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Viewing and configuring your user profile

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Viewing and configuring your user profile - Amazon CodeCatalyst
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This topic describes how to view your user profile if you signed in to CodeCatalyst with a AWS Builder ID. If you signed in as a user who is managed as part of SSO users and groups, see Administering spaces that support identity federation.

Your user profile displays your personal information, and is where you configure user-specific features like notifications.

In your user profile, you can view but not edit:

  • The alias you specified during signup.

  • The email address you used during signup.

  • The user identifier assigned to you during signup.

In your user profile, you can edit:

  • Your name.

  • Your nickname.

In your user profile, you can configure these features:

You provide information at signup that will be used as your credentials to log in to Amazon CodeCatalyst and that will be managed in your profile. This includes your Name, Nickname, and the Email address you use to sign in to CodeCatalyst.


The AWS Builder ID Nickname is not your CodeCatalyst alias. You selected your CodeCatalyst alias at signup.

To view and configure your user profile
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at https://codecatalyst.aws/.

  2. At the top right, choose the arrow next to the icon with your first initial, and then choose My settings. The CodeCatalyst My settings page opens.

  3. View your user alias and name information. For a user in a CodeCatalyst space that supports AWS Builder ID users, the label AWS Builder ID displays above the icon.

  4. View and configure features as required, such as your PATs, notifications, and personal connections.

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