To set up streaming with Amazon GameLift Streams, first you upload the game or other application that you want to stream, then you configure an application resource within Amazon GameLift Streams to define metadata about your game. An Amazon GameLift Streams application consists of the files you uploaded (executable and any supporting files) and a configuration that instructs Amazon GameLift Streams what executable to run when streaming.
Each Amazon GameLift Streams application represents a single version of your content. If you have multiple versions, you must create a separate application for each version. After you create an application, you cannot update the files. If you need to update the executable or any supporting files, you must create a new Amazon GameLift Streams application.
Before you upload
Before you create an Amazon GameLift Streams application, verify that your game adheres to the following limitations.
Name | Default | Adjustable | Description |
Files per application | 30,000 files | No* | The maximum number of files that you can have in an application, in this account. |
Single file size | 80 GiB | No | The maximum size of a single file in an application. Note that a gibibyte (GiB) equals 1024*1024*1024 bytes. |
Application size | 100 GiB | No* | The maximum total size of an Amazon GameLift Streams application, in this account. Note that a gibibyte (GiB) equals 1024*1024*1024 bytes. |
*To request an increase, reach out to your AWS Account Manager.
To save yourself time and effort, verify that the files you are ready to upload are the correct version of your application. While you can upload new versions later, you will need to repeat the Create an application and Create a stream group steps for each version.
Upload your application to an Amazon S3 bucket
Now that you have prepared your game for Amazon GameLift Streams, it's time to upload it to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket in your AWS account.
The Amazon S3 storage class that Amazon GameLift Streams requires is the default S3 Standard. Other storage classes like S3 Glacier or objects being moved to Infrequent Access or Archive Access by S3 Intelligent-Tiering are not supported by Amazon GameLift Streams.
To optimize storage cost, you can delete the application from your S3 bucket after you complete Create an application and the application is in Ready status.
To upload your application to Amazon S3
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at
. Create an Amazon S3 bucket. Enter a bucket name and select an AWS Region. This region must be the same as the application and stream group that you will create later. See AWS Regions and remote locations supported by Amazon GameLift Streams for a list of AWS Regions where Amazon GameLift Streams is available. For the remaining fields, keep the default settings.
For more instructions, refer to Creating a bucket in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
Open the new bucket and upload the folder with your application files.
You must upload your application files as an uncompressed folder. Don't upload a
Create an application
An Amazon GameLift Streams application is a resource that contains the game or other software you want to stream and the settings to run it. When you create an application, you provide the path to the application files you uploaded in your Amazon S3 bucket.
Amazon GameLift Streams does not auto-sync your game files from the Amazon S3 bucket you created. If you want to update your game files, you must create a new Amazon GameLift Streams application.
To create an Amazon GameLift Streams application using the Amazon GameLift Streams console
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon GameLift Streams console
. Choose the same AWS Region as the Amazon S3 bucket where you uploaded your set of files. For more information, refer to Choosing a Region in the AWS Management Console Getting Started Guide. -
In the navigation bar, choose Applications and then choose Create application.
In Runtime settings, enter the following:
Runtime environment
This is the runtime environment to run your application on. Amazon GameLift Streams can run on either Windows, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, or Proton
. You cannot edit this field after the creation workflow.
Choose from one of the following runtime environments.
For Linux applications:
Ubuntu 22.04 (
For Windows applications:
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Base (
) -
Proton 8.0-5 (
PROTON, 20241007
) -
Proton 8.0-2c (
PROTON, 20230704
Review the descriptions and use the comparison checklist to help you select the optimal runtime environment for your application.
In General settings, enter the following:
This is a human-readable label for your application. This value does not have to be unique. For best practice, use a meaningful description, name, or label for the application. You can edit this field at any time.
Base path
This is the Amazon S3 URI to your application's root folder in the Amazon S3 bucket. The folder should contain your build executable and any supporting files.
A valid URI is the bucket prefix that contains all the files needed to run and stream the application. For example, a bucket called
contains three complete versions of the game build files, each in a separate folder. You want to stream the build in the foldermygamebuild-EN101
. In this example, the URI iss3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/mygamebuild-EN101
.You cannot edit this field after the creation workflow.
Executable launch path
This is the Amazon S3 URI to the executable file that Amazon GameLift Streams will stream. The file must be contained within the application's root folder.
You cannot edit this field after the creation workflow.
(Optional) In Application log path, enter the following:
Application log path
This is the path (or paths) to the application folder or file which contains logs that you want to save. Specify each log path relative to your application base path. If you use this feature, then at the end of every stream session, Amazon GameLift Streams will copy the file(s) that you specify to the Amazon S3 bucket that you name. The copy operation is not performed recursively in an application folder's subfolders.
