The following table describes the important changes in each release of the AMS Change Type Reference Guide. For notification about updates to this documentation, you can subscribe to an RSS feed.
Change | Description | Date |
Update change type walkthroughs | Management | Managed landing zone | Application account | Confirm offboarding and Management | Managed landing zone | Management account | Offboard application account Note added: After confirming the offboarding you have 48 hours to run the offboarding change type. If not run in 48 hours, the confirmation is dropped and the process must be restarted. | February 20, 2025 |
Update change type walkthrough | Management | Custom Stack | Stack from CloudFormation Template | Remediate drift The list of resources supported for this CT was added. | February 20, 2025 |
New change type | Management | Host security | Trend Micro DSM | Update agent status (review required). | February 20, 2025 |
New change type | Management | Host security | Trend Micro | Add User (review required). | February 20, 2025 |
A note was added that, in order to use the AWS Marketplace AMI you must subscribe to the AMI from that account, and then agree to the terms of the AMI. AMS can not perform these actions for you because as a buyer you perform these actions yourself. | January 23, 2025 | |
New change type: Management | Monitoring and notification | SNS | Update (Review Required) | Change type for requesting that AMS update an SNS topic in your account for you. Use this when you need extra help or communications about the SNS topic to update. | January 23, 2025 |
New change type: Management | Advanced stack components | EBS snapshot | Delete (Review Required) | Change type for requesting that AMS delete EBS snapshots for you. Use this when you need extra help or communications about the snapshots to delete. | January 23, 2025 |
New change type: Deployment | Advanced stack components | S3 access point | Create | Change type for creating an S3 access point. | January 23, 2025 |
New change type parameter | Deployment | Advanced stack components | S3 storage | Create and Management | Advanced stack components | S3 storage | Update Change types for creating and updating S3 storage, new parameter for tags. | January 23, 2025 |
"pattern" is removed from the | December 19, 2024 | |
Updated change type: Deployment | AMS Resource Scheduler | Solution | Deploy | Parameters | December 19, 2024 |
Updated change type: Management | Advanced stack components | Target group | Detach instances | A new version of this change type is now available. | November 21, 2024 |
Updated change type: Management | Advanced stack components | S3 storage | Update | A new version of this change type is now available. | November 21, 2024 |
Updated change type: Deployment | Advanced stack components | S3 storage | Create | A new version of this change type is now available. | November 21, 2024 |
| November 21, 2024 | |
Change Type description is updated to reflect that this CT is used to update read-only access. | October 24, 2024 | |
Change Type description is updated to reflect that this CT is used to update stack admin access. | October 24, 2024 | |
The restriction to delete snapshots creates less than 60 days ago is changed to less than 30 days ago. Added an optional parameter for S3 URI of a bucket that belongs to the same AWS account. The invalid snapshots report is uploaded to this bucket. | October 24, 2024 | |
New change type to create a custom RDS parameter group and optionally attach it to an existing RDS instance. | August 30, 2024 | |
Updated the change type description. | August 9, 2024 | |
Version two of this change type is now available. | May 22, 2024 | |
New change type to add an event notification to the specified S3 bucket through direct API calls. | May 22, 2024 | |
Deprecated change type | Deployment | Advanced stack components | AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create Entity or Policy (Read Permissions) | April 8, 2024 |
Earlier updates
The following table describes the important changes to the documentation of the AMS Change Type Reference Guide prior to March 2024.
API version: 2019-05-21
Change | Description | Link(s) |
New CT | Management | Managed account | Automated IAM provisioning with read-write permissions | Update custom deny list (review required). New CT. |
ct-2r9xvd3sdsic0 |
Updated CT | Management | Managed landing zone | Management account | Offboard application account. Updated CT. |
ct-0vdiy51oyrhhm |
New CT | Management | Managed Account | DNS | Migrate to Route 53. New CT. |
ct-2tqi3kjcusen4 |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | EBS Volume | Delete. Updated CT. |
ct-3e3h8u0sp5z80 |
Updated CT | Deployment | Managed landing zone | Networking account | Add static route. Updated Additional Information section. |
ct-3r2ckznmt0a59 |
Updated CT | Deployment | Advanced Stack Components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create Service-Linked role. Added |
ct-2eof6j3mlcwhf |
Updated CT | Deployment | Managed Landing Zone | Management Account | Create Custom SCP (review required). Added a note in the Tips section. |
ct-33ste5yc7hprs |
New CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | Route 53 Resolver | Disassociate resolver rules from VPC. New CT. |
ct-2pfarpvczsstr |
