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Convert JSON Oracle queries into PostgreSQL database SQL - AWS Prescriptive Guidance
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Convert JSON Oracle queries into PostgreSQL database SQL

Created by Pinesh Singal (AWS) and Lokesh Gurram (AWS)


This migration process for moving from on-premises to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud uses the AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) to convert the code from an Oracle database into a PostgreSQL database. Most of the code is automatically converted by AWS SCT. However, JSON-related Oracle queries are not automatically converted.

Starting from Oracle 12.2 version, Oracle Database supports various JSON functions that help in converting JSON-based data into ROW-based data. However, AWS SCT doesn’t automatically convert JSON-based data into language that is supported by PostgreSQL.

This migration pattern primarily focuses on manually converting the JSON-related Oracle queries with functions such as JSON_OBJECT, JSON_ARRAYAGG, and JSON_TABLE from an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL database.

Prerequisites and limitations


  • An active AWS account

  • An on-premises Oracle database instance (up and running)

  • An Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition database instance (up and running)


  • JSON-related queries require a fixed KEY and VALUE format. Not using that format returns the wrong result.

  • If any change in JSON structure adds new KEY and VALUE pairs in the result section, the corresponding procedure or function must be changed in the SQL query.

  • Some JSON-related functions are supported in earlier versions of Oracle and PostgreSQL but with fewer capabilities.

Product versions

  • Oracle Database version 12.2 and later

  • Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible version 9.5 and later

  • AWS SCT latest version (tested using version 1.0.664)


Source technology stack  

  • An Oracle database instance with version 19c

Target technology stack  

  • An Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible database instance with version 13

Target architecture 

Description follows the diagram.
  1. Use AWS SCT with the JSON function code to convert the source code from Oracle to PostgreSQL.

  2. The conversion produces PostgreSQL-supported migrated .sql files.

  3. Manually convert the non-converted Oracle JSON function codes to PostgreSQL JSON function codes.

  4. Run the .sql files on the target Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible DB instance.


AWS services

Other services

  • Oracle SQL Developer is an integrated development environment that simplifies the development and management of Oracle databases in both traditional and cloud-based deployments.

  • pgAdmin or DBeaver. pgAdmin is an open-source management tool for PostgreSQL. It provides a graphical interface that helps you create, maintain, and use database objects. DBeaver is a universal database tool.

Best practices

Oracle query has type CAST as the default when using the JSON_TABLE function. A best practice is to use CAST in PostgreSQL too, using double greater-than characters (>>).

For more information, see Postgres_SQL_Read_JSON in the Additional information section.


TaskDescriptionSkills required

Store the JSON data in the Oracle database.

Create a table in the Oracle database, and store the JSON data in the CLOB column.  Use the Oracle_Table_Creation_Insert_Script that’s in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer

Store the JSON data in the PostgreSQL database.

Create a table in the PostgreSQL database, and store the JSON data in the TEXT column. Use the Postgres_Table_Creation_Insert_Script that’s in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer

Generate the JSON data in the Oracle and PostgreSQL databases

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Store the JSON data in the Oracle database.

Create a table in the Oracle database, and store the JSON data in the CLOB column.  Use the Oracle_Table_Creation_Insert_Script that’s in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer

Store the JSON data in the PostgreSQL database.

Create a table in the PostgreSQL database, and store the JSON data in the TEXT column. Use the Postgres_Table_Creation_Insert_Script that’s in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Convert the JSON data on the Oracle database.

Write an Oracle SQL query to read the JSON data into ROW format. For more details and example syntax, see Oracle_SQL_Read_JSON in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer

Convert the JSON data on the PostgreSQL database.

Write a PostgreSQL query to read the JSON data into ROW format. For more details and example syntax, see Postgres_SQL_Read_JSON in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer

Convert the JSON into ROW format

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Convert the JSON data on the Oracle database.

Write an Oracle SQL query to read the JSON data into ROW format. For more details and example syntax, see Oracle_SQL_Read_JSON in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer

Convert the JSON data on the PostgreSQL database.

Write a PostgreSQL query to read the JSON data into ROW format. For more details and example syntax, see Postgres_SQL_Read_JSON in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Perform aggregations and validation on the Oracle SQL query.

To manually convert the JSON data, perform a join, aggregation, and validation on the Oracle SQL query, and report the output in JSON format. Use the code under Oracle_SQL_JSON_Aggregation_Join in the Additional information section.

  1. JOIN – The JSON-formatted data is passed as an input parameter to the query. An inner JOIN is made between this static data and the JSON data in the Oracle DB table aws_test_table.

  2. Aggregation with validation – The JSON data has KEY and VALUE parameters with values such as accountNumber, parentAccountNumber, businessUnitId and positionId, which are used for SUM and COUNT aggregations.

  3. JSON format – After the join and the aggregation, the data is reported in JSON format by using JSON_OBJECT and JSON_ARRAYAGG.

