Service Commencement: The Service Commencement Date for an AWS Managed Services account is the first day of the first calendar month after which AWS notifies you that the activities set out in the Onboarding Requirements for that AWS Managed Services account have been completed; provided that if AWS makes such notification after the 20th day of a calendar month, the Service Commencement Date is the first day of the second calendar month following the date of such notification.
Service Commencement
R stands for responsible party that does the work to achieve the task.
I stands for informed; a party which is informed on progress, often only on completion of the task or deliverable.
Step # | Step title | Description | Customer | AMS |
1. |
Customer AWS account handover |
Customer creates a new AWS account and hands it over to AWS Managed Services |
R |
I |
2. |
AWS Managed Services Account - design |
Finalize design of AWS Managed Services Account |
I |
R |
3. |
AWS Managed Services Account - build |
An AWS Managed Services account is built per the design in Step 2 |
I |
R |