Public broadcast satellite utilizing Amazon S3 data delivery - AWS Ground Station

Public broadcast satellite utilizing Amazon S3 data delivery

This example builds off the analysis done in the JPSS-1 - Public broadcast satellite (PBS) - Evaluation section of the user guide.

For this example, you'll need to assume a scenario -- you want to capture the HRD communication path as digital intermediate frequency and store it for future batch processing. This saves off the raw radio frequency (RF) in-phase quadrature (I/Q) samples after it has been digitized. Once the data is in your Amazon S3 bucket, you can demodulate and decode the data using any software you desire. See the MathWorks Tutorial for a detailed example of processing. After using this example, you may consider adding Amazon EC2 spot pricing components to process the data and lower your overall processing costs.

Communication paths

This section represents Step 2: Plan your dataflow communication paths of getting started.

All of the following template snippets belong in the Resources section of the AWS CloudFormation template.

Resources: # Resources that you would like to create should be placed within the Resources section.

For more information about the contents of a AWS CloudFormation template, see Template sections.

Given our scenario to deliver a single communication path to Amazon S3, you know that you'll have a single asynchronous delivery path. Per the Asynchronous data delivery section, you must define a Amazon S3 bucket.

# The S3 bucket where AWS Ground Station will deliver the downlinked data. GroundStationS3DataDeliveryBucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket DeletionPolicy: Retain UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain Properties: # Results in a bucket name formatted like: aws-groundstation-data-{account id}-{region}-{random 8 character string} BucketName: !Join ["-", ["aws-groundstation-data", !Ref AWS::AccountId, !Ref AWS::Region, !Select [0, !Split ["-", !Select [2, !Split ["/", !Ref AWS::StackId]]]]]]

In addition, you will need to create the appropriate roles and policies in order to allow AWS Ground Station to use the bucket.

# The IAM role that AWS Ground Station will assume to have permission find and write # data to your S3 bucket. GroundStationS3DataDeliveryRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: - 'sts:AssumeRole' Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Condition: StringEquals: "aws:SourceAccount": !Ref AWS::AccountId ArnLike: "aws:SourceArn": !Sub "arn:aws:groundstation:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:config/s3-recording/*" # The S3 bucket policy that defines what actions AWS Ground Station can perform on your S3 bucket. GroundStationS3DataDeliveryBucketPolicy: Type: AWS::IAM::Policy Properties: PolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: - 's3:GetBucketLocation' Effect: Allow Resource: - !GetAtt GroundStationS3DataDeliveryBucket.Arn - Action: - 's3:PutObject' Effect: Allow Resource: - !Join [ "/", [ !GetAtt GroundStationS3DataDeliveryBucket.Arn, "*" ] ] PolicyName: GroundStationS3DataDeliveryPolicy Roles: - !Ref GroundStationS3DataDeliveryRole

AWS Ground Station configs

This section represents Step 3: Create configs of getting started.

You'll need a tracking-config to set your preference on using autotrack. Selecting PREFERRED as autotrack can improve the signal quality, but it isn't required to meet the signal quality due to sufficient JPSS-1 ephemeris quality.

TrackingConfig: Type: AWS::GroundStation::Config Properties: Name: "JPSS Tracking Config" ConfigData: TrackingConfig: Autotrack: "PREFERRED"

Based on the communication path, you'll need to define an antenna-downlink config to represent the satellite portion as well as an s3-recording to refer to the Amazon S3 bucket you just created.

# The AWS Ground Station Antenna Downlink Config that defines the frequency spectrum used to # downlink data from your satellite. JpssDownlinkDigIfAntennaConfig: Type: AWS::GroundStation::Config Properties: Name: "JPSS Downlink DigIF Antenna Config" ConfigData: AntennaDownlinkConfig: SpectrumConfig: Bandwidth: Units: "MHz" Value: 30 CenterFrequency: Units: "MHz" Value: 7812 Polarization: "RIGHT_HAND" # The AWS Ground Station S3 Recording Config that defines the S3 bucket and IAM role to use # when AWS Ground Station delivers the downlink data. S3RecordingConfig: Type: AWS::GroundStation::Config DependsOn: GroundStationS3DataDeliveryBucketPolicy Properties: Name: "JPSS S3 Recording Config" ConfigData: S3RecordingConfig: BucketArn: !GetAtt GroundStationS3DataDeliveryBucket.Arn RoleArn: !GetAtt GroundStationS3DataDeliveryRole.Arn

AWS Ground Station mission profile

This section represents Step 4: Create mission profile of getting started.

Now that you have the associated configs, you can use them to construct the dataflow. You'll use the defaults for the remaining parameters.

# The AWS Ground Station Mission Profile that groups the above configurations to define how to downlink data. JpssAsynchMissionProfile: Type: AWS::GroundStation::MissionProfile Properties: Name: "43013 JPSS Asynchronous Data" MinimumViableContactDurationSeconds: 180 TrackingConfigArn: !Ref TrackingConfig DataflowEdges: - Source: !Ref JpssDownlinkDigIfAntennaConfig Destination: !Ref S3RecordingConfig

Putting it together

With the above resources, you now have the ability to schedule JPSS-1 contacts for asynchronous data delivery from any of your onboarded AWS Ground Station AWS Ground Station Locations.

The following is a complete AWS CloudFormation template that includes all resources described in this section combined into a single template that can be directly used in AWS CloudFormation.

The AWS CloudFormation template named AquaSnppJpss-1TerraDigIfS3DataDelivery.yml contains an Amazon S3 bucket and the required AWS Ground Station resources to schedule contacts and receive VITA-49 Signal/IP direct broadcast data.

If Aqua, SNPP, JPSS-1/NOAA-20, and Terra are not onboarded to your account, see Step 1: Onboard satellite.


You can access the template by accessing the customer onboarding Amazon S3 bucket. The links below use a regional Amazon S3 bucket. Change the us-west-2 region code to represent the corresponding region of which you want to create the AWS CloudFormation stack in.

Additionally, the following instructions use YAML. However, the templates are available in both YAML and JSON format. To use JSON, replace the .yml file extension with .json when downloading the template.

To download the template using AWS CLI, use the following command:

aws s3 cp s3://groundstation-cloudformation-templates-us-west-2/AquaSnppJpss-1TerraDigIfS3DataDelivery.yml .

You can view and download the template in the console by navigating to the following URL in your browser:

You can specify the template directly in AWS CloudFormation using the following link: