View your queues - Amazon GameLift

View your queues

You can view information on all existing game session placement queues. The queues page shows queues created in your current Region. From the Queues page, you can create a new queue, delete existing queues, or open a details page for a selected queue. Each queue details page contains the queue's configuration and metrics data. For more information about queues, see Managing game session placement with Amazon GameLift queues.

The queues page displays the following summary information for each queue. You can adjust the table content as needed using the Preferences tool (see the Gear icon representing settings or configuration options. icon in the upper right corner of the table). Custom preferences are saved to your AWS account user and are automatically applied whenever you view this page.

  • Queue name – The name assigned to the queue. Requests for new game sessions specify a queue by this name.

  • Queue timeout – Maximum length of time, in seconds, that a game session placement request remains in the queue before timing out.

  • Destinations in queue – Number of fleets listed in the queue configuration. Amazon GameLift places new game sessions on any fleet in the queue.

View queue details

You can access detailed information on any queue, including the queue configuration and metrics. To open a queue details page, go to the Queues page and choose a queue name.

The queue detail page displays a summary table and tabs containing additional information. On this page you can do the following:

  • Update the queue's configuration, list of destinations and player latency policies. Choose Edit.

  • Delete a queue. After you delete a queue, all requests for new game sessions that reference that queue name will fail. Choose Delete.


    To restore a deleted queue, create a new queue with the deleted queue's name.



The Overview section displays the queue's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and the Timeout. You can use the ARN when referencing the queue in other actions or areas of Amazon GameLift. The timeout is the maximum length of time, in seconds, that a game session placement request remains in the queue before timing out.

Event notification

The Event notification section lists the SNS topic Amazon GameLift publishes event notifications to and the Event data that is added to all events created by this queue.


The Tags table displays the keys and values used to tag the resource. For more information about tagging, see Tagging AWS resources.


The Metrics tab shows a graphical representation of queue metrics over time.

Queue metrics include a range of information describing placement activity across the queue, including successful placements organized by Region. You can use Region data to understand where you are hosting your games. Regional placement metrics can help to detect issues with the overall queue design.

Queue metrics are also available in Amazon CloudWatch. For descriptions of available metrics, see Amazon GameLift metrics for queues.


The Destinations tab shows all fleets or aliases listed for the queue.

When Amazon GameLift searches the destinations for available resources to host a new game session, it searches the default order listed here. As long as there is capacity on the first destination listed, Amazon GameLift places new game sessions there. You can have individual game session placement requests override the default order by providing player latency data. This data tells Amazon GameLift to search for an available destination with the lowest average player latency. For more information about designing your queues, see Design a game session queue.

Session placement

Player latency policies

The Player latency policies section shows all policies that the queue uses. The tables lists the policies in the order they're enforced.


The Locations section shows the locations that this queue can put a game session in.


The Priority section shows the order that the queue evaluates a game sessions details.

Location order

The Location order section shows the default order that the queue uses when placing game sessions. The queue uses this order if you haven't defined other types of priority.