How containers work in Amazon GameLift Servers
Amazon GameLift Servers container fleets are designed to give you flexibility in how you deploy and scale your containerized applications. It uses the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) to manage task deployment and execution for your Amazon GameLift Servers fleets. This topic describes the basic structural elements for running containers on an Amazon GameLift Servers managed fleet, illustrates common architectures, and outlines some core concepts.
Speed up onboarding with these tools for managed containers:
The containers starter kit
streamlines integration and fleet setup. It adds essential game session management features to your game server, and uses pre-configured templates to build a container fleet and an automated deployment pipeline for your game server. After deployment, use the Amazon GameLift Servers console and API tools to monitor fleet performance, manage game sessions, and analyze metrics. -
For Unreal Engine or Unity developers, use the Amazon GameLift Servers plugins
to integrate your game server and build a container fleet from inside your game engine's development environment. The plugin's guided workflows help you create a fast, simple solution with cloud-based hosting using managed containers. Then build on this foundation to create a custom hosting solution for your game.
Container fleet components
- Fleet
A container fleet is a collection of Amazon EC2 instances to host your containerized game servers. These instances are managed by Amazon GameLift Servers on your behalf. When you create a fleet, you configure how the container architecture with your game server software is deployed to each fleet instance. You can create a container fleet with instances in one or multiple geographic locations. You can use Amazon GameLift Servers scaling tools to automatically scale a container fleet's capacity to host game sessions and players.
- Instance
An Amazon EC2 instance is the virtual server that provides compute capacity for game hosting. With Amazon GameLift Servers, you can choose from a range of instance types. Each instance type offers a different combination of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity.
When you create a container fleet, Amazon GameLift Servers deploys your containers based on the instance type you choose and your fleet configuration. Each deployed fleet instance is identical and runs your containerized game server software in the same way. The number of instances in a fleet determines the fleet's size and game hosting capacity.
- Container group
Amazon GameLift Servers uses the concept of a container group to describe and manage a set of containers. A container group is similar to a container "task" or "pod". Within each container group, you can define how containers behave, set up dependencies, and share available CPU and memory resources.
Each fleet instance can have the following types of container groups:
A game server container group manages the containers that run your game server application and supporting software. A container fleet must have one of this type of container group to host game sessions and players. A game server container group can be replicated across a fleet instance. The number of game server group replicas per fleet instance depends on your software's compute requirements and the compute resources available on the instance.
A per-instance container group, which is optional, gives you the ability to run additional software on each fleet instance. They are useful for running background services or utility programs, such as for monitoring. You game server software doesn't directly depend on processes in a per-instance group. Only one copy of a per-instance container group is deployed to each fleet instance.
Each container group in a container fleet has one container that's designated "essential". An essential container drives the lifecycle of a container group. If the essential container fails, the entire container group restarts.
- Container
The container is the most basic element of a container-based architecture. It includes a container image with software executables and dependent files. Define a container to configure how the software runs and interacts with Amazon GameLift Servers.
Amazon GameLift Servers defines two types of containers:
A game server container includes everything you need to run your game server processes and host game sessions for players. It includes your game server build and dependent software. Define one game server container for a fleet's game server container group. The game server container is automatically considered essential to the container group.
A support container runs additional software to support your game server. It is similar to the concept of a "sidecar" container. It gives you the option to run and scale supporting software alongside your game servers but manage as separate containers. In a game server container group, you can define zero or more support containers. In a per-instance container group, all containers are support containers. Any support container can be designated essential.
- Compute
A compute represents a copy of a game server container group on a fleet instance.
Common architectures
The following diagram illustrates the simplest container fleet structure. In this structure, each instance in the fleet maintains one copy of the game server container group. The container group has a single game server container that runs one game server process. In this example, the container fleet is configured to place one copy of the game server container group per instance. With this architecture, each instance runs one game server process.

