Stati chiave delle AWS KMS chiavi - AWS Key Management Service

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Stati chiave delle AWS KMS chiavi

An ha AWS KMS key sempre uno stato chiave. Le operazioni sulla chiave KMS e sul relativo ambiente possono modificare lo stato della chiave, in modo transitorio o fino a quando un'altra operazione non modifica lo stato della chiave.

La tabella in questa sezione mostra come gli stati chiave influiscono sulle chiamate alle operazioni AWS KMS API. Come risultato dello stato della chiave, si prevede che un'operazione su una chiave KMS abbia esito positivo (), esito negativo (X), o esito positivo solo in determinate condizioni (?). Il risultato spesso differisce per le chiavi KMS con il materiale della chiave importato.

Questa tabella include solo le operazioni API che utilizzano una chiave KMS. Altre operazioni, come CreateKeye ListKeys, vengono omesse.

Stato chiave e tipi di chiave KMS

Il tipo di chiave KMS determina gli stati della chiave che può avere.

  • Tutte le chiavi KMS possono essere incluse negli stati Enabled, Disabled e PendingDeletion.

  • La maggior parte delle chiavi KMS viene creata nello stato Enabled. Le chiavi KMS con il materiale chiave importato vengono create nello stato PendingImport.

  • Lo stato PendingImport si applica unicamente alle chiavi KMS con materiale chiave importato.

  • Lo stato Unavailable si applica unicamente a una chiave KMS in un archivi delle chiavi personalizzate. Una chiave KMS in un archivio AWS CloudHSM chiavi si verifica Unavailable quando l'archivio chiavi personalizzato viene disconnesso intenzionalmente dal relativo cluster. AWS CloudHSM Una chiave KMS in un archivio delle chiavi esterne è Unavailable quando l'archivio delle chiavi personalizzate viene disconnesso intenzionalmente dal relativo proxy dell'archivio delle chiavi esterne. Puoi visualizzare e gestire chiavi KMS non disponibili, ma non puoi utilizzarle nelle operazioni di crittografia.

    Lo stato di una chiave KMS in un archivio delle chiavi personalizzate non è influenzato dalle modifiche apportate al relativo materiale della chiave. Una chiave KMS in un archivio AWS CloudHSM chiavi non è influenzata dalle modifiche al materiale chiave associato nel cluster. AWS CloudHSM Una chiave KMS in un archivio delle chiavi esterne non è influenzata dalle modifiche apportate alla relativa chiave esterna in un gestore delle chiavi esterne. Se il materiale della chiave è disattivato o eliminato, lo stato della chiave KMS non cambia, ma le operazioni di crittografia che utilizzano la chiave KMS avranno esito negativo.

  • Gli stati della chiave Creating, Updating ePendingReplicaDeletion si applicano solo alle chiavi multiregione.

    • Una chiave di replica multiregione si trova nello stato della chiave Creating transitorio mentre è in fase di creazione. Questo processo potrebbe essere ancora in corso al termine dell'ReplicateKeyoperazione. Una volta completato il processo di replica, la chiave di replica si trova nello stato Enabled o PendingImport.

    • Le chiavi multi-regione si trovano nello stato della chiave Updating transitorio durante l'aggiornamento della Regione primaria. Questo processo potrebbe essere ancora in corso al termine dell'UpdatePrimaryRegionoperazione. Al termine del processo di aggiornamento, le chiavi primarie e di replica riprendono lo stato della chiave Enabled.

    • Quando si pianificherà l'eliminazione di una chiave primaria multiregione che dispone di chiavi di replica, la chiave primaria si trova nello stato PendingReplicaDeletion finché non vengono eliminate tutte le chiavi di replica. Lo stato della chiave diventa PendingDeletion. Per informazioni dettagliate, consultare Deleting multi-Region keys.

