During a stream session, your application generates output files, which can help you debug or verify your application. The files can be logs, diagnostic information, crash dumps, save files, user data, screenshots, and so on. The files can be defined by the engine or frameworks that your application uses, or information that you've programmed your application to output.
Before you export files, be aware of the following things:
Files may contain sensitive information written by your application, including credentials information.
File sizes may be large depending on your application size, which impacts your Amazon S3 storage cost.
If you select an Amazon S3 bucket in an AWS Region that differs from the Region of the stream group, then the exported stream session files will move across regions.
How it works
You must manually invoke this operation on an active stream session to export the files generated during that session. The stream
session must be active, specifically in one of the following statuses ACTIVE
. At the end of the session, Amazon GameLift Streams exports the files to
your bucket in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Thus, all exported data is within your ownership and is subject to the Amazon S3 bucket's permissions policy.
Here's a walkthrough of the stream session lifecycle with export files activated:
Amazon GameLift Streams begins a session by connecting the user to your application that's running on the compute resource.
While your application streams, it creates or modifies files in the filesystem of the runtime environment.
When the session ends, Amazon GameLift Streams gets a copy of all the new or modified files in the filesystem and exports the files to your Amazon S3 bucket.
Amazon GameLift Streams collects the following generated and modified files. Find them in the corresponding folders in the .zip
: The folder where your application or game is stored. -
: The user's profile folder contains the user's personal settings, configurations, and data. -
: The system's temp folder contains temporary files and data that your application and the system creates. This can include cache files, log files, or intermediate processing data.
To delete the files, delete the object in the Amazon S3 bucket.
Cost impact
You incur a cost for having the files stored in Amazon S3. A stream session might generate a large amount of data depending on your application. Be aware that with many stream sessions that have this feature enabled, the cost can add up.
For more information, refer to Amazon S3 pricing
Export files (Console)
To enable export stream session files in the Amazon GameLift Streams console
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon GameLift Streams console
. -
In the navigation bar, choose Sessions to view a list of active and past stream sessions within the last 90 days.
In the Sessions tab, select an active stream session.
Choose Export files to enable the export files feature for that stream session.
In the Export stream sessions file dialog box, choose either Create a new S3 bucket or Select an existing S3 bucket. Follow the steps in the console to create or select an S3 object to store the exported data into.
If the ZIP file name matches an existing one in the directory, the previous one will be overwritten.
Choose Confirm. You can now find the session listed in the Exported files tab.
Wait for the session to end and for the files to export.
Amazon GameLift Streams will export the files when the session is in Terminated state. You can check the session status in the Sessions tab.
You can also check the exported files status in the Session exports tab. If the status is Pending, the stream session is still active, so Amazon GameLift Streams hasn't exported the files yet. If the status is Succeeded, you can download the files from Amazon S3. If the status is Failed, hover over the status to see the status reason.
Export files (CLI)
You must configure the AWS Command Line Interface with your user credentials and your chosen AWS Region. See Download the AWS CLI.
To delete your stream group in the AWS CLI
In your AWS CLI, enter the following command. Replace the values with your own values:
aws gameliftstreams export-stream-session-files \ --identifier
\ --stream-session-identifierarn:aws:gameliftstreams:us-west-2:123456789012:streamsession/33gveJpz0/1a3uWe5W0
--ouput-uri s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/prefix
An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or an ID that uniquely identifies the stream group resource. Format example: ARN—
or ID—1AB2C3De4
. stream-session-identifier
An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or an ID that uniquely identifies the stream session resource. Format example: ARN—
or ID—1AB2C3De4
. output-uri
The Amazon S3 bucket URI where Amazon GameLift Streams uploads the set of compressed exported files for this stream session.
There are two valid formats that you can provide. If the URI has a
file extension, then Amazon GameLift Streams stores the exported files at the provided URI. Otherwise, Amazon GameLift Streams generates the name for a compressed folder and stores it at the URI. The generated name follows the pattern:date-time-applicationId-streamGroupId-streamSessionId
. For example:-
If you provide a URI called
, then Amazon GameLift Streams saves the files in that exact ZIP folder. -
If you provide a URI called
, then Amazon GameLift Streams will save the files ats3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/MyGame_Session1/YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS-applicationId-streamGroupId-sessionId.zip
Be sure that your ZIP file name complies with the Object key naming guidelines in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
If the ZIP file name matches an existing one in the directory, the previous one will be overwritten.
You can check on the status of the active session by invoking the GetStreamSession
API. From the stream session summary,
you can get details about the exported files status. If the status is Pending, then the stream session is still
active, so Amazon GameLift Streams hasn't exported the files yet. If the status is Succeeded, navigate to the output URI to see the
files in Amazon S3. If the status is Failed, check the StatusReason
in the ExportFilesMetaData