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Specifying the Signature Version in request authentication - Amazon Simple Storage Service
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Specifying the Signature Version in request authentication

Amazon S3 supports only AWS Signature Version 4 in most AWS Regions. In some of the older AWS Regions, Amazon S3 supports both Signature Version 4 and Signature Version 2. However, Signature Version 2 is being turned off (deprecated). For more information about the end of support for Signature Version 2, see AWS Signature Version 2 turned off (deprecated) for Amazon S3.

For a list of all the Amazon S3 Regions and the signature versions they support, see Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference.

For all AWS Regions, AWS SDKs use Signature Version 4 by default to authenticate requests. When using AWS SDKs that were released before May 2016, you might be required to request Signature Version 4, as shown in the following table.

SDK Requesting Signature Version 4 for Request Authentication

For the default profile, run the following command:

$ aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4

For a custom profile, run the following command:

$ aws configure set profile.your_profile_name.s3.signature_version s3v4
Java SDK

Add the following in your code:

System.setProperty(SDKGlobalConfiguration.ENABLE_S3_SIGV4_SYSTEM_PROPERTY, "true");

Or, on the command line, specify the following:
JavaScript SDK

Set the signatureVersion parameter to v4 when constructing the client:

var s3 = new AWS.S3({signatureVersion: 'v4'});

Set the signature parameter to v4 when constructing the Amazon S3 service client for PHP SDK v2:

<?php $client = S3Client::factory([ 'region' => 'YOUR-REGION', 'version' => 'latest', 'signature' => 'v4' ]);

When using the PHP SDK v3, set the signature_version parameter to v4 during construction of the Amazon S3 service client:

<?php $s3 = new Aws\S3\S3Client([ 'version' => '2006-03-01', 'region' => 'YOUR-REGION', 'signature_version' => 'v4' ]);
Python-Boto SDK

Specify the following in the boto default config file:

[s3] use-sigv4 = True
Ruby SDK

Ruby SDK - Version 1: Set the :s3_signature_version parameter to :v4 when constructing the client:

s3 = => :v4)

Ruby SDK - Version 3: Set the signature_version parameter to v4 when constructing the client:

s3 = 'v4')

Add the following to the code before creating the Amazon S3 client:

AWSConfigsS3.UseSignatureVersion4 = true;

Or, add the following to the config file:

<appSettings> <add key="AWS.S3.UseSignatureVersion4" value="true" /> </appSettings>


AWS Signature Version 2 turned off (deprecated) for Amazon S3

Signature Version 2 is being turned off (deprecated) in Amazon S3. Amazon S3 will then only accept API requests that are signed using Signature Version 4.

This section provides answers to common questions regarding the end of support for Signature Version 2.

What is Signature Version 2/4, and What Does It Mean to Sign Requests?

The Signature Version 2 or Signature Version 4 signing process is used to authenticate your Amazon S3 API requests. Signing requests enables Amazon S3 to identify who is sending the request and protects your requests from bad actors.

For more information about signing AWS requests, see Signing AWS API Requests in the AWS General Reference.

What Update Are You Making?

We currently support Amazon S3 API requests that are signed using Signature Version 2 and Signature Version 4 processes. After that, Amazon S3 will only accept requests that are signed using Signature Version 4.

For more information about signing AWS requests, see Changes in Signature Version 4 in the AWS General Reference.

Why Are You Making the Update?

Signature Version 4 provides improved security by using a signing key instead of your secret access key. Signature Version 4 is currently supported in all AWS Regions, whereas Signature Version 2 is only supported in Regions that were launched before January 2014. This update allows us to provide a more consistent experience across all Regions.

How Do I Ensure That I'm Using Signature Version 4, and What Updates Do I Need?

The signature version that is used to sign your requests is usually set by the tool or the SDK on the client side. By default, the latest versions of our AWS SDKs use Signature Version 4. For third-party software, contact the appropriate support team for your software to confirm what version you need. If you are sending direct REST calls to Amazon S3, you must modify your application to use the Signature Version 4 signing process.

For information about which version of the AWS SDKs to use when moving to Signature Version 4, see Moving from Signature Version 2 to Signature Version 4.

