AMS provides several information resources to help you succeed.
AMS Accelerate User Guide: Helps you understand the components and features that AMS Accelerate provides and how to use them. Look here for AMS Accelerate background information and details on default settings, finding resources, and how-to examples. HTML index, PDF
AMS Advanced User Guide: Helps you understand the components and features that AMS Advanced provides and how to use them. Look here for AMS Advanced background information and details on default settings, finding resources, and how-to examples. HTML index, PDF
AMS Advanced Application Guide: Describes the steps for deploying applications to AWS Managed Services infrastructure. Look here for information on application deployment and maintenance methodologies and considerations. HTML index, PDF.
AMS Advanced Onboarding Guide: Describes the initial steps for creating the basic AWS Managed Services multi-account, or single-account, landing zone infrastructure in an AMS account. Look here for information on AMS account basics, validation, and questions to prepare you for onboarding to AMS. HTML index, PDF.
AMS Advanced Change Type Reference: Provides reference material on the current change types that AWS Managed Services provides, including change type schemas and example walkthroughs for each change type and tips. Includes general information about change types Helps you understand all aspects of requests for change (RFCs) and AMS change types (CTs). Look here for specifics on change types, including links to relevant information. HTML index, PDF.
AMS CM (change management) API Reference: Describes the AWS Managed Services CM API, which provides operations for creating and monitoring change requests and provides information about your resources that are managed by Managed Services. HTML index.
AMS Security Guides: Describe proprietary AMS security information.
Private; available on the AMS Reports tab in the AWS Artifact Console.
AMS Developer's Resources: Access to the AMS CLI and SDK, for both amscm and amsskms. See
. AMS YouTube Videos: Key customer operations explained in video. See AWS Managed Services YouTube Instructional Videos
. AMS Blog posts: Specialty information on AWS Managed Services. See AWS Blogs