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Monitor the solution with Service Catalog AppRegistry - Data Transfer from Amazon S3 Glacier Vaults to Amazon S3
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Monitor the solution with Service Catalog AppRegistry

This solution includes a Service Catalog AppRegistry resource to register the CloudFormation template and underlying resources as an application in both Service Catalog AppRegistry and AWS Systems Manager Application Manager.

AWS Systems Manager Application Manager gives you an application-level view into this solution and its resources so that you can:

  • Monitor its resources, costs for the deployed resources across stacks and AWS accounts, and logs associated with this solution from a central location.

  • View operations data for the resources of this solution (such as deployment status, CloudWatch alarms, resource configurations, and operational issues) in the context of an application.

    The following figure depicts an example of the application view for the solution stack in Application Manager.

Depicts an AWS Solution stack in Application Manager

Solution stack in Application Manager

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