Example mission profile configurations - AWS Ground Station

Example mission profile configurations

The examples provided show how to take a public broadcast satellite and create a mission profile that supports it. The resulting templates are provided to help you take a public broadcast satellite contact and to help you make decisions about your satellites.

JPSS-1 - Public broadcast satellite (PBS) - Evaluation

This example section matches the Customer onboarding process overview. It provides a brief compatibility analysis with AWS Ground Station and sets the stage for the specific examples that follow.

As mentioned in the Public broadcast satellites section, you can utilize select satellites, or communication paths of a satellite, that are publicly available. In this section we describe JPSS-1 in the AWS Ground Station terms. For reference, we utilize the Joint Polar Satellite System 1 (JPSS-1) Spacecraft High Rate Data (HRD) to Direct Broadcast Stations (DBS) Radio Frequency (RF) Interface Control Document (ICD) to complete the example. Also, worth noting that JPSS-1 is associated to the NORAD ID 43013.

The JPSS-1 satellite offers one uplink and three direct downlink communication paths, as seen in Figure 1-1 of the ICD. Of these four communication paths, only the single High Rate Data (HRD) downlink communication path is available for public consumption. Based on this, you'll see this path will have much more specific data associated with it as well. The four paths are as follows:

  • Command path (uplink) at 2067.27 MHz center frequency with a data rate of 2-128 kbps. This path is not publicly accessible.

  • Telemetry path (downlink) at 2247.5 MHz center frequency with a data rate of 1-524 kbps. This path is not publicly accessible.

  • SMD path (downlink) at 26.7034 GHz center frequency with a data rate of 150-300 Mbps. This path is not publicly accessible.

  • The RF for the HRD path (downlink) at 7812 MHz center frequency with a data rate of 15 Mbps. It has a 30 MHz bandwidth, and is right-hand-circular-polarized. When you onboard JPSS-1 with AWS Ground Station, this is the communication path you get access to. This communication path contains instrument science data, instrument engineering data, instrument telemetry data, and real-time spacecraft housekeeping data.

As we compare the potential data paths, we see that the command (uplink), telemetry (downlink), and HRD (downlink) paths meet the frequency, bandwidth, and multi-channel concurrent use capabilities of AWS Ground Station. The SMD path is not compatible as the center frequency is out of range of the existing receivers. For more information about the supported capabilities, see AWS Ground Station Site Capabilities.


As the SMD path is not compatible with AWS Ground Station it will not be represented in the example configurations.


As the command (uplink) and telemetry (downlink) paths are not defined in the ICD, nor are they available for public use, the values provided when used are notional.