You can edit this field at any time.
Application log output
This is the URI to the Amazon S3 bucket where Amazon GameLift Streams will copy application log files. This field is required if you specify an application log path.
You can edit this field at any time.
To save log files on your behalf, Amazon GameLift Streams must be given permission to your S3 bucket for saving. If you let Amazon GameLift Streams create the bucket for logging, the permission policy will be applied automatically upon creation. If you provide your own bucket, you will need to apply the permission policy, yourself.
Bucket permission policy template
Copy the following policy code and apply it to the bucket that you want to use for application logs. Be sure to replace amzn-s3-demo-bucket with the name of your existing S3 bucket.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PutPolicy", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": "s3:PutObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket/*" } ] }
(Optional) In Tags, assign tags to this application.
Tags are labels that can help you organize your AWS resources. For more information, refer to Tagging your AWS resources.
For example to track application versions, use a tag such as
application-version : my-game-1121
. -
Choose Create application.
Amazon GameLift Streams takes a few minutes to prepare your application. During this time, the new application is in Processing status. When your application is in Ready status, you can go to the next step, Create a stream group.
If the request returns an error, or if the application is created but placed in an Error status, make sure that you're working with user credentials that include access to both Amazon S3 and Amazon GameLift Streams.
When an application is in Ready status, Amazon GameLift Streams has successfully copied your application files to its private Amazon S3 bucket. You can delete your original application files without affecting your new application. This also helps you optimize on storage cost. For more information, see Delete an application.
Edit an application
You can update the settings for any application in Ready status. If you make changes to an existing application, these changes impact the streaming behavior for both new and existing stream groups.
To edit an application in the Amazon GameLift Streams console
In the navigation bar, choose Applications to view a list of your existing applications. Choose the application you want to edit.
In the application details page, locate the section that contains the settings you want to change and choose Edit or Manage tags accordingly.
You can change the following settings:
- Description
This is a human-readable label for your application. This value does not have to be unique. For best practice, use a meaningful description, name, or label for the application. You can edit this field at any time.
- Application log path
This is the path (or paths) to the application folder or file which contains logs that you want to save. Specify each log path relative to your application base path. If you use this feature, then at the end of every stream session, Amazon GameLift Streams will copy the file(s) that you specify to the Amazon S3 bucket that you name. The copy operation is not performed recursively in an application folder's subfolders.
You can edit this field at any time.
- Application log output
This is the URI to the Amazon S3 bucket where Amazon GameLift Streams will copy application log files. This field is required if you specify an application log path.
You can edit this field at any time.
To save log files on your behalf, Amazon GameLift Streams must be given permission to your S3 bucket for saving. If you let Amazon GameLift Streams create the bucket for logging, the permission policy will be applied automatically upon creation. If you provide your own bucket, you will need to apply the permission policy, yourself.
- Tags
Tags are labels that can help you organize your AWS resources. For more information, refer to Tagging your AWS resources.
For example to track application versions, use a tag such as
application-version : my-game-1121
Choose Save changes. The Amazon GameLift Streams console returns to the application details page, displaying the updated settings.
Delete an application
Delete an application if you no longer need it. This action permanently deletes the application, including the application content files stored with Amazon GameLift Streams. However, this does not delete the original files that you uploaded to your Amazon S3 bucket; you can delete these any time after Amazon GameLift Streams creates an application, which is the only time Amazon GameLift Streams accesses your Amazon S3 bucket.
You can only delete an application that meets the following conditions:
The application is in the Ready or Error state.
The application is not the default application of any stream groups. You must first delete the stream group by using the Amazon GameLift Streams console, or by using
in the Amazon GameLift Streams API. -
The application is not linked to any stream groups. You must first unlink the stream group by using the Amazon GameLift Streams console, or by using
in the Amazon GameLift Streams API. -
An application is not streaming in any ongoing stream session. You must wait until the client ends the stream session or call
in the Amazon GameLift Streams API to end the stream.
To delete an application using the Amazon GameLift Streams console
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon GameLift Streams console
. -
In the navigation bar, choose Applications to view a list of your existing applications. Choose the application you want to delete.
In the application detail page, choose Delete.
In the Delete dialog box, confirm the delete action.
Amazon GameLift Streams begins deleting the application. During this time, the application is in Deleting
status. After Amazon GameLift Streams deletes
the application, you can no longer retrieve it.
Linked stream groups
If you want to stream multiple application by using the same pool of compute resources, you can link multiple applications to the same stream group. Similarly, if you want to stream an application by using different sets of compute resources, you can link an application to multiple stream groups.
For more information about linking applications to stream groups, refer to Overview of multi-application stream groups.