This second diagram illustrates a more complex container fleet architecture. In this structure, the fleet has a both a game server container group and a per-instance container group. The game server container group has separate containers for the game server process and a support process. The fleet is configured to place three copies of the game server container group on each fleet instance. The per-instance container group is never replicated. In this example, the container fleet is configured to place three copies of the game server container group per instance. With this architecture, each instance runs three game server process.

Core features
This section summarizes how Amazon GameLift Servers implements some basic container concepts. For instructions on how to work with container fleets, see the relevant topics in this guide.
Active fleet updates
Managed containers provides advanced support to help you manage the life cycle of your hosted software and container architecture. You can update your container definitions, including container images, and deploy changes to your existing fleets. This feature makes it faster and easier to iterate changes to your containers during development. It also provides features to help you build, deploy, and track your software version updates over time. These features include:
Manage container group definition updates and versioning. You can update nearly all properties of a container group definition, including container images and configuration settings. Whenever you update a container, Amazon GameLift Servers automatically assigns a version number to the update and by default maintains all versions. You can access any specific version, and you can delete versions as desired. When creating a container fleet, you can specify the container group definition and version to deploy.
Update existing container fleets with new container group definitions and configuration settings. You can deploy container updates to fleets that are already deployed to fleet instances. You can track the status of update deployments across each fleet location using the AWS Management Console or the AWS SDK and CLI.
Configure how you want fleet updates to deploy across an active fleet.
Game session protection. Choose to protect fleet instances with active game sessions until after the game sessions end (safe deployment). Or choose to replace fleet instances regardless of game session activity (unsafe deployment). Use unsafe deployments during development and testing phases to reduce deployment time.
Minimum healthy percentage. Specify the percentage of healthy tasks that you want to maintain during deployment. This feature lets you decide how many fleet instances are impacted during a deployment. A low value prioritizes deployment speed, while a high value ensures that game server availability remains high throughout the deployment.
Deployment failure strategy. Decide what actions to take if a deployment fails. A deployment failure means that some of the updated containers have failed status checks and are considered impaired. You can set deployments to automatically roll back all fleet instances to the previously deployed state. Alternatively you can choose to maintain some of the impaired fleet instances for use in debugging.
The ability to update active fleets is highly useful when you want to deploy an update to your game server software. After you've built a new container image for your game server, deploying it is a two-step process: first, update the container group definition with the new image, and second, update the container fleet. Amazon GameLift Servers handles all other tasks as needed.
Container packing
When developing your container structure for deployment in a container fleet, a common goal is to optimize your use of available computing power. To achieve this goal, you want to pack as many game server container groups as possible onto each fleet instance.
Amazon GameLift Servers helps you do this by calculating the maximum game server container groups per instance, based on the following information:
The fleet's instance type and its vCPU and memory resources.
The vCPU and memory requirements for all containers in the game server container group.
The vCPU and memory requirements for all containers in a per-instance container group, if there is one.
When you create a container fleet, you can use the calculated maximum or you can specify a desired number. As a best practice, plan to experiment with your containerized game server software to determine resource requirements for optimal game server performance.
Capacity scaling
Fleet capacity measures the number of game sessions that a fleet can host concurrently. You can also measure capacity based on the number of concurrent players that a fleet can support. To increase or decrease a fleet's hosting capacity, you add or remove fleet instances.
A container fleet is configured to run a specific number of concurrent game server processes on each fleet instance. (You can calculate this based on (1) the game server container groups per instance and (2) the number of game server processes that run in each container group.) The number of cncurrent game servers per instance tells you what the impact is of adding or removing each fleet instance. For example, if your container fleet runs 1 game server process in each game server container group, and each fleet instance holds 100 game server containers groups, you increase or decrease your fleet's capacity to host concurrent game sessions by increments of 100. If each game session has 10 player slots, then you increase or decrease your fleet's capacity to host players by increments of 1000.
With container fleets, you can use any of the capacity scaling methods provided by Amazon GameLift Servers. These include:
Set fleet capacity manually by setting a desired fleet instance count.