Migration engineer

Perform aggregations and validation on the Postgres SQL query.

To manually convert the JSON data, perform a join, aggregation, and validation on the PostgreSQL query, and report the output in JSON format. Use the code under Postgres_SQL_JSON_Aggregation_Join in the Additional information section.

  1. JOIN – The JSON-formatted data (tab1) is passed as an input parameter to the WITH clause query. A JOIN is made between this static data and the JSON data, which is in the tab table. A JOIN is also made with the WITH clause, which has JSON data in the aws_test_pg_table table.

  2. Aggregation – The JSON data has KEY and VALUE parameters with values such as accountNumber, parentAccountNumber, businessUnitId, and positionId, which are used for the SUM and COUNT aggregations.

  3. JSON format – After the join and the aggregation, the data is reported in JSON format by using JSON_BUILD_OBJECT and JSON_AGG.

Migration engineer

Manually convert the JSON data using the SQL query and report the output in JSON format

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Perform aggregations and validation on the Oracle SQL query.

To manually convert the JSON data, perform a join, aggregation, and validation on the Oracle SQL query, and report the output in JSON format. Use the code under Oracle_SQL_JSON_Aggregation_Join in the Additional information section.

  1. JOIN – The JSON-formatted data is passed as an input parameter to the query. An inner JOIN is made between this static data and the JSON data in the Oracle DB table aws_test_table.

  2. Aggregation with validation – The JSON data has KEY and VALUE parameters with values such as accountNumber, parentAccountNumber, businessUnitId and positionId, which are used for SUM and COUNT aggregations.

  3. JSON format – After the join and the aggregation, the data is reported in JSON format by using JSON_OBJECT and JSON_ARRAYAGG.

Migration engineer

Perform aggregations and validation on the Postgres SQL query.

To manually convert the JSON data, perform a join, aggregation, and validation on the PostgreSQL query, and report the output in JSON format. Use the code under Postgres_SQL_JSON_Aggregation_Join in the Additional information section.

  1. JOIN – The JSON-formatted data (tab1) is passed as an input parameter to the WITH clause query. A JOIN is made between this static data and the JSON data, which is in the tab table. A JOIN is also made with the WITH clause, which has JSON data in the aws_test_pg_table table.

  2. Aggregation – The JSON data has KEY and VALUE parameters with values such as accountNumber, parentAccountNumber, businessUnitId, and positionId, which are used for the SUM and COUNT aggregations.

  3. JSON format – After the join and the aggregation, the data is reported in JSON format by using JSON_BUILD_OBJECT and JSON_AGG.

Migration engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Convert the JSON queries in the Oracle procedure into rows.

For the example Oracle procedure, use the previous Oracle query and the code under  Oracle_procedure_with_JSON_Query in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer

Convert the PostgreSQL functions that have JSON queries into row-based data.

For the example PostgreSQL functions, use the previous PostgreSQL query and the code that’s under Postgres_function_with_JSON_Query in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer

Convert the Oracle procedure into a PostgreSQL function that contains JSON queries

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Convert the JSON queries in the Oracle procedure into rows.

For the example Oracle procedure, use the previous Oracle query and the code under  Oracle_procedure_with_JSON_Query in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer

Convert the PostgreSQL functions that have JSON queries into row-based data.

For the example PostgreSQL functions, use the previous PostgreSQL query and the code that’s under Postgres_function_with_JSON_Query in the Additional information section.

Migration engineer

Related resources

Additional information

To convert JSON code from the Oracle database to PostgreSQL database, use the following scripts, in order.