Updated CT | Management | Patching | Patch window | Update. Updated CT. |
ct-2utx36abv83pv |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | RDS database stack | Update deletion protection. Updated CT. |
ct-2syhk4sr7cvyw |
New CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | RDS database stack | Update enhanced monitoring. New CT. |
ct-3jx80fquylzhf |
Updated CT | Deployment | Directory Service | DNS | Create Group Managed Service Account. Updated CT. |
ct-2qhl8j1pjnbgn |
Updated CT | Management | AWS Backup | Backup plan | Update. Updated CT. |
ct-1ay83wy4vxa3k |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | RDS database stack | Update master password. Updated CT. |
ct-2052miu12d8fn |
Updated CT | Deployment | Advanced Stack Components | ACM | Create private certificate. Updated CT. |
ct-3ll9hnadql9s1 |
Updated CT | Deployment | Advanced Stack Components | EC2 stack | Create (with additional volumes). Updated Tips section. |
ct-1aqsjf86w6vxg |
Updated CT | Deployment | Advanced Stack Components | Database Migration Service (DMS) | Create Source Endpoint. Updated Tips section. |
Database Migration Service (DMS) | Create Source Endpoint |
New CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | Route 53 Resolver | Associate VPC with Resolver Rule. New CT |
ct-2pbqoffhclpek |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | KMS key | Update. New CT |
ct-3ovo7px2vsa6n |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | Security group | Associate. New CT |
ct-12lyw7otiyr6f |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | Security group | Disassociate. New CT |
ct-13lk0noacn6ua |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | S3 storage | Update policy (review required). New CT |
ct-0fpjlxa808sh2 |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | RDS database stack | Rotate DB certificate. New CT |
ct-1ezarc5xph3tq |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced Stack Components | Tag | Update (review required). New CT |
ct-0zko7t3rk2efb |
New CT | Management | Advanced stack components | KMS key | Share (review required). New CT |
ct-05yb337abq3x5 |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced stack components | KMS key | Update (review required). New version |
ct-3ovo7px2vsa6n |
New CT | Management | Directory Service | Directory | Create AD trust. |
ct-0x6dylrnfjgz5 |
Updated CT | Deployment | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create access key. Version 2. |
ct-2hhqzgxvkcig8 |
Updated CT | Deployment | Advanced stack components | Redshift | Create (cluster subnet group). New required parameterSubnetGroupDescription. |
ct-0q43l40hxrzum |
Updated CTs | Deployment | Advanced stack components | EC2 Stack | Create. Deployment | Ingestion | Stack from migration partner migrated instance | Create. New optional parameter EnforceIMDSv2. |
ct-14027q0sjyt1h ct-257p9zjk14ija |
New CT | Management | Managed account | Stack access duration | Override (review required). |
ct-0jb01cofkhwk1 |
New CTs | Deployment | Advanced Stack Components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create entity or policy (read-write permissions). Management | Advanced Stack Components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Update entity or policy (read-write permissions). Management | Advanced Stack Components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Delete entity or policy (read-write permissions). Management | Managed account | Automated IAM provisioning with read-write permissions | Enable (review required) |
ct-1n9gfnog5x7fl ct-1e0xmuy1diafq ct-17cj84y7632o6 ct-1706xvvk6j9hf |
New CTs | Deployment | Managed landing zone | Management account | Create stacksets stack, ct-16pknsfa8lul7. Management | Managed landing zone | Management account | Delete stacksets stack, ct-1yqy4frl5s8y8. Management | Managed landing zone | Management account | Update stacksets stack, ct-1v9g9n30woc8h. |
ct-16pknsfa8lul7 ct-1yqy4frl5s8y8 ct-1v9g9n30woc8h |
Updated CT |
Management | Access | Stack admin access | Grant, ct-1dmlg9g1l91h6. Version 3.0 adds support for a custom maximum stack access time. Submit an RFC with the Management | Other | Other | Update (review required) (ct-0xdawir96cy7k) change type in the SALZ account or MALZ Shared Services account to customize this value. |
ct-1dmlg9g1l91h6 |
Updated CT |
Management | Access | Stack admin access | Update, ct-0ikpop8zqhkxg. Version 3.0 adds support for a custom maximum stack access time. Submit an RFC with the Management | Other | Other | Update (review required) (ct-0xdawir96cy7k) change type in the SALZ account or MALZ Shared Services account to customize this value. |
ct-0ikpop8zqhkxg |
Updated CT |
Management | Access | Stack read-only access | Grant, ct-199h35t7uz6jl. Version 3.0 adds support for a custom maximum stack access time. Submit an RFC with the Management | Other | Other | Update (review required) (ct-0xdawir96cy7k) change type in the SALZ account or MALZ Shared Services account to customize this value. |
ct-199h35t7uz6jl |
Updated CT |
Management | Access | Stack read-only access | Update, ct-3kh1wiizlne1i. Version 3.0 adds support for a custom maximum stack access time. Submit an RFC with the Management | Other | Other | Update (review required) (ct-0xdawir96cy7k) change type in the SALZ account or MALZ Shared Services account to customize this value. |
ct-3kh1wiizlne1i |
Updated CT |
