Create the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams and AWS Secrets Manager resources for your IP camera RTSP URLs - Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

Create the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams and AWS Secrets Manager resources for your IP camera RTSP URLs

Follow these procedures to create the streams