1. Oracle_Table_Creation_Insert_Script

create table aws_test_table(id number,created_on date default sysdate,modified_on date,json_doc clob); REM INSERTING into EXPORT_TABLE SET DEFINE OFF; Insert into aws_test_table (ID,CREATED_ON,MODIFIED_ON,json_doc) values (1,to_date('02-AUG-2022 12:30:14','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('02-AUG-2022 12:30:14','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),TO_CLOB(q'[{   "metadata" : {     "upperLastNameFirstName" : "ABC XYZ",     "upperEmailAddress" : "abc@gmail.com",     "profileType" : "P"   },   "data" : {     "onlineContactId" : "032323323",     "displayName" : "Abc, Xyz",     "firstName" : "Xyz",     "lastName" : "Abc",     "emailAddress" : "abc@gmail.com",     "productRegistrationStatus" : "Not registered",     "positionId" : "0100",     "arrayPattern" : " -'",     "a]') || TO_CLOB(q'[ccount" : {       "companyId" : "SMGE",       "businessUnitId" : 7,       "accountNumber" : 42000,       "parentAccountNumber" : 32000,       "firstName" : "john",       "lastName" : "doe",       "street1" : "retOdertcaShr ",       "city" : "new york",       "postalcode" : "XY ABC",       "country" : "United States"     },     "products" : [       {         "appUserGuid" : "i0acc4450000001823fbad478e2eab8a0",         "id" : "0000000046", ]') || TO_CLOB(q'[        "name" : "ProView",         "domain" : "EREADER",         "registrationStatus" : false,         "status" : "11"       }     ]   } }]')); Insert into aws_test_table (ID,CREATED_ON,MODIFIED_ON,json_doc) values (2,to_date('02-AUG-2022 12:30:14','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('02-AUG-2022 12:30:14','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),TO_CLOB(q'[{   "metadata" : {     "upperLastNameFirstName" : "PQR XYZ",     "upperEmailAddress" : "pqr@gmail.com",     "profileType" : "P"   },   "data" : {     "onlineContactId" : "54534343",     "displayName" : "Xyz, pqr",     "firstName" : "pqr",     "lastName" : "Xyz",     "emailAddress" : "pqr@gmail.com",     "productRegistrationStatus" : "Not registered",     "positionId" : "0090",     "arrayPattern" : " -'",     "account" : {       "companyId" : "CARS",       "busin]') || TO_CLOB(q'[essUnitId" : 6,       "accountNumber" : 42001,       "parentAccountNumber" : 32001,       "firstName" : "terry",       "lastName" : "whitlock",       "street1" : "UO  123",       "city" : "TOTORON",       "region" : "NO",       "postalcode" : "LKM 111",       "country" : "Canada"     },     "products" : [       {         "appUserGuid" : "ia744d7790000016899f8cf3f417d6df6",         "id" : "0000000014",         "name" : "ProView eLooseleaf",       ]') || TO_CLOB(q'[  "domain" : "EREADER",         "registrationStatus" : false,         "status" : "11"       }     ]   } }]')); commit;

2. Postgres_Table_Creation_Insert_Script

create table aws_test_pg_table(id int,created_on date ,modified_on date,json_doc text); insert into aws_test_pg_table(id,created_on,modified_on,json_doc) values(1,now(),now(),'{   "metadata" : {     "upperLastNameFirstName" : "ABC XYZ",     "upperEmailAddress" : "abc@gmail.com",     "profileType" : "P"   },   "data" : {     "onlineContactId" : "032323323",     "displayName" : "Abc, Xyz",     "firstName" : "Xyz",     "lastName" : "Abc",     "emailAddress" : "abc@gmail.com",     "productRegistrationStatus" : "Not registered",     "positionId" : "0100",     "arrayPattern" : " -",     "account" : {       "companyId" : "SMGE",       "businessUnitId" : 7,       "accountNumber" : 42000,       "parentAccountNumber" : 32000,       "firstName" : "john",       "lastName" : "doe",       "street1" : "retOdertcaShr ",       "city" : "new york",       "postalcode" : "XY ABC",       "country" : "United States"     },     "products" : [       {         "appUserGuid" : "i0acc4450000001823fbad478e2eab8a0",         "id" : "0000000046",         "name" : "ProView",         "domain" : "EREADER",         "registrationStatus" : false,         "status" : "11"       }     ]   } }'); insert into aws_test_pg_table(id,created_on,modified_on,json_doc) values(2,now(),now(),'{   "metadata" : {     "upperLastNameFirstName" : "PQR XYZ",     "upperEmailAddress" : "pqr@gmail.com",     "profileType" : "P"   },   "data" : {     "onlineContactId" : "54534343",     "displayName" : "Xyz, pqr",     "firstName" : "pqr",     "lastName" : "Xyz",     "emailAddress" : "a*b**@h**.k**",     "productRegistrationStatus" : "Not registered",     "positionId" : "0090",     "arrayPattern" : " -",     "account" : {       "companyId" : "CARS",       "businessUnitId" : 6,       "accountNumber" : 42001,       "parentAccountNumber" : 32001,       "firstName" : "terry",       "lastName" : "whitlock",       "street1" : "UO  123",       "city" : "TOTORON",       "region" : "NO",       "postalcode" : "LKM 111",       "country" : "Canada"     },     "products" : [       {         "appUserGuid" : "ia744d7790000016899f8cf3f417d6df6",         "id" : "0000000014",         "name" : "ProView eLooseleaf",         "domain" : "EREADER",         "registrationStatus" : false,         "status" : "11"       }     ]   } }');

3. Oracle_SQL_Read_JSON

The following code blocks show how to convert Oracle JSON data into row format.