Management | Access | Stack admin access | Grant, ct-1dmlg9g1l91h6. Version 3.0 is the default version, adding support for multiple usernames and access times up to 12 hours (previously 8). |
ct-1dmlg9g1l91h6 |
Updated CT |
Management | Access | Stack admin access | Update, ct-0ikpop8zqhkxg. Version 3.0 is the default version, adding support for multiple usernames and access times up to 12 hours (previously 8). |
ct-0ikpop8zqhkxg |
Updated CT |
Management | Access | Stack read-only access | Grant, ct-199h35t7uz6jl. Version 3.0 is the default version, adding support for multiple usernames and access times up to 12 hours (previously 8). |
ct-199h35t7uz6jl |
Updated CT |
Management | Access | Stack read-only access | Update, ct-3kh1wiizlne1i. Version 3.0 is the default version, adding support for multiple usernames and access times up to 12 hours (previously 8). |
ct-3kh1wiizlne1i |
New CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | Bastions | Update bastion instance size (review required), ct-0tmpmp1wpgkr9. |
ct-0tmpmp1wpgkr9 |
New CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | Bastions | Update bastion instance or session counts (review required) ct-1962s5oczal9z. |
ct-1962s5oczal9z |
New CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | Bastions | Add CIDR Ingress (review required) ct-36zubwzxp44a4. |
ct-36zubwzxp44a4 |
New CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance stack | Associate private ip addresses (review required), ct-1pvlhug439gl2. |
ct-1pvlhug439gl2 |
New CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance stack | Update instance detailed monitoring, ct-0tmpmp1wpgkr9. |
ct-0tmpmp1wpgkr9 |
New CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | VPC | Add static route (review required), ct-06bwg93ukgg8t. |
ct-06bwg93ukgg8t |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | AMI | Deregister (multiple), ct-26vhhlj9jmlpf Version 2.0 supports deregistering multiple AMIs in one request. |
ct-26vhhlj9jmlpf |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | Security group | Authorize ingress rule, ct-3j2zstluz6dxq. Updated to version 3.0. |
ct-3j2zstluz6dxq |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | Security group | Revoke ingress rule, ct-1vjbacfr4ufdv. Updated to version 3.0. |
ct-1vjbacfr4ufdv |
Updated CT |
Deployment | AMS Resource Scheduler | Solution | Deploy, ct-0ywnhc8e5k9z5. Version 2 requires the Action (deploy or update) parameter. |
ct-0ywnhc8e5k9z5 |
Updated CT |
Management | AMS Resource Scheduler | Solution | Update, ct-2c7ve50jost1v. Version 2 requires the Action (deploy or update) parameter. |
ct-2c7ve50jost1v |
Updated CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | Auto Scaling group | Create, ct-2tylseo8rxfsc. New optional parameter EnforceIMDSv2. |
ct-2tylseo8rxfsc |
Updated CT |
Deployment | Standard stacks | High availability two-tier stack | Create, ct-06mjngx5flwto. New optional parameter EnforceIMDSv2. |
ct-06mjngx5flwto |
New CT | Management | Directory Service | Directory | Share Directory, ct-369odosk0pd9w. |
ct-369odosk0pd9w |
New CT | Management | Directory Service | Directory | Unshare Directory, ct-2xd2anlb5hbzo. |
ct-2xd2anlb5hbzo |
Updated CT | Management | Host security | Trend Micro DSM | Add login (read-only) , ct-0wspy4o646g9p. Version 2 has new parameters and examples. It does not require a review. |
ct-0wspy4o646g9p |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced stack components | AMI | Deregister, ct-26vhhlj9jmlpf. Version 2 supports deleting or deregistering multiple AMIs. |
ct-26vhhlj9jmlpf |
Updated CT | Deployment | Directory Service | DNS | Create conditional forwarder, ct-3nba0wtdugnan. Conditional forwarder now supports up to 5 IP addresses. |
ct-3nba0wtdugnan |
Updated CT | Management | Directory Service | DNS | Update conditional forwarder, ct-2fqmbyud166z9. Conditional forwarder now supports up to 5 IP addresses. |
ct-2fqmbyud166z9 |
Updated CT | Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance stack | Change hostname (Linux), ct-2781aqd6f6svs. Version 2 does not require a review. |
ct-2781aqd6f6svs |
Updated CT | Deployment | Advanced stack components | Auto Scaling group | Create, ct-2tylseo8rxfsc. Version 3 has new parameter descriptions. |
ct-2tylseo8rxfsc |
Updated CT walkthrough | Management | Managed landing zone | Application account | Confirm offboarding, ct-2wlfo2jxj2rkj. Added tips. |
ct-2wlfo2jxj2rkj |
Updated CT walkthroughs | Management | Advanced stack components | DNS (private) | Update, ct-1d55pi44ff21u and Deployment | Advanced stack components | DNS (private) | Create, ct-0c38gftq56zj6. Added tips about 500 limit on RRs. |
ct-1d55pi44ff21u and ct-0c38gftq56zj6 |
New CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | VPCEndpoint (Interface) | Create, ct-3oafsdbzjtuqp. |
ct-3oafsdbzjtuqp |
New CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | S3 storage | Update encryption, ct-128svy9nn2yj8. |
ct-128svy9nn2yj8 |
New CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | S3 storage | Update versioning, ct-2hh93eyzmwbkd. |
ct-2hh93eyzmwbkd |
New CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Update instance type, ct-13swbwdxg106z. |
ct-13swbwdxg106z |
New CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Update MultiAZ setting, ct-36jq7gvwyty8h. |
ct-36jq7gvwyty8h |
New CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Update storage, ct-0loed9dzig1ze. |
ct-0loed9dzig1ze |
Updated CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS snapshot | Copy, ct-1c0jrxd3su5oe. Added support for multi-region (MRK) KMS keys. |
ct-1c0jrxd3su5oe |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance stack | Replace instance profile, ct-37kcp2v1mriu6. Updated to version 2.0 with new parameters. |
ct-37kcp2v1mriu6 |
Updated CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | EC2 stack | Create (with additional volumes), ct-1aqsjf86w6vxg. Added support for specifying core count and threads per core. |
ct-1aqsjf86w6vxg |
Updated CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | KMS key | Create, ct-1d84keiri1jhg. Added guidance for deleting a key, and a warning that deletion does not occur automatically. |
ct-1d84keiri1jhg |
Updated CTs |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | Tag | Create, ct-3cx7we852p3af. Updated parameters, description, and console screenshot. |
ct-3cx7we852p3af |
Updated CTs |
Management | Advanced stack components | Tag | Update, ct-0xqwmtn1hfh8u. Updated parameters, description, and console screenshot. |
ct-0xqwmtn1hfh8u |
Updated CTs |
Management | Advanced stack components | Tag | Delete, ct-2zebb2czoxpjd. Updated parameters, description, and console screenshot. |
ct-2zebb2czoxpjd |
Updated CTs |
Management | Standalone resources | EC2 instance | Terminate, ct-3dfubbpesm2v9. Updated parameters, description, and console screenshot. |
ct-3dfubbpesm2v9 |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance stack | Update DeleteOnTermination (review required), ct-2aaaqid7asjy6. Updated description of the DeleteOnTermination parameter. |
ct-2aaaqid7asjy6 |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | KMS key | Update, ct-3ovo7px2vsa6n. Updated the description of the KeyRotation parameter. |
ct-3ovo7px2vsa6n |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Update master user password, ct-2052miu12d8fn. Updated examples and tips with additional guidance for using SSM Parameter Store or AWS Secrets Manager |
ct-2052miu12d8fn |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | Target group | Detach instances, ct-37bq2l9c8fzxv. Updated description of InstancesIds parameter. |
ct-37bq2l9c8fzxv |
Updated CTs | Added support for GP3 storage, and choice of SQL character sets to:
ct-2z60dyvto9g6c and ct-12w49boaiwtzp |
Updated CTs | Added support for multi-Region KMS keys (MRK) to:
ct-1a68ck03fn98r and ct-1gi93jhvj28eg |
CT Name Change | Deployment | Advanced stack components | OpenSearch | Create domain, ct-0azen3a9anxzj is removed and replaced with Deployment | Advanced stack components | OpenSearch | Create domain, ct-281et7bs9ep4s. This update included a change to the OpenSearch | Create domain schema. |
ct-281et7bs9ep4s |
New CT | Management | Managed landing zone | Networking account | Remove TGW static route, ct-0rmgrnr9w8mzh. |
ct-0rmgrnr9w8mzh |
New CT | Deployment | AMS Resource Scheduler | Solution | Deploy, ct-2c7ve50jost1v. |
ct-0ywnhc8e5k9z5 |
Updated CTs |
Management | Advanced stack components | DNS (private) | Create, ct-0c38gftq56zj6. Management | Advanced stack components | DNS (private) | Update, ct-1d55pi44ff21u. Management | Advanced stack components | DNS (public) | Create, ct-0vzsr2nyraedl. Management | Advanced stack components | DNS (public) | Update, ct-1hzofpphabs3i. Parameters and CLI examples have changed for version 2.0. |
ct-0c38gftq56zj6, ct-1d55pi44ff21u, ct-0vzsr2nyraedl, and ct-1hzofpphabs3i |
Updated CTs |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Create (for Aurora), ct-2jvzjwunghrhy. Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Create from backup (for Aurora), ct-2wllq61djysxz. Management | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Update (for Aurora), ct-2dphvdy1krpj6. Updated descriptions, added min/max parameters serverless scaling, and added InstanceType values. |
ct-2jvzjwunghrhy, ct-2wllq61djysxz, and ct-2dphvdy1krpj6 |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance stack | Resize, ct-15mazjj88xc69. Updated description, parameters, and CLI examples for version 2.0. |
ct-15mazjj88xc69 |
New CT | Management | AMS Resource Scheduler | Solution | Update, ct-2c7ve50jost1v. |
ct-2c7ve50jost1v |
Updated CT |
Management| AMS Resource Scheduler | Solution | Deploy, ct-0ywnhc8e5k9z5. Removed SALZ restriction and added Action parameter. |
ct-0ywnhc8e5k9z5 |
New CT | Deployment | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create access key, ct-2hhqzgxvkcig8. |
ct-2hhqzgxvkcig8 |
New CT | Management | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Deleate or deactivate access key, ct-37qquo9wbpa8x. |
ct-37qquo9wbpa8x |
Updated CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | Application Load Balancer | Create, ct-111r1yayblnw4. Added parameter TargetGroup to optionally specify a load balancer TargetGroup. |
ct-111r1yayblnw4 |
Updated CT |
Management | Managed landing zone | Application account | Confirm Offboarding, ct-2wlfo2jxj2rkj. Added a tip not to use this for Customer Managed application accounts. |
ct-2wlfo2jxj2rkj |
Updated CT |
Management | Managed landing zone | Management account | Offboard application account, ct-0vdiy51oyrhhm. Added a tip: when applied to Customer Managed application accounts, there is no confirmation step. |
