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Use the solution - Data Transfer from Amazon S3 Glacier Vaults to Amazon S3
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Use the solution

This section provides a user guide for using the AWS solution.

Validate your inventory

After you deploy this solution and transfer your archives, you can validate your Amazon S3 inventory to confirm whether all of your archives transferred. We recommend confirming that all of your archives transferred before deleting your original archive. See Amazon S3 Inventory for more information.

Access the CloudWatch dashboard

  1. Sign in to the CloudWatch console.

  2. Choose Dashboards from the left navigation pane.

  3. Select the dashboard that starts with Data-Transfer-from-Amazon-S3-Glacier-to-Amazon-S3-Dashboard-.

  4. In the dashboard, you can find:

    • The total number of archives in the inventory file, and their collective size.

    • The total number of archives that you requested for download, and their collective size.

    • The total number of archives that are staged by the Amazon S3 Glacier service for download, and their collective size.

    • The total number of archives that won't be downloaded because they're larger than 5 GB in size.

    • The total number of downloaded archives.

  5. When the number of downloaded archives matches the total number of requested archives, the transfer is complete.

Manage your Amazon S3 storage

After you transfer your Amazon S3 Glacier data to the Amazon S3 service, you can change your storage classes to fit your use cases. For information about how to do this, see the following resources:

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