Example query and syntax

SELECT  JSON_OBJECT( 'accountCounts' VALUE JSON_ARRAYAGG(              JSON_OBJECT(                  'businessUnitId' VALUE business_unit_id,                          'parentAccountNumber' VALUE parent_account_number,                          'accountNumber' VALUE account_number,                          'totalOnlineContactsCount' VALUE online_contacts_count,                          'countByPosition' VALUE                      JSON_OBJECT(                          'taxProfessionalCount' VALUE tax_count,                          'attorneyCount' VALUE attorney_count,                         'nonAttorneyCount' VALUE non_attorney_count,                          'clerkCount' VALUE clerk_count                                ) ) ) ) FROM      (SELECT   tab_data.business_unit_id,              tab_data.parent_account_number,              tab_data.account_number,              SUM(1) online_contacts_count,              SUM(CASE WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0095' THEN  1 ELSE 0 END) tax_count,              SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0100' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) attorney_count,           SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0090' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) non_attorney_count,                                                   SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0050' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) clerk_count         FROM aws_test_table scco,JSON_TABLE ( json_doc, '$' ERROR ON ERROR         COLUMNS (            parent_account_number NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.parentAccountNumber',             account_number NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.accountNumber',             business_unit_id NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.businessUnitId',             position_id VARCHAR2 ( 4 ) PATH '$.data.positionId'    )             ) AS tab_data              INNER JOIN JSON_TABLE ( '{          "accounts": [{            "accountNumber": 42000,            "parentAccountNumber": 32000,            "businessUnitId": 7          }, {            "accountNumber": 42001,            "parentAccountNumber": 32001,            "businessUnitId": 6          }]  }', '$.accounts[*]' ERROR ON ERROR       COLUMNS (       parent_account_number PATH '$.parentAccountNumber',       account_number PATH '$.accountNumber',       business_unit_id PATH '$.businessUnitId')       ) static_data        ON ( static_data.parent_account_number = tab_data.parent_account_number             AND static_data.account_number = tab_data.account_number              AND static_data.business_unit_id = tab_data.business_unit_id )         GROUP BY              tab_data.business_unit_id,              tab_data.parent_account_number,              tab_data.account_number );

The JSON document stores the data as collections. Each collection can have KEY and VALUE pairs. Every VALUE can have nested KEY and VALUE pairs. The following table provides information about reading the specific VALUE from the JSON document.


HIERARCHY or PATH to be used to get the VALUE



metadata -> profileType



data -> positionId



data -> account -> accountNumber


In the previous table, the KEY profileType is a VALUE of the metadata KEY. The KEY positionId is a VALUE of the data KEY. The KEY accountNumber is a VALUE of the account KEY, and the account KEY is a VALUE of the data KEY.

Example JSON document

{   "metadata" : {     "upperLastNameFirstName" : "ABC XYZ",     "upperEmailAddress" : "abc@gmail.com", "profileType" : "P"   },   "data" : {     "onlineContactId" : "032323323",     "displayName" : "Abc, Xyz",     "firstName" : "Xyz",     "lastName" : "Abc",     "emailAddress" : "abc@gmail.com",     "productRegistrationStatus" : "Not registered", "positionId" : "0100",     "arrayPattern" : " -",     "account" : {       "companyId" : "SMGE",       "businessUnitId" : 7, "accountNumber" : 42000,       "parentAccountNumber" : 32000,       "firstName" : "john",       "lastName" : "doe",       "street1" : "retOdertcaShr ",       "city" : "new york",       "postalcode" : "XY ABC",       "country" : "United States"     },     "products" : [       {         "appUserGuid" : "i0acc4450000001823fbad478e2eab8a0",         "id" : "0000000046",         "name" : "ProView",         "domain" : "EREADER",         "registrationStatus" : false,         "status" : "11"       }     ]   } }

SQL query that is used to get the selected fields from the JSON document

select parent_account_number,account_number,business_unit_id,position_id from aws_test_table aws,JSON_TABLE ( json_doc, '$' ERROR ON ERROR COLUMNS ( parent_account_number NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.parentAccountNumber', account_number NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.accountNumber', business_unit_id NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.businessUnitId', position_id VARCHAR2 ( 4 ) PATH '$.data.positionId' )) as sc

In the previous query, JSON_TABLE is a built-in function in Oracle that converts the JSON data into row format. The JSON_TABLE function expects parameters in JSON format.

Every item in COLUMNS has a predefined PATH, and there an appropriate VALUE for a given KEY is returned in row format.

Result from the previous query













4. Postgres_SQL_Read_JSON

Example query and syntax

select * from (  select (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'parentAccountNumber')::INTEGER as parentAccountNumber,  (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'accountNumber')::INTEGER as accountNumber,  (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'businessUnitId')::INTEGER as businessUnitId,  (json_doc::json->'data'->>'positionId')::VARCHAR as positionId  from aws_test_pg_table) d ;

In Oracle, PATH is used to identify the specific KEY and VALUE. However, PostgreSQL uses a HIERARCHY model for reading KEY and VALUE from JSON. The same JSON data mentioned under Oracle_SQL_Read_JSON is used in the following examples.

SQL query with type CAST not allowed

(If you force type CAST, the query fails with a syntax error.)

select * from ( select (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->'parentAccountNumber') as parentAccountNumber, (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->'accountNumber')as accountNumber, (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->'businessUnitId') as businessUnitId, (json_doc::json->'data'->'positionId')as positionId from aws_test_pg_table) d ;

Using a single greater-than operator (>) will return the VALUE defined for that KEY. For example, KEY: positionId, and VALUE: "0100".