ct-0vdiy51oyrhhm |
Updated CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | KMS alias | Create, ct-2svg4k2fqi4ak. Updated the AliasName pattern to reject names with prohibited prefixes. |
ct-2svg4k2fqi4ak |
New Content | The What Are AMS Change Types? file now has a link to a zip file with a current comma-separated value (CSV) file of change types. |
Change type CSV output file |
New CT | Management | Advanced stack components | EBS snapshot | Archive, ct-059ewa92tc2i1. |
ct-059ewa92tc2i1 |
New CT | Management | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Update max session duration, ct-1fzddqrr20c2i. |
ct-1fzddqrr20c2i |
New CT | Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS snapshot | Create (Cluster), ct-2zqwr34epwzx1. |
ct-2zqwr34epwzx1 |
New CT | Management | Standalone resources | RDS instance | Terminate, ct-3glr80c15rp7z. |
ct-3glr80c15rp7z |
New CT | Management | Advanced stack components | RDS snapshot | Delete, ct-0idxb0xsg1ui6. |
ct-0idxb0xsg1ui6 |
New CT | Deployment | Managed landing zone | Networking account | Create transit gateway route table, ct-3dscwaeyi6cup. |
ct-3dscwaeyi6cup |
New CT | Management | Advanced stack components | S3 storage | Manage lifecycle configuration, ct-1ax768xtu8c9q. |
ct-1ax768xtu8c9q |
Updated CT |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | EC2 stack | Create, ct-14027q0sjyt1h. Added a tip not to select instance types that are too small. |
ct-14027q0sjyt1h |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | Application Load Balancer | Update, ct-1a1zzgi2nb83d. Updated the description of the LoadBalancerSubnetIds parameter. |
ct-1a1zzgi2nb83d |
Updated CT |
Deployment | Patching | SSM patch window | Create, ct-0el2j07llrxs7. Replaced references to Route 53 hosted zones with SSM window creation. |
ct-0el2j07llrxs7 |
Updated CT |
Management | AWS service | Self-provisioned service | Add, ct-1w8z66n899dct. List of service names updated to include AWS Private Certificate Authority (PCA) |
ct-1w8z66n899dct |
Updated CT |
Management | AWS service | Self-provisioned service | Add (review required), ct-3qe6io8t6jtny. List of service names updated to include AWS Private Certificate Authority (PCA) |
ct-3qe6io8t6jtny |
Updated CT |
Management | Patching | On demand patching | Run, ct-3oy53m1qzl2s5. Added a note regarding the StartInactiveInstances parameter. Inactive instances return to their inactive state after patching. |
ct-3oy53m1qzl2s5 |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | Tag | Bulk update, ct-3047c34zuvswh. Added Supported Resources section and a link to Tag bulk update notes. |
ct-3047c34zuvswh |
Updated CT |
Management | Advanced stack components | Tag | Bulk update (review required), ct-0k4b96aatyqgl. Added Supported Resources section and a link to Tag bulk update notes. |
ct-0k4b96aatyqgl |
New CT | Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS snapshot | Copy (for Aurora), ct-19fdy7np55xiu. |
ct-19fdy7np55xiu |
New CT | Management | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Start Aurora Cluster, ct-02ocqy2i0jx3t. |
ct-02ocqy2i0jx3t |
New CT | Management | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Stop Aurora Cluster, ct-37vqa0oggka3q. |
ct-37vqa0oggka3q |
Updated CT schema | Management | AWS service | Self-provisioned service | Add, ct-1w8z66n899dct. The AWS Codepipeline service was removed from the possible services you could add with this CT. |
ct-1w8z66n899dct |
Updated CT schema | Deployment | Advanced stack components | AMI | Copy, ct-046aizcwg5idf. The Region parameter was updated to add: "This must be the account onboarded Region." |
ct-046aizcwg5idf |
Updated CT schemas |
Management | Directory Service | DNS | Add A record, ct-2w3rbmnny1qpo Management | Directory Service | DNS | Add CNAME record, ct-2murl5xzbxoxf Management | Directory Service | DNS | Remove record, ct-1icrtx8ydvdwe Improved examples. |
Updated CT tips | Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Create from snapshot, ct-20san5sgtwd9e. Added a note: "You can't restore a DB instance from a DB snapshot that is both shared and encrypted. Instead, you can make a copy of the DB snapshot and restore the DB instance from the copy. To copy the shared snapshot, please use the following CT: RDS Snapshot | Copy". |
ct-20san5sgtwd9e |
Updated CT schemas |
Deployment/Advanced stack components/Tag/Create, ct-3cx7we852p3af. Management/Advanced stack components/Tag/Delete, ct-2zebb2czoxpjd. Management/Advanced stack components/Tag/Update, ct-0xqwmtn1hfh8u. For all three, the ResourceArns parameter description was updated. |
Updated CT tips |
Management | Directory Service | DNS | Add A record, ct-2w3rbmnny1qpo. Management | Directory Service | DNS | Add CNAME record, ct-2murl5xzbxoxf. Added a note: "For multi-account landing zone (MALZ), use this change type in the shared services account." |
Updated content |
Updated Tips section with information on "Linux Preparation for AMI Create," "Windows Preparation for AMI Create," and "UserData for AMI Create." |
New content |
Example walkthroughs for each change type have been moved here from the retired AMS Advanced Change Management Guide. All change types with execution mode=manual are now appended with "(review required)" to the Operation name. All change types with execution mode=automated are now appended with nothing (any cases of "(auto)" or "(no review required)" are removed). |
