Calibration sessions for performance evaluations - Amazon Connect

Calibration sessions for performance evaluations

Amazon Connect Contact Lens enables you to conduct calibration sessions to drive consistency and accuracy in how managers evaluate agent performance, so that agents receive feedback that is consistent. During a calibration, multiple managers can evaluate the same contact using the same evaluation form. You can then review differences in evaluations filled by different managers to align managers on evaluation best practices and identify opportunities to improve the evaluation form, e.g. rephrasing an evaluation question to be more specific, so that it is consistently answered by managers. You can also compare manager’s answers with a designated expert, to measure and improve manager accuracy on evaluating agent performance. The expert is usually the quality manager who is conducting the calibration session.

Permissions needed for calibrations

You need the following permissions for calibrations:

  • Creating calibration sessions: Add the permission Evaluation forms - manage calibration sessions to the security profiles of the set of users that should be permitted to conduct calibration sessions for performance evaluations.

  • Participating in a calibration session: Any user who has the permission to perform evaluations, namely Evaluation forms - perform evaluations, can participate in a calibration session if they are added as one of the participants.

In addition, for both sets of users, you also need permissions to search and view contacts. For more information, see Manage who can search for contacts and access detailed information.

Create a calibration session

To create a calibration session
  1. Login to Amazon Connect with a user account that has the necessary permissions within their security profile.

  2. On the left nav, go to Analytics and optimization, Contact search.

  3. Search for a contact that you wish to perform calibrations on, for example, minimum interaction duration, specific queue, etc.

  4. On the Contact details page of a contact, choose Evaluations on the top right to open the Evaluations side panel.

  5. In the side panel, select the Calibration session radio button, choose the desired form for the calibration using the dropdown menu, and then choose the Setup calibration session button.

    A diagram of the calibrations session setup.
  6. Enter a title for the calibration session, select the participants, and optionally designate an expert participant and set a due date.

    A diagram of the calibrations session setup with participants and due date.
  7. After creation, the calibration session will appear in the side panel. An evaluation will be automatically generated for each participant.

    A diagram of the created calibrations session for each participant.

Edit a calibration session

To edit a calibration session
  1. On the side panel locate the calibration sessions and choose Edit.

    A diagram of choosing to edit a calibrations session.
  2. In the form that opens in the side panel you can modify the calibration session title, add or remove participants, optionally designate an expert participant, and set or adjust the due date.

  3. Choose Save to update the calibration session. The changes will be reflected in the side panel. New participants will automatically receive an evaluation, while removed participants will have their evaluations deleted.

Perform evaluations as a part of a calibration session

Use the following procedure to perform evaluations as a part of a calibration session:

To perform evaluations
  1. On the side panel locate the Calibration evaluations assigned to you section to view your calibration evaluations.

    A diagram of calibration evaluations assigned to you.
  2. Choose an evaluation to open it. You can respond to these evaluations in the same manner as standard evaluations, with options to save your progress or submit the completed evaluation. Note that automation is disabled on calibration sessions.

    A diagram of responding to calibration evaluations.
  3. Calibration managers can access a list of all evaluations associated with a specific calibration session by viewing the calibration session details in the side panel. Calibration managers will also be able to view evaluations submitted by participants.

Finalize a calibration

To finalize a calibration
  1. Access the calibration session details view and choose Finalize.

    A diagram showing the finalize button for calibrations.
  2. Confirm the finalization when prompted. Note that once finalized, neither the session nor its evaluations can be edited.

  3. Within a few seconds, a calibration report will be available for download in .csv format. This report contains the answers of participants that have submitted evaluations, along with the weighted scores for each question, section and the overall form, evaluator notes and comparison of the evaluator’s scores with the expert evaluator.

    Use the field absolute deviation from expert (lower is better) for each participant to determine if an evaluator is significantly deviating from the expert while answering evaluation questions. You can also see average absolute deviation from expert (lower is better) to see if there are certain questions that get inconsistent answers from participants and need improvement (For example, better phrasing, more specific questions, etc.)

Finding calibration sessions

Amazon Connect notifies users participating in calibration sessions via email (for example, if a user is added as a participant, if there is a change to the due date, etc.). If a user managing a calibration session has added themselves as the expert participant, then they would also receive emails. The email contains a link to the contact which is being used for calibration. Note that in order for users to receive email notifications, you need to assign emails to the users on Amazon Connect. For more information, see Add users to Amazon Connect.

As a manager setting up a calibration, you can copy the contact ID to search for the contact on which the calibration session was setup. Note that if you have not added yourself as an expert or if user emails are not setup within Amazon Connect, you will not receive an email containing a link to the contact on which the calibration session was setup.