Type CAST is not allowed when you use the single greater-than operator (>).

SQL query with type CAST allowed

select * from (  select (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'parentAccountNumber')::INTEGER as parentAccountNumber,  (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'accountNumber')::INTEGER as accountNumber,  (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'businessUnitId')::INTEGER as businessUnitId,  (json_doc::json->'data'->>'positionId')::varchar as positionId  from aws_test_pg_table) d ;

To use type CAST, you must use the double greater-than operator. If you use the single greater-than operator, the query returns the VALUE defined (for example, KEY: positionId, and VALUE: "0100"). Using the double greater-than operator (>>) will return the actual value defined for that KEY (for example, KEY: positionId, and VALUE: 0100, without double quotation marks).

In the preceding case, parentAccountNumber is type CAST to INT, accountNumber is type CAST to INT, businessUnitId is type CAST to INT, and positionId is type CAST to VARCHAR.

The following tables show query results that explain role of the single greater-than operator (>) and the double greater-than operator (>>).

In the first table table, the query uses the single greater-than operator (>). Each column is in JSON type and can’t be converted into another data type.

















In the second table, the query uses the double greater-than operator (>>). Each column supports type CAST based on the column value. For example, INTEGER in this context.

















5. Oracle_SQL_JSON_Aggregation_Join

Example query

SELECT    JSON_OBJECT(         'accountCounts' VALUE JSON_ARRAYAGG(              JSON_OBJECT(                  'businessUnitId' VALUE business_unit_id,                          'parentAccountNumber' VALUE parent_account_number,                          'accountNumber' VALUE account_number,                          'totalOnlineContactsCount' VALUE online_contacts_count,                          'countByPosition' VALUE                      JSON_OBJECT(                          'taxProfessionalCount' VALUE tax_count,                          'attorneyCount' VALUE attorney_count,                          'nonAttorneyCount' VALUE non_attorney_count,                          'clerkCount' VALUE clerk_count                                ) ) ) )  FROM      (SELECT              tab_data.business_unit_id,              tab_data.parent_account_number,              tab_data.account_number,              SUM(1) online_contacts_count,              SUM(CASE WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0095' THEN  1 ELSE 0 END) tax_count,              SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0100' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) attorney_count,                                                                    SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0090' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) non_attorney_count,                                                                SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0050' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) clerk_count                                                                    FROM aws_test_table scco,JSON_TABLE ( json_doc, '$' ERROR ON ERROR         COLUMNS (            parent_account_number NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.parentAccountNumber',             account_number NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.accountNumber',             business_unit_id NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.businessUnitId',             position_id VARCHAR2 ( 4 ) PATH '$.data.positionId'    )             ) AS tab_data              INNER JOIN JSON_TABLE ( '{          "accounts": [{            "accountNumber": 42000,            "parentAccountNumber": 32000,            "businessUnitId": 7          }, {            "accountNumber": 42001,            "parentAccountNumber": 32001,            "businessUnitId": 6          }]  }', '$.accounts[*]' ERROR ON ERROR           COLUMNS (       parent_account_number PATH '$.parentAccountNumber',       account_number PATH '$.accountNumber',       business_unit_id PATH '$.businessUnitId')       ) static_data        ON ( static_data.parent_account_number = tab_data.parent_account_number             AND static_data.account_number = tab_data.account_number                            AND static_data.business_unit_id = tab_data.business_unit_id )         GROUP BY              tab_data.business_unit_id,              tab_data.parent_account_number,              tab_data.account_number  );

To convert the row-level data into JSON format, Oracle has built-in functions such as JSON_OBJECT, JSON_ARRAY, JSON_OBJECTAGG, and JSON_ARRAYAGG.

  • JSON_OBJECT accepts two parameters: KEY and VALUE. The  KEY parameter should be hardcoded or static in nature. The VALUE parameter is derived from table output.

  • JSON_ARRAYAGG accepts JSON_OBJECT as a parameter. This helps in grouping the set of JSON_OBJECT elements as a list. For example, if you have a JSON_OBJECT element that has multiple records (multiple KEY and VALUE pairs in the dataset), JSON_ARRAYAGG appends the dataset and creates a list. According to the Data Structure language, LIST is group of elements. In this context, LIST is a group of JSON_OBJECT elements.

The following example shows one JSON_OBJECT element.

{   "taxProfessionalCount": 0,   "attorneyCount": 0,   "nonAttorneyCount": 1,   "clerkCount": 0 }

This next example shows two JSON_OBJECT elements, with LIST indicated by square braces ([ ]).