New CT | Management | Managed account | Direct Change mode | Enable, CT ID: ct-3rd4781c2nnhp. |
ct-3rd4781c2nnhp |
Updated CTs | Change types that included "Master account" in their classification have all been updated to "Management account." |
Managed Landing Zone Subcategory |
Removed the space in pattern for parameter: |
ct-3j2zstluz6dxq ct-0lqruajvhwsbk ct-111fhplhx9axe ct-1vjbacfr4ufdv | |
New CTs: | Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance stack | Change time zone (ct-3g9dbtun44mal) |
Management | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Update deletion protection |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create service-specific credentials |
Management | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Reset service-specific credentials |
Updated CTs: | Deployment| Managed landing zone | Management Account | Create custom SCP (review required) (ct-33ste5yc7hprs) and Deployment| Managed landing zone | Networking account | Create application route table (review required) (ct-1urj94c3hdfu5) Change classification to include "(review required)" appended to the Operation name. |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | Database Migration Service (DMS) | Start replication task (ct-1yq7hhqse71yg) Updated to indicate the DocumentName and Region are required parameters; previously, they were erroneously listed as optional. |
Deployment | AWS Backup | Backup plan | Create (ct-2hyozbpa0sx0m) Added note to warn that not all resources types supported by AWS Backup are enabled by default. Find which services are in Getting Started 1: Service Opt-In. If changes need to be made, open an RFC using CT ct-1e1xtak34nx76. |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create EC2 instance profile (ct-117rmp64d5mvb) and Deployment | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create Lambda execution role (ct-1k3oui719dcju) New Version: 2.0. Updated to make JSON copy-paste easier. |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Create (ct-2z60dyvto9g6c) Added a new value for the RDSDBEngine parameter: mariadb. |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Update (ct-12w49boaiwtzp) Extended the expected duration time to 360 minutes from 60 minutes. |
Updated CTs "Additional Information" | Added an important note about limitations on the resources that can be remediated. |
New CTs: | Management | AWS service | Self-provisioned service | Add Self-Service Provisioning service (no review required) |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create service-linked role |
Management | Advanced stack components | ACM | Delete certificate |
Management | Managed landing zone | Application account | Confirm offboarding |
Management | Managed landing zone | Application account | Offboard application account |
Deployment | Managed landing zone | Management account | Create Accelerate account |
Updated CTs: | ||
Management | AMS Resource Scheduler | Schedule | Add (ct-2bxelbn765ive) and Management | AMS Resource Scheduler | Schedule | Update (ct-3u61cd4edns0x) The SSMMaintenanceWindow can now take a list of AWS Systems Manager existing maintenence windows. |
ct-2bxelbn765ive and ct-3u61cd4edns0x | |
New CTs: | Deployment | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Managment (IAM) | Create OpenID Connect provider |
Updated CTs: | Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Create This update adds performance insights options. |
Updated CTs "Additional Information" | Many CTs had non-standard "Additional Information" sections without links to the corresponding walkthrough, this has been fixed. |
January 27, 2022 |
New CTs: | Management | Advanced stack components | Application Load Balancer | Add listener certificate |
January 13, 2022 |
Management | Advanced stack components | Application Load Balancer | Remove listener certificate | ||
Management | Advanced stack components | Load Balancer (ELB) stack | Replace listener certificate | ||
Management | Advanced stack components | Network Load Balancer | Add listener certificate | ||
Management | Advanced stack components | Network Load Balancer | Remove listener certificate | ||
Management | Managed landing zone | Networking account | Disable TGW propagation | ||
Management | Managed landing zone | Networking account | Enable TGW propagation | ||
Management | Standalone resources | EC2 instance | Terminate | ||
Updated CTs: | Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 Instance Stack | Gather log4j information (v2.0) |
This update provides an option to target all instances in the region. |
Management | Advanced stack components | Database Migration Service (DMS) | Start replication task and Management | Advanced stack components | Database Migration Service (DMS) | Stop replication task |
This change updates the task ARN regular expression to the allow tasks containing the a dash ( - ). | |
Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance stack | Change hostname (Linux) |
Automated, with additional parameters, and moved to version 2.0. | |
Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance stack | Restore volumes |
This update adds two optional parameters, RootVolumeType and VolumeTypes. | |
A Priority parameter has been added to all For additional information, see RFC scheduling. |
The changed CTs are:
