAAA:t9wvxbw042wva7E2Y6lgud/bS6YG0CJKVAJqaRqDZ140ythKW0Zj9wKB2O8lSkYDRqf1yONcVBFo5u0eYi0tvT4rtQCXsu+KanAardW8go4QSLw4yoED59lgV7oAhGyCalAzE7ra29j+RvvZPsQyoQuDCrtoY/TvQyMTXIXzGPDC/rKBbg==" } ], "uri": "/pen-test/pets", "args": "", "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1", "httpMethod": "GET", "requestId": "GINMHHUgoAMFxug=" } }
ejemplo Resultado de registro de una regla de CAPTCHA para una solicitud web que no tiene un token de CAPTCHA

La siguiente lista de registros corresponde a una solicitud web que coincide con una regla con CAPTCHA acción. La solicitud web no tenía un token CAPTCHA y estaba bloqueada por. AWS WAF

{ "timestamp": 1632420416512, "formatVersion": 1, "webaclId": "arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:123456789012:regional/webacl/captcha-web-acl/585e38b5-afce-4d2a-b417-14fb08b66c67", "terminatingRuleId": "captcha-rule", "terminatingRuleType": "REGULAR", "action": "CAPTCHA", "terminatingRuleMatchDetails": [], "httpSourceName": "APIGW", "httpSourceId": "123456789012:b34myvfw0b:pen-test", "ruleGroupList": [], "rateBasedRuleList": [], "nonTerminatingMatchingRules": [], "requestHeadersInserted": null, "responseCodeSent": 405, "httpRequest": { "clientIp": "", "country": "US", "headers": [ { "name": "X-Forwarded-For", "value": "" }, { "name": "X-Forwarded-Proto", "value": "https" }, { "name": "X-Forwarded-Port", "value": "443" }, { "name": "Host", "value": "b34myvfw0b.gamma.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" }, { "name": "X-Amzn-Trace-Id", "value": "Root=1-614cc240-18b57ff33c10e5c016b508c5" }, { "name": "sec-ch-ua", "value": "\"Chromium\";v=\"94\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"94\", \";Not A Brand\";v=\"99\"" }, { "name": "sec-ch-ua-mobile", "value": "?0" }, { "name": "sec-ch-ua-platform", "value": "\"Windows\"" }, { "name": "upgrade-insecure-requests", "value": "1" }, { "name": "user-agent", "value": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.54 Safari/537.36" }, { "name": "accept", "value": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9" }, { "name": "sec-fetch-site", "value": "cross-site" }, { "name": "sec-fetch-mode", "value": "navigate" }, { "name": "sec-fetch-user", "value": "?1" }, { "name": "sec-fetch-dest", "value": "document" }, { "name": "accept-encoding", "value": "gzip, deflate, br" }, { "name": "accept-language", "value": "en-US,en;q=0.9" } ], "uri": "/pen-test/pets", "args": "", "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1", "httpMethod": "GET", "requestId": "GINKHEssoAMFsrg=" }, "captchaResponse": { "responseCode": 405, "solveTimestamp": 0, "failureReason": "TOKEN_MISSING" } }