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CodeGenConfigurationNode - AWS Glue
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CodeGenConfigurationNode enumerates all valid Node types. One and only one of its member variables can be populated.



Specifies a transform that groups rows by chosen fields and computes the aggregated value by specified function.

Type: Aggregate object

Required: No


Specifies a target that writes to a data source in Amazon Redshift.

Type: AmazonRedshiftSource object

Required: No


Specifies a target that writes to a data target in Amazon Redshift.

Type: AmazonRedshiftTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that maps data property keys in the data source to data property keys in the data target. You can rename keys, modify the data types for keys, and choose which keys to drop from the dataset.

Type: ApplyMapping object

Required: No


Specifies a connector to an Amazon Athena data source.

Type: AthenaConnectorSource object

Required: No


Specifies a Delta Lake data source that is registered in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: CatalogDeltaSource object

Required: No


Specifies a Hudi data source that is registered in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: CatalogHudiSource object

Required: No


Specifies an Apache Kafka data store in the Data Catalog.

Type: CatalogKafkaSource object

Required: No


Specifies a Kinesis data source in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: CatalogKinesisSource object

Required: No


Specifies a data store in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: CatalogSource object

Required: No


Specifies a target that uses a AWS Glue Data Catalog table.

Type: BasicCatalogTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a source generated with standard connection options.

Type: ConnectorDataSource object

Required: No


Specifies a target generated with standard connection options.

Type: ConnectorDataTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that uses custom code you provide to perform the data transformation. The output is a collection of DynamicFrames.

Type: CustomCode object

Required: No


Specifies the direct JDBC source connection.

Type: DirectJDBCSource object

Required: No


Specifies an Apache Kafka data store.

Type: DirectKafkaSource object

Required: No


Specifies a direct Amazon Kinesis data source.

Type: DirectKinesisSource object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that removes rows of repeating data from a data set.

Type: DropDuplicates object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that chooses the data property keys that you want to drop.

Type: DropFields object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that removes columns from the dataset if all values in the column are 'null'. By default, AWS Glue Studio will recognize null objects, but some values such as empty strings, strings that are "null", -1 integers or other placeholders such as zeros, are not automatically recognized as nulls.

Type: DropNullFields object

Required: No


Specifies a custom visual transform created by a user.

Type: DynamicTransform object

Required: No


Specifies a DynamoDBC Catalog data store in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: DynamoDBCatalogSource object

Required: No


Specifies your data quality evaluation criteria.

Type: EvaluateDataQuality object

Required: No


Specifies your data quality evaluation criteria. Allows multiple input data and returns a collection of Dynamic Frames.

Type: EvaluateDataQualityMultiFrame object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that locates records in the dataset that have missing values and adds a new field with a value determined by imputation. The input data set is used to train the machine learning model that determines what the missing value should be.

Type: FillMissingValues object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that splits a dataset into two, based on a filter condition.

Type: Filter object

Required: No


Specifies a data source in a goverened Data Catalog.

Type: GovernedCatalogSource object

Required: No


Specifies a data target that writes to a goverened catalog.

Type: GovernedCatalogTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a connector to a JDBC data source.

Type: JDBCConnectorSource object

Required: No


Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 in Apache Parquet columnar storage.

Type: JDBCConnectorTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that joins two datasets into one dataset using a comparison phrase on the specified data property keys. You can use inner, outer, left, right, left semi, and left anti joins.

Type: Join object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that merges a DynamicFrame with a staging DynamicFrame based on the specified primary keys to identify records. Duplicate records (records with the same primary keys) are not de-duplicated.

Type: Merge object

Required: No


Specifies a Microsoft SQL server data source in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: MicrosoftSQLServerCatalogSource object

Required: No


Specifies a target that uses Microsoft SQL.

Type: MicrosoftSQLServerCatalogTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a MySQL data source in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: MySQLCatalogSource object

Required: No


Specifies a target that uses MySQL.

Type: MySQLCatalogTarget object

Required: No


Specifies an Oracle data source in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: OracleSQLCatalogSource object

Required: No


Specifies a target that uses Oracle SQL.

Type: OracleSQLCatalogTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that identifies, removes or masks PII data.

Type: PIIDetection object

Required: No


Specifies a PostgresSQL data source in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: PostgreSQLCatalogSource object

Required: No


Specifies a target that uses Postgres SQL.

Type: PostgreSQLCatalogTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a AWS Glue DataBrew recipe node.

Type: Recipe object

Required: No


Specifies an Amazon Redshift data store.

Type: RedshiftSource object

Required: No


Specifies a target that uses Amazon Redshift.

Type: RedshiftTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a relational catalog data store in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: RelationalCatalogSource object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that renames a single data property key.

Type: RenameField object

Required: No


Specifies a Delta Lake data source that is registered in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. The data source must be stored in Amazon S3.

Type: S3CatalogDeltaSource object

Required: No


Specifies a Hudi data source that is registered in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. The data source must be stored in Amazon S3.

Type: S3CatalogHudiSource object

Required: No


Specifies an Amazon S3 data store in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: S3CatalogSource object

Required: No


Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 using the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: S3CatalogTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a command-separated value (CSV) data store stored in Amazon S3.

Type: S3CsvSource object

Required: No


Specifies a target that writes to a Delta Lake data source in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: S3DeltaCatalogTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a target that writes to a Delta Lake data source in Amazon S3.

Type: S3DeltaDirectTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a Delta Lake data source stored in Amazon S3.

Type: S3DeltaSource object

Required: No


Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3.

Type: S3DirectTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 in Apache Parquet columnar storage.

Type: S3GlueParquetTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a target that writes to a Hudi data source in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Type: S3HudiCatalogTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a target that writes to a Hudi data source in Amazon S3.

Type: S3HudiDirectTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a Hudi data source stored in Amazon S3.

Type: S3HudiSource object

Required: No


Specifies a JSON data store stored in Amazon S3.

Type: S3JsonSource object

Required: No


Specifies an Apache Parquet data store stored in Amazon S3.

Type: S3ParquetSource object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that chooses the data property keys that you want to keep.

Type: SelectFields object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that chooses one DynamicFrame from a collection of DynamicFrames. The output is the selected DynamicFrame

Type: SelectFromCollection object

Required: No


Specifies a Snowflake data source.

Type: SnowflakeSource object

Required: No


Specifies a target that writes to a Snowflake data source.

Type: SnowflakeTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a connector to an Apache Spark data source.

Type: SparkConnectorSource object

Required: No


Specifies a target that uses an Apache Spark connector.

Type: SparkConnectorTarget object

Required: No


Specifies a transform where you enter a SQL query using Spark SQL syntax to transform the data. The output is a single DynamicFrame.

Type: SparkSQL object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that writes samples of the data to an Amazon S3 bucket.

Type: Spigot object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that splits data property keys into two DynamicFrames. The output is a collection of DynamicFrames: one with selected data property keys, and one with the remaining data property keys.

Type: SplitFields object

Required: No


Specifies a transform that combines the rows from two or more datasets into a single result.

Type: Union object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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