Tabella dello stato delle chiavi

Nella tabella seguente viene illustrato l'effetto dello stato chiave di una chiave KMS sulle operazioni AWS KMS .

Le descrizioni delle note a piè di pagina numerate ([n]) si trovano alla fine di questo argomento.


Potrebbe essere necessario scorrere orizzontalmente o verticalmente per visualizzare tutti i dati di questa tabella.

API Abilitato Disabilitato

In attesa di eliminazione

In attesa di eliminazione della replica

In attesa di importazione Non disponibile Creazione Aggiornamento in corso
CancelKeyDeletion No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[4], [13]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


CreateAlias Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
CreateGrant Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
Decrypt Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
DeleteAlias Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
DeleteImportedKeyMaterial Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.

(nessun effetto)

N/D No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


DescribeKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
DisableKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


DisableKeyRotation Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[1] o [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[3] o [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


EnableKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


EnableKeyRotation Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[1] o [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[3] o [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Crittografa Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKeyPair Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintext Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GenerateMac Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

N/D N/D No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GetKeyPolicy Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
GetKeyRotationStatus Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


GetParametersForImport Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[8] o [9]

Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


GetPublicKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

N/D N/D No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ImportKeyMaterial Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[8] o [9]

Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListAliases Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListGrants Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListKeyPolicies Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ListKeyRotations Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


ListResourceTags Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
PutKeyPolicy Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ReEncrypt Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
ReplicateKey Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


N/D No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


RetireGrant Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
RevokeGrant Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
RotateKeyOnDemand Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[1] o [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[3] o [7]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


ScheduleKeyDeletion Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Sign Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

N/D N/D No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
TagResource Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UntagResource Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UpdateAlias Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Question mark icon in a purple circle, representing help or information.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UpdateKeyDescription Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
UpdatePrimaryRegion Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


N/D No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
Verifica Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

N/D N/D No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.
VerifyMac Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion. No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.

[2] o [3]

N/D N/D No entry symbol with a person icon, indicating restricted access or prohibition.


Green checkmark icon indicating success or completion.

Dettagli tabella

  • [1] DisabledException: <key ARN> is disabled.

  • [2] DisabledException: <key ARN> is pending deletion (or pending replica deletion).

  • [3] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is pending deletion (or pending replica deletion).

  • [4] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is not pending deletion (or pending replica deletion).

  • [5] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is pending import.

  • [6] UnsupportedOperationException: <key ARN> origin is EXTERNAL which is not valid for this operation.

  • [7] Se la chiave KMS ha importato materiale della chiave o si trova in un archivio delle chiavi personalizzate: UnsupportedOperationException.

  • [8] Se la chiave KMS ha importato il materiale della chiave: KMSInvalidStateException

  • [9] Se la chiave KMS non può avere o non ha materiale della chiave importato: UnsupportedOperationException.

  • [10] Se la chiave KMS di origine è in attesa di eliminazione, il comando viene completato. Se la chiave KMS di destinazione è in attesa di eliminazione, il comando ha esito negativo con l'errore: KMSInvalidStateException : <key ARN> is pending deletion.

  • [11] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is unavailable. Non puoi eseguire questa operazione su una chiave KMS non disponibile.

  • [12] L'operazione riesce, ma lo stato di chiave della chiave KMS non cambia finché questa non diventa disponibile.

  • [13] Quando una chiave KMS in un archivio delle chiavi personalizzate è in attesa di eliminazione, il relativo stato rimane PendingDeletion anche se la chiave KMS diventa non disponibile. Ciò ti consente di annullare l'eliminazione della chiave KMS in qualsiasi momento durante il periodo di attesa.

  • [14] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is creating. AWS KMS genera questa eccezione durante la replica di una chiave multiregionale (). ReplicateKey

  • [15] KMSInvalidStateException: <key ARN> is updating. AWS KMS genera questa eccezione mentre aggiorna la regione principale di una chiave multiregionale (). UpdatePrimaryRegion