[     {         "taxProfessionalCount": 0,         "attorneyCount": 0,         "nonAttorneyCount": 1,         "clerkCount": 0       } ,     {         "taxProfessionalCount": 2,         "attorneyCount": 1,         "nonAttorneyCount": 3,         "clerkCount":4       } ]

Example SQL query

SELECT      JSON_OBJECT(          'accountCounts' VALUE JSON_ARRAYAGG(              JSON_OBJECT(                  'businessUnitId' VALUE business_unit_id,                          'parentAccountNumber' VALUE parent_account_number,                          'accountNumber' VALUE account_number,                          'totalOnlineContactsCount' VALUE online_contacts_count,                          'countByPosition' VALUE                      JSON_OBJECT(                          'taxProfessionalCount' VALUE tax_count,                          'attorneyCount' VALUE attorney_count,                          'nonAttorneyCount' VALUE non_attorney_count,                          'clerkCount' VALUE clerk_count                                )                          )                                             )                )  FROM      (SELECT              tab_data.business_unit_id,              tab_data.parent_account_number,              tab_data.account_number,              SUM(1) online_contacts_count,              SUM(CASE WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0095' THEN  1 ELSE   0 END              )      tax_count,              SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0100' THEN        1    ELSE        0 END              )      attorney_count,                                                                    SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0090' THEN        1    ELSE        0 END              )      non_attorney_count,                                                                SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0050' THEN        1    ELSE        0 END              )      clerk_count                                                                    FROM              aws_test_table scco,  JSON_TABLE ( json_doc, '$' ERROR ON ERROR                 COLUMNS (              parent_account_number NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.parentAccountNumber',             account_number NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.accountNumber',             business_unit_id NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.businessUnitId',             position_id VARCHAR2 ( 4 ) PATH '$.data.positionId'    )             ) AS tab_data              INNER JOIN JSON_TABLE ( '{          "accounts": [{            "accountNumber": 42000,            "parentAccountNumber": 32000,            "businessUnitId": 7          }, {            "accountNumber": 42001,            "parentAccountNumber": 32001,            "businessUnitId": 6          }]  }', '$.accounts[*]' ERROR ON ERROR           COLUMNS (       parent_account_number PATH '$.parentAccountNumber',       account_number PATH '$.accountNumber',       business_unit_id PATH '$.businessUnitId')       ) static_data ON ( static_data.parent_account_number = tab_data.parent_account_number                           AND static_data.account_number = tab_data.account_number                                          AND static_data.business_unit_id = tab_data.business_unit_id )          GROUP BY              tab_data.business_unit_id,              tab_data.parent_account_number,              tab_data.account_number      );

Example output from the previous SQL query

{   "accountCounts": [     {       "businessUnitId": 6,       "parentAccountNumber": 32001,       "accountNumber": 42001,       "totalOnlineContactsCount": 1,       "countByPosition": {         "taxProfessionalCount": 0,         "attorneyCount": 0,         "nonAttorneyCount": 1,         "clerkCount": 0       }     },     {       "businessUnitId": 7,       "parentAccountNumber": 32000,       "accountNumber": 42000,       "totalOnlineContactsCount": 1,       "countByPosition": {         "taxProfessionalCount": 0,         "attorneyCount": 1,         "nonAttorneyCount": 0,         "clerkCount": 0       }     }   ] }

6.  Postgres_SQL_JSON_Aggregation_Join

The PostgreSQL built-in functions JSON_BUILD_OBJECT and JSON_AGG convert the ROW-level data into JSON format.  PostgreSQL JSON_BUILD_OBJECT and JSON_AGG are equivalent to Oracle JSON_OBJECT and JSON_ARRAYAGG.

Example query

select     JSON_BUILD_OBJECT ('accountCounts',      JSON_AGG(          JSON_BUILD_OBJECT ('businessUnitId',businessUnitId          ,'parentAccountNumber',parentAccountNumber          ,'accountNumber',accountNumber          ,'totalOnlineContactsCount',online_contacts_count,          'countByPosition',             JSON_BUILD_OBJECT (             'taxProfessionalCount',tax_professional_count              ,'attorneyCount',attorney_count              ,'nonAttorneyCount',non_attorney_count              ,'clerkCount',clerk_count              )          )       )  )  fromwith tab as (select * fromselect (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'parentAccountNumber')::INTEGER as parentAccountNumber,  (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'accountNumber')::INTEGER as accountNumber,  (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'businessUnitId')::INTEGER as businessUnitId,  (json_doc::json->'data'->>'positionId')::varchar as positionId  from aws_test_pg_table) a ) ,  tab1 as ( select    (json_array_elements(b.jc -> 'accounts') ->> 'accountNumber')::integer accountNumber,  (json_array_elements(b.jc -> 'accounts') ->> 'businessUnitId')::integer businessUnitId,  (json_array_elements(b.jc -> 'accounts') ->> 'parentAccountNumber')::integer parentAccountNumber  fromselect '{          "accounts": [{            "accountNumber": 42001,            "parentAccountNumber": 32001,            "businessUnitId": 6          }, {            "accountNumber": 42000,            "parentAccountNumber": 32000,            "businessUnitId": 7          }]  }'::json as jc) b)  select   tab.businessUnitId::text,  tab.parentAccountNumber::text,  tab.accountNumber::text,  SUM(1) online_contacts_count,  SUM(CASE WHEN tab.positionId::text = '0095' THEN 1 ELSE 0  END)      tax_professional_count,   SUM(CASE WHEN tab.positionId::text = '0100' THEN 1 ELSE 0  END)      attorney_count,  SUM(CASE  WHEN tab.positionId::text = '0090' THEN      1  ELSE      0 END)      non_attorney_count,  SUM(CASE  WHEN tab.positionId::text = '0050' THEN      1  ELSE      0 END)      clerk_count from tab1,tab   where tab.parentAccountNumber::INTEGER=tab1.parentAccountNumber::INTEGER   and tab.accountNumber::INTEGER=tab1.accountNumber::INTEGER  and tab.businessUnitId::INTEGER=tab1.businessUnitId::INTEGER  GROUP BY      tab.businessUnitId::text,              tab.parentAccountNumber::text,              tab.accountNumber::text) a;