| |
New CTs: | Management | Advanced Stack Components | EC2 Instance Stack | Gather log4j information Single instance scan use v1.0, Multi instance scan use v2.0. |
December 20, 2021 |
New CTs: | Management | Directory service | DNS | Delete conditional forwarder |
December 17, 2021 |
Management | Directory service | DNS | Update conditional forwarder |
December 17, 2021 | |
New CTs: | Deployment | Directory service | DNS | Create conditional forwarder |
November 30, 2021 |
Deployment | Directory service | DNS | Create group managed service account |
November 30, 2021 | |
Management | Directory service | DNS | Update record permission |
November 30, 2021 | |
Management | Directory service | DNS | Update cluster permissions |
November 30, 2021 | |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create EC2 instance profile |
November 30, 2021 | |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create Lambda execution role |
November 30, 2021 | |
New CTs: | Management | Managed landing zone | Management account | Move Account to OU |
October 28, 2021 |
Updated CTs: | Deployment | AWS Backup | Backup plan | Create ct-2hyozbpa0sx0m. Additional parameters were for creating backup copies across accounts. |
November 11, 2021 |
Management | Advanced stack components | EBS snapshot | Delete ct-30bfiwxjku1nu. The CT description was expanded to mention some cavaets. |
October 28, 2021 | |
Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance | Start ct-03t7kvuwx6rgr. The CT schema was updated so you can start mulitple EC2 instances. |
Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance | Stop ct-3mvvt2zkyveqj. The CT schema was updated so you can stop mulitple EC2 instances. There's also a new parameter, ForceStop. |
Management | AWS Backup | Recovery point | Delete ct-1r1vbr8ahr156. The CT schema was updated so you can delete mulitple recovery points. |
Updated CTs: | Deployment | Advanced stack components | Redshift | Create (cluster from snapshot) version 1.0 ct-3jrqmeq7j0wke. A new parameter, NodeType, was added. |
October 14, 2021 |
Missing Examples | Many change type examples were missing, this has been fixed. |
September 30, 2021 |
New CTs: | Management | Directory Service | Computer object | Remove SPN |
September 30, 2021 |
Deployment | Managed landing zone | Networking account | Disassociate TGW attachment |
September 30, 2021 | |
Deployment | Managed landing zone | Networking account | Associate TGW attachment |
September 30, 2021 | |
Deployment | Managed landing zone | Networking account | Add static route |
September 30, 2021 | |
Deployment | Managed landing zone | Management account | Create Developer Mode account (with VPC) |
September 30, 2021 | |
Management | Advanced stack components | Security Group | Delete (no review required) |
September 30, 2021 | |
Management | Advanced stack components | Security Group | Disassociate (no review required) |
September 30, 2021 | |
Updated CTs: | Management | Advanced stack components | AMI | Deregister ct-26vhhlj9jmlpf This CT has a new parameter "DeleteSnapshots" to allow deleting snapshots associated with AMI. |
September 30, 2021 |
Management | Advanced stack components | AMI | Deregister ct-2r2bffv9u6q4m A note was added that you cannot use the CT with Aurora MySQL or Aurora PostgreSQL. |
September 30, 2021 | |
New CTs: | Classification (two): Management | Standard stacks | Stack | Remediate drift (auto) Management | Custom stack | Stack | Remediate drift (auto) |
September 16, 2021 |
Management | AWS Backup | Backup plan | Enable cross account copy (Management account) ct-2yja7ihh30ply. |
September 16, 2021 | |
Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance stack | Encrypt instance volumes ct-0hahohe17csnc. |
September 16, 2021 | |
Updated CTs: | Deployment | Advanced stack components | Database Migration Service (DMS) | Create replication subnet group This CT (ct-2q5azjd8p1ag5) will fail if the 'dms-vpc-role' IAM role doesn't exist in the account. ct-2q5azjd8p1ag5. |
September 16, 2021 |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | EC2 stack | Create The note for InstanceType has been updated to this "Any EC2 instance created within
AMS environments have pre-configured AMS components and agents like EPS, SSM, Cloudwatch etc.,
which occupy the resource’s capacity along with the application workload. Therefore AMS does not
recommend using the t2.micro/t3.micro and t2.nano/t3.nano instance types as they can impact the performance of
the application and AMS tooling running on the instances. For more information, see
Choosing the Right EC2 Instance Type for Your Application |
September 16, 2021 | |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | EC2 stack | Create (with additional volumes) The note for InstanceType has been updated to this "Any EC2 instance created within
AMS environments have pre-configured AMS components and agents like EPS, SSM, Cloudwatch etc., which
occupy the resource’s capacity along with the application workload. Therefore AMS does not recommend
using the t2.micro/t3.micro and t2.nano/t3.nano instance types as they can impact the performance of the
application and AMS tooling running on the instances. For more information, see
Choosing the Right EC2 Instance Type for Your Application |
September 16, 2021 | |
