Troubleshoot FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE contacts - AWS Ground Station

Troubleshoot FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE contacts

A contact will end in a FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE state when AWS Ground Station detects an issue either with your resource configuration or within the internal system. A contact that ends in a FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE state will optionally provide an errorMessage for additional context. For information about describing contacts, see the DescribeContact API.

The common use cases that can cause FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE contacts are provided below, along with steps to help troubleshoot.


This guide is specifically for the FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE contact status - and is not intended for other failure statuses, such as AWS_FAILED, AWS_CANCELLED, or FAILED. For more information on contact statuses, see AWS Ground Station contact statuses

The settings specified in your Antenna Downlink Demod Decode Config are not supported

The mission profile that was used to schedule this contact had an antenna-downlink-demod-decode config that was not valid.

Previously existing AntennaDownlinkDemodDecode config

  • If your antenna-downlink-demod-decode configs have recently been changed - roll back to a previously working version before attempting to schedule.

  • If this was an intentional change on an existing config, or a previously existing config that is no longer successfully scheduling - follow the next step on how to onboard a new AntennaDownlinkDemodDecode config.

Newly created AntennaDownlinkDemodDecode config

Contact AWS Ground Station directly to onboard your new config. Create a case with AWS Support including the contactId that ended in the FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE state

General Troubleshooting Steps

If the preceding troubleshooting steps did not resolve your issue:

  • Re-attempt scheduling the contact or schedule another contact using the same mission profile. For information about how to reserve a contact, see ReserveContact.

  • If you continue to receive a FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE status for this mission profile, contact AWS Support