Plugin for Unity: Set up local testing with Amazon GameLift Anywhere
In this workflow, you add client and server game code for Amazon GameLift functionality and use the plugin to designate your local workstation as a test game server host. When you've completed integration tasks, use the plugin to build your game client and server components.
To start the Amazon GameLift Anywhere workflow:
In the Unity editor main menu, choose Amazon GameLift and select Host with Anywhere. This action opens the plugin page for setting up your game with an @Anywhere fleet. The page presents a five-step process to integrate, build, and launch your game components.
Set your profile
Choose the profile you want to use when following this workflow. The profile you select impacts all steps in the workflow. All resources you create are associated with the profile’s AWS account and are placed in the profile’s default AWS Region. The profile user’s permissions determine your access to AWS resources and actions.
Select a profile from the dropdown list of available profiles. If you don’t have a profile yet or want to create a new one, go to the Amazon GameLift menu and choose Set AWS Account Profiles.
If bootstrap status is not “Active“, choose Bootstrap profile and wait for the status to change to “Active“.
Integrate your game with Amazon GameLift
If you imported the sample game, you can skip this step. The sample game assets already have the necessary server and client code in place.
For this step in the workflow, you make updates to the client and server code in your game project.
* Game servers must be able to communicate with the Amazon GameLift service to receive prompts to start a game session, provide game session connection information, and report status.
Game clients must be able to get information about game sessions, join or start game sessions, and get connection information to join a game.
Integrate your server code
If you’re using your own game project with custom scenes, use provided sample code to add required server code to your game project:
In your game project files, open the
folder. If it doesn’t exist, create it. -
Go to the GitHub repo aws/amazon-gamelift-plugin-unity
and open the path Samples~/SampleGame/Assets/Scripts/Server
. Locate the file
and copy it into your game project’sServer
folder. When you build a server executable, use this file as the build target.
The sample code includes these minimum required elements, which use Amazon GameLift C# server SDK (version 5):
Initializes an Amazon GameLift API client. The
call with server parameters is required for an Amazon GameLift Anywhere fleet. These settings are automatically set for use in the plugin.Implements required callback functions to respond to requests from the Amazon GameLift service, including
, andonHealthCheck
with a designated port to notify the Amazon GameLift service when the server process is ready to host game sessions.
If you want to customize the sample server code, see these resources:
Integrate your client code
If you’re using your own game project with custom scenes, then you need to integrate basic functionality into your game client. You also need to add UI elements so that players can sign in and join a game session. Use the Amazon GameLift service APIs (in the AWS SDK) to get game session information, create new game sessions, or join existing game sessions,
When building a client for local testing with an Anywhere fleet, you can add direct calls to the Amazon GameLift service. When you develop your game for cloud hosting—or if you plan to use Anywhere fleets for production hosting—you’ll need to create a client-side backend service to handle all communication between game clients and the Amazon GameLift service.
To integrate Amazon GameLift into your client code, use the following resources as a guide.
Integrate the client with the GameLiftCoreApi class in the GitHub repo aws/amazon-gamelift-plugin-unity. This class provides controls for player authentication and for retrieving game session information.
View sample game integrations, available in the GitHub repo aws/amazon-gamelift-plugin-unity,
. -
Follow instructions in Add Amazon GameLift to your Unity game client.
For game clients connecting to an Anywhere fleet, your game client needs the following information. The plugin automatically updates your game project to use the resources that your create in the plugin.
FleetId - The unique identifier for your Anywhere fleet.
FleetLocation - The custom location of your Anywhere fleet.
AwsRegion - The AWS region where your Anywhere fleet is hosted. This is the region you set in your user profile.
ProfileName - An AWS credentials profile on your local machine that allows access to the AWS SDK for GameLift. The game client uses these credentials to authenticate requests to the Amazon GameLift service.
The credentials profile is generated by the plugin and stored on the local machine. As a result, you must run the client on the local machine (or on a machine with the same profile).
Connect to an Anywhere fleet
In this step, you designate an Anywhere fleet to use. An Anywhere fleet defines a collection of compute resources, which can be located anywhere, for game server hosting.
If the AWS account you’re currently using has existing Anywhere fleets, open the Fleet name dropdown field and choose a fleet. This dropdown only shows the Anywhere fleets in the AWS Region for the currently active user profile.
If there are no existing fleets—or you want to create a new one, choose Create new Anywhere fleet and provide a fleet name.
After you’ve chosen an Anywhere fleet for your project, Amazon GameLift verifies that fleet status is active and displays the fleet ID. You can track progress of this request in the Unity editor’s output log.
Register a compute
In this step, you register your local workstation as a compute resource in the new Anywhere fleet.
Enter a compute name for your local machine. If you add more than one compute in the fleet, the names must be unique.
Choose Register compute. You can track progress of this request in the Unity editor’s output log.
The plugin registers your local workstation with the IP address set to localhost ( This setting assumes that you’ll run your game client and server on the same machine.
In response to this action, Amazon GameLift verifies that it can connect to the compute and returns information about the newly registered compute.
Launch game
In this step you build your game components and launch them to play the game. Complete the following tasks:
Configure your game client. In this step, you prompt the plugin to update a
asset for your game project. The plugin uses this asset to store certain information that your game client needs to connect to the Amazon GameLift service.-
If you didn’t import and initialize the sample game, create a new
asset. In the Unity editor main menu, choose Assets, Create, GameLift, Client Settings. If you create multiple copies of GameLiftClientSettings in your project, the plugin automatically detects this and notifies you which asset the plugin will update. -
In Launch Game, choose Configure Client: Apply Anywhere Settings. This action updates your game client settings to use the Anywhere fleet that you just set up.
Build and run your game client.
Build a client executable using the standard Unity build process. In File, Build Settings, switch the platform to Windows, Mac, Linux. If you imported the sample game and initialized the settings, the build list and build target are automatically updated.
Launch one or more instances of the newly built game client executable.
Launch a game server in your Anywhere fleet. Choose Server: Launch Server in Editor. This task starts a live server that your client can connect to as long as the Unity editor remains open.
Start or join a game session. In your game client instances, use the UI to join each client to a game session. How you do this depends on how you added functionality to the client.
If you're using the sample game client, it has the following characteristics:
A player login component. When connecting to a game server on an Anywhere fleet, there is no player validation. You can enter any values to join the game session.
A simple join game UI. When a client attempts to join a game, the client automatically looks for an active game session with an available player slot. If no game session is available, the client requests a new game session. If a game session is available, the client requests to join the available game session. When testing your game with multiple concurrent clients, the first client starts the game session, and the remaining clients automatically join the existing game session.
Game sessions with four player slots. You can launch up to four game client instances concurrently and they will join the same game session.
Launch from a server executable (optional)
You can build and launch your game server executable for testing on an Anywhere fleet.
Build a server executable using the standard Unity build process. In File, Build Settings, switch the platform to Dedicated Server and build.
Get a short-term authentication token by calling the AWS CLI command get-compute-auth-token with your Anywhere fleet ID and AWS Region. The fleet ID is displayed in Connect to an Anywhere Fleet when you create the fleet. The AWS Region is displayed in Set Your Profile when you select your active profile.
aws gamelift get-compute-auth-token --fleet-id [your anywhere fleet ID] --region [your AWS region]
Launch the newly built game server executable from a command line and pass in a valid auth token.
my_project.exe --authToken [token]