For information about using Signature Version 4 with the Amazon S3 REST API, see Authenticating Requests (AWS Signature Version 4) in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference.

What Happens if I Don't Make Updates?

Requests signed with Signature Version 2 that are made after that will fail to authenticate with Amazon S3. Requesters will see errors stating that the request must be signed with Signature Version 4.

Should I Make Changes Even if I’m Using a Presigned URL That Requires Me to Sign for More than 7 Days?

If you are using a presigned URL that requires you to sign for more than 7 days, no action is currently needed. You can continue to use AWS Signature Version 2 to sign and authenticate the presigned URL. We will follow up and provide more details on how to migrate to Signature Version 4 for a presigned URL scenario.

More Info

Moving from Signature Version 2 to Signature Version 4

If you currently use Signature Version 2 for Amazon S3 API request authentication, you should move to using Signature Version 4. Support is ending for Signature Version 2, as described in AWS Signature Version 2 turned off (deprecated) for Amazon S3.

For information about using Signature Version 4 with the Amazon S3 REST API, see Authenticating Requests (AWS Signature Version 4) in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference.

The following table lists the SDKs with the necessary minimum version to use Signature Version 4 (SigV4). If you are using presigned URLs with the AWS Java, JavaScript (Node.js), or Python (Boto/CLI) SDKs, you must set the correct AWS Region and set Signature Version 4 in the client configuration. For information about setting SigV4 in the client configuration, see Specifying the Signature Version in request authentication.

If you use this SDK/Product Upgrade to this SDK version Code change needed to the client to use Sigv4? Link to SDK documentation

AWS SDK for Java v1

Upgrade to Java 1.11.201+ or v2. Yes Specifying the Signature Version in request authentication

AWS SDK for Java v2

No SDK upgrade is needed. No AWS SDK for Java

AWS SDK for .NET v1

Upgrade to 3.1.10 or later. Yes AWS SDK for .NET

AWS SDK for .NET v2

Upgrade to 3.1.10 or later. No AWS SDK for .NET v2

AWS SDK for .NET v3

Upgrade to or later. Yes AWS SDK for .NET v3

AWS SDK for JavaScript v1

Upgrade to 2.68.0 or later. Yes AWS SDK for JavaScript

AWS SDK for JavaScript v2

Upgrade to 2.68.0 or later. Yes AWS SDK for JavaScript

AWS SDK for JavaScript v3

No action is currently needed. Upgrade to major version V3 in Q3 2019. No AWS SDK for JavaScript

AWS SDK for PHP v1

Recommend to upgrade to the most recent version of PHP or, at least to v2.7.4 with the signature parameter set to v4 in the S3 client's configuration. Yes AWS SDK for PHP

AWS SDK for PHP v2

Recommend to upgrade to the most recent version of PHP or, at least to v2.7.4 with the signature parameter set to v4 in the S3 client's configuration. No AWS SDK for PHP

AWS SDK for PHP v3

No SDK upgrade is needed. No AWS SDK for PHP


Upgrade to Boto2 v2.49.0. Yes Boto 2 Upgrade


Upgrade to 1.5.71 (Botocore), 1.4.6 (Boto3). Yes Boto 3 - AWS SDK for Python


Upgrade to 1.11.108. Yes AWS Command Line Interface

AWS CLI v2 (preview)

No SDK upgrade is needed. No AWS Command Line Interface version 2

AWS SDK for Ruby v1

Upgrade to Ruby V3. Yes Ruby V3 for AWS

AWS SDK for Ruby v2

Upgrade to Ruby V3. Yes Ruby V3 for AWS

AWS SDK for Ruby v3

No SDK upgrade is needed. No Ruby V3 for AWS


No SDK upgrade is needed. No AWS SDK for Go


No SDK upgrade is needed. No AWS SDK for C++
AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell or AWS Tools for PowerShell Core

If you are using module versions earlier than, you must upgrade to

To get the version information, use the Get-Module cmdlet:

Get-Module –Name AWSPowershell Get-Module –Name AWSPowershell.NetCore

To update the version, use the Update-Module cmdlet:

Update-Module –Name AWSPowershell Update-Module –Name AWSPowershell.NetCore

You can use presigned URLs that are valid for more than 7 days that you will send Signature Version 2 traffic on.

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