Management | Advanced stack components | Security Group | Associate There is a new version and support for additional resource types. ct-12lyw7otiyr6f. |
September 16, 2021 | |
New information, a note about the difference in usage for the change types if using a single-account landing zone or multi-account landing zone account. | Deployment | AMS Resource Scheduler | Solution | Deploy ct-0ywnhc8e5k9z5. Management | AMS Resource Scheduler | State | Enable ct-2wrvu4kca9xky. Management | AMS Resource Scheduler | State | Disable ct-14v49adibs4db. |
August 26, 2021 |
New CTs: | Management | Patching | Patch window | Update ct-2utx36abv83pv. |
August 26, 2021 |
Management | Advanced stack components | KMS key | Enable rotation ct-2lt0jeydeumpe. |
August 26, 2021 | |
Management | Directory Service | Users and groups | Add group to group ct-1i20abktsm05v. |
August 26, 2021 | |
Management | Directory Service | Users and groups | Add user to group ct-24pi85mjtza8k. |
August 26, 2021 | |
Management | Directory Service | Users and groups | Add group ct-3eutt7grkict4. |
August 26, 2021 | |
Management | Directory Service | Users and groups | Remove user from group ct-2019s9y3nfml4. |
August 26, 2021 | |
Management | Directory Service | DNS | Remove record ct-1icrtx8ydvdwe. |
August 26, 2021 | |
Management | Directory Service | DNS | Add CNAME record ct-2murl5xzbxoxf. |
August 26, 2021 | |
Management | Directory Service | DNS | Add A record ct-2w3rbmnny1qpo. |
August 26, 2021 | |
Updated CTs: | Management | Advanced stack components | EC2 instance stack | Restore volumes The schema is updated with new parameters and the version is now 3.0. ct-2z60dyvto9g6c. |
August 26, 2021 |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | DNS (private) | Create The schema is updated with new parameters: AliasTargetDnsName, AliasTargetHostedZoneId, and AliasTargetEvaluatedTargetHealth to support "A" record to route traffic to AWS resource such as CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3 bucket, by providing the DNSName and HostedZoneID associated with the AWS resource. ct-0c38gftq56zj6 . |
August 26, 2021 | |
Deployment | Advanced stack components | DNS (public) | Create The schema is updated with new parameters: AliasTargetDnsName, AliasTargetHostedZoneId, and AliasTargetEvaluatedTargetHealth to support "A" record to route traffic to AWS resource such as CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3 bucket, by providing the DNSName and HostedZoneID associated with the AWS resource. ct-0vzsr2nyraedl . |
August 26, 2021 | |
Management | Advanced stack components | DNS (private) | Update The schema is updated with new parameters: AliasTargetDnsName, AliasTargetHostedZoneId, and AliasTargetEvaluatedTargetHealth to support "A" record to route traffic to AWS resource such as CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3 bucket, by providing the DNSName and HostedZoneID associated with the AWS resource. ct-1d55pi44ff21u. |
August 26, 2021 | |
Management | Advanced stack components | DNS (public) | Update The schema is updated with new parameters: AliasTargetDnsName, AliasTargetHostedZoneId, and AliasTargetEvaluatedTargetHealth to support "A" record to route traffic to AWS resource such as CloudFront distribution or an Amazon S3 bucket, by providing the DNSName and HostedZoneID associated with the AWS resource. ct-1hzofpphabs3i. |
August 26, 2021 | |
Updated CTs: | Deployment | Advanced stack components | RDS database stack | Create The RDSDBEngine parameter has a new value available: mariadb. ct-2z60dyvto9g6c. |
August 12, 2021 |
New CTs: | Deployment | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Create SAML identity provider ct-3hox8uwjgze1f. |
July 29, 2021 |
Management | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Delete SAML identity provider ct-01zl37gmuk4q2. |
July 29, 2021 | |
Management | Advanced stack components | Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Update SAML identity provider ct-379uwo67vbvng. |
July 29, 2021 | |
New CTs: | Deployment | Advanced stack components | VPNGateway | Create ct-0qbikxr9okwvy. |
July 15, 2021 |
Management | Advanced stack components | AMI | Create from Auto Scaling group ct-3e3prksxmdhw8. |
July 15, 2021 | |
Management | Advanced stack components | EBS Volume | Attach ct-34jldf2qihaic. |
July 15, 2021 | |
Management | Advanced stack components | EBS Volume | Detach ct-2d55p1d7z6w3d. |
July 15, 2021 | |
Managed firewall, Outbound (Palo Alto): Create allow list ct-309eozh6lpkr8. |
July 15, 2021 | |
Managed firewall, Outbound (Palo Alto): Delete allow list ct-2fzh1wckpl7f5. |
July 15, 2021 | |
Managed firewall, Outbound (Palo Alto): Create security policy ct-281dpwh9tqnan. |
July 15, 2021 | |
Managed firewall, Outbound (Palo Alto): Delete security policy ct-1taxucdyi84iy. |
July 15, 2021 | |
Managed firewall, Outbound (Palo Alto): Update security policy ct-0mss4i7neuj7f. |
July 15, 2021 | |
Updated CTs: | Management | Managed firewall | Outbound (Palo Alto) | Add URLs and Management | Managed firewall | Outbound (Palo Alto) | Remove URLs. New schemas. ct-2b9q8339bj2sa and ct-2mf36chtp1ejh. |
July 15, 2021 |
Management | AWS service | Self-provisioned service | Add. New parameter, SAMLProviders. ct-3qe6io8t6jtny. |
July 15, 2021 | |
Management | Advanced stack components | AMI | Encrypt. Note warning not to try to encrypt AMIs that are already encrypted. ct-3u9yd8jznb2zd. |
July 15, 2021 |