Example output from the preceding query

Output from Oracle and PostgreSQL is exactly the same.

{   "accountCounts": [     {       "businessUnitId": 6,       "parentAccountNumber": 32001,       "accountNumber": 42001,       "totalOnlineContactsCount": 1,       "countByPosition": {         "taxProfessionalCount": 0,         "attorneyCount": 0,         "nonAttorneyCount": 1,         "clerkCount": 0       }     },     {       "businessUnitId": 7,       "parentAccountNumber": 32000,       "accountNumber": 42000,       "totalOnlineContactsCount": 1,       "countByPosition": {         "taxProfessionalCount": 0,         "attorneyCount": 1,         "nonAttorneyCount": 0,         "clerkCount": 0       }     }   ] }


This code converts the Oracle procedure into a PostgreSQL function that has JSON SQL queries. It shows how the query transposes JSON into rows and the reverse.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE p_json_test(p_in_accounts_json IN varchar2,   p_out_accunts_json  OUT varchar2) IS BEGIN /* p_in_accounts_json paramter should have following format:        {          "accounts": [{            "accountNumber": 42000,            "parentAccountNumber": 32000,            "businessUnitId": 7          }, {            "accountNumber": 42001,            "parentAccountNumber": 32001,            "businessUnitId": 6          }]        } */ SELECT      JSON_OBJECT(          'accountCounts' VALUE JSON_ARRAYAGG(              JSON_OBJECT(                  'businessUnitId' VALUE business_unit_id,                          'parentAccountNumber' VALUE parent_account_number,                          'accountNumber' VALUE account_number,                          'totalOnlineContactsCount' VALUE online_contacts_count,                          'countByPosition' VALUE                      JSON_OBJECT(                          'taxProfessionalCount' VALUE tax_count,                          'attorneyCount' VALUE attorney_count,                          'nonAttorneyCount' VALUE non_attorney_count,                          'clerkCount' VALUE clerk_count                                ) ) ) )  into p_out_accunts_json FROM      (SELECT              tab_data.business_unit_id,              tab_data.parent_account_number,              tab_data.account_number,              SUM(1) online_contacts_count,              SUM(CASE WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0095' THEN  1 ELSE 0 END) tax_count,              SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0100' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) attorney_count,                                                                    SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0090' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) non_attorney_count,                                                                SUM(CASE    WHEN tab_data.position_id = '0050' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) clerk_count                                                                    FROM aws_test_table scco,JSON_TABLE ( json_doc, '$' ERROR ON ERROR                 COLUMNS (              parent_account_number NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.parentAccountNumber',             account_number NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.accountNumber',             business_unit_id NUMBER PATH '$.data.account.businessUnitId',             position_id VARCHAR2 ( 4 ) PATH '$.data.positionId'    )             ) AS tab_data              INNER JOIN JSON_TABLE ( p_in_accounts_json, '$.accounts[*]' ERROR ON ERROR           COLUMNS (       parent_account_number PATH '$.parentAccountNumber',       account_number PATH '$.accountNumber',       business_unit_id PATH '$.businessUnitId')       ) static_data        ON ( static_data.parent_account_number = tab_data.parent_account_number             AND static_data.account_number = tab_data.account_number                            AND static_data.business_unit_id = tab_data.business_unit_id )          GROUP BY              tab_data.business_unit_id,              tab_data.parent_account_number,              tab_data.account_number      );  EXCEPTION  WHEN OTHERS THEN   raise_application_error(-20001,'Error while running the JSON query'); END; /

Running the procedure

The following code block explains how you can run the previously created Oracle procedure with example JSON input to the procedure. It also gives you the result or output from this procedure.