Set up automatic scaling by targeting a desired buffer of available instances (target tracking). This method automatically maintains a certain amount of idle hosting resources so that incoming players can get into games quickly. As player demand increases or decreases, the size of this buffer is continually adjusted.
Set up automatic scaling with custom scaling rules (advanced feature). This method lets you scale based on fleet metrics that you choose.
Game client/server connections
With Amazon GameLift Servers managed fleets, game clients connect directly to your cloud-hosted game servers. When a game client asks to join a game, Amazon GameLift Servers finds a game session and provides connection information (IP and port) to the game client. You can control external access to fleet instances by opening certain port ranges (inbound permissions) for the fleet. Inbound permissions determine which ports are open to incoming traffic. You can quickly shut down all ports, limit to a few, or open all ports.
Managed container fleets require an additional setting that allows access to processes that are running in a container. When you create a container definition, you specify a set of ports, one for each process that takes a connection. This includes:
All game server processes that will run concurrently in the game server container. All game server processes must allow game clients to connect in order to join a game session.
Any process in a support container that an external source needs to connect to. For example, you could remotely connect to a testing app.
When you set the internal-facing container port settings, Amazon GameLift Servers uses them to calculate the external-facing inbound permissions that game clients and other applications can connect to. Amazon GameLift Servers also manages the mapping between inbound permissions and individual container ports that gives players access to an game session in a container. This internal mapping provides a layer of security by protecting your game servers from direct access to the container ports. You have the option to customize a fleet's external-facing port settings as needed. For more information about manually setting container fleet ports, see Configure network connections.
You can modify a container fleet's port settings at any time. This change requires a fleet update deployment.
The following diagram illustrates the role of port connections across a container fleet. As shown, you set ports on individual containers, and Amazon GameLift Servers uses this information to configure enough ports on the fleet instance to map to each container port. Both the external-facing instance inbound permissions and the internal-facing connection ports are calculated by Amazon GameLift Servers for your fleet, unless you choose to set them manually.

Container logging
In managed container fleets, the standard output (and standard error) streams are captured for all containers. This includes your game server's game session logs. You can configure a container fleet to use one of several options to handle output streams:
Save container output as an Amazon CloudWatch log stream. Each log stream references the fleet ID and container. If you choose this logging option for the fleet, you specify a CloudWatch log group, which organizes all the log streams from the fleet. You can then use CloudWatch features to search and analyse log data as needed.
Save container output to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) storage bucket. You can view, share, or download the content as needed.
Turn off logging. In this scenario, container output isn't saved.
Amazon GameLift Servers sends log data from managed container fleets to the CloudWatch or Amazon S3 services in your AWS account. To view your data, use the AWS Management Console or other tools by signing in to your AWS account and working with the individual services. You extend limited access to Amazon GameLift Servers to take these actions by creating a service role for your container fleets.
You can modify a container fleet's logging configuration at any time. This change requires a fleet update deployment.
Container fleets and the Amazon GameLift Servers Agent
A commonly used container architecture runs a single process in each container. In an Amazon GameLift Servers container fleet, the game server container group has one game server container, which runs one game server process. With this architecture, Amazon GameLift Servers manages the lifecycle of the single game server process in each game server container group on a fleet instance.
If you opt to build a container architecture that runs multiple game server processes in each game server container group, you need a way to manage the lifecycle of all processes. This includes tasks such as starting, shutting down, and replacing processes as needed, managing a desired number of processes to run concurrently, and handling failure states.
You can choose to use the Amazon GameLift Servers Agent for these tasks. For a container fleet, the Agent implements runtime instructions that specify which executables to run (and how many), provide launch parameters, and set rules around game server activation. For example, runtime instructions might tell the Agent to maintain ten game server processes for production use, and one game server process with special launch parameters for testing.
To use the Agent with your container fleets, add the Agent to your container image and include a set of runtime instructions. For more information about the Agent, see Work with the Amazon GameLift Servers Agent.