set serveroutput on; declare v_out varchar2(30000); v_in varchar2(30000):= '{          "accounts": [{            "accountNumber": 42000,            "parentAccountNumber": 32000,            "businessUnitId": 7          }, {            "accountNumber": 42001,            "parentAccountNumber": 32001,            "businessUnitId": 6          }]        }'; begin   p_json_test(v_in,v_out);   dbms_output.put_line(v_out); end; /

Procedure output

{   "accountCounts": [     {       "businessUnitId": 6,       "parentAccountNumber": 32001,       "accountNumber": 42001,       "totalOnlineContactsCount": 1,       "countByPosition": {         "taxProfessionalCount": 0,         "attorneyCount": 0,         "nonAttorneyCount": 1,         "clerkCount": 0       }     },     {       "businessUnitId": 7,       "parentAccountNumber": 32000,       "accountNumber": 42000,       "totalOnlineContactsCount": 1,       "countByPosition": {         "taxProfessionalCount": 0,         "attorneyCount": 1,         "nonAttorneyCount": 0,         "clerkCount": 0       }     }   ] }


Example function

CREATE OR REPLACE  FUNCTION f_pg_json_test(p_in_accounts_json  text) RETURNS text   LANGUAGE plpgsql   AS   $$   DECLARE    v_out_accunts_json   text;   BEGIN   SELECT     JSON_BUILD_OBJECT ('accountCounts',     JSON_AGG(         JSON_BUILD_OBJECT ('businessUnitId',businessUnitId         ,'parentAccountNumber',parentAccountNumber         ,'accountNumber',accountNumber         ,'totalOnlineContactsCount',online_contacts_count,         'countByPosition',             JSON_BUILD_OBJECT (             'taxProfessionalCount',tax_professional_count             ,'attorneyCount',attorney_count             ,'nonAttorneyCount',non_attorney_count             ,'clerkCount',clerk_count             )))) INTO v_out_accunts_json FROM ( WITH tab AS (SELECT * FROM ( SELECT (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'parentAccountNumber')::INTEGER AS parentAccountNumber, (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'accountNumber')::INTEGER AS accountNumber, (json_doc::json->'data'->'account'->>'businessUnitId')::INTEGER AS businessUnitId, (json_doc::json->'data'->>'positionId')::varchar AS positionId FROM aws_test_pg_table) a ) , tab1 AS ( SELECT   (json_array_elements(b.jc -> 'accounts') ->> 'accountNumber')::integer accountNumber, (json_array_elements(b.jc -> 'accounts') ->> 'businessUnitId')::integer businessUnitId, (json_array_elements(b.jc -> 'accounts') ->> 'parentAccountNumber')::integer parentAccountNumber FROM ( SELECT p_in_accounts_json::json AS jc) b) SELECT   tab.businessUnitId::text, tab.parentAccountNumber::text, tab.accountNumber::text, SUM(1) online_contacts_count, SUM(CASE WHEN tab.positionId::text = '0095' THEN 1 ELSE 0  END)      tax_professional_count,   SUM(CASE WHEN tab.positionId::text = '0100' THEN 1 ELSE 0  END)      attorney_count, SUM(CASE  WHEN tab.positionId::text = '0090' THEN      1  ELSE      0 END)      non_attorney_count, SUM(CASE  WHEN tab.positionId::text = '0050' THEN      1  ELSE      0 END)      clerk_count FROM tab1,tab   WHERE tab.parentAccountNumber::INTEGER=tab1.parentAccountNumber::INTEGER   AND tab.accountNumber::INTEGER=tab1.accountNumber::INTEGER AND tab.businessUnitId::INTEGER=tab1.businessUnitId::INTEGER GROUP BY      tab.businessUnitId::text,             tab.parentAccountNumber::text,             tab.accountNumber::text) a; RETURN v_out_accunts_json;           END;   $$;

Running the function

select    f_pg_json_test('{         "accounts": [{            "accountNumber": 42001,            "parentAccountNumber": 32001,            "businessUnitId": 6          }, {            "accountNumber": 42000,            "parentAccountNumber": 32000,            "businessUnitId": 7          }]        }')   ;

Function output

The following output is similar to the Oracle procedure output. The difference is that this output is in Text format.

{   "accountCounts": [     {       "businessUnitId": "6",       "parentAccountNumber": "32001",       "accountNumber": "42001",       "totalOnlineContactsCount": 1,       "countByPosition": {         "taxProfessionalCount": 0,         "attorneyCount": 0,         "nonAttorneyCount": 1,         "clerkCount": 0       }     },     {       "businessUnitId": "7",       "parentAccountNumber": "32000",       "accountNumber": "42000",       "totalOnlineContactsCount": 1,       "countByPosition": {         "taxProfessionalCount": 0,         "attorneyCount": 1,         "nonAttorneyCount": 0,         "clerkCount": 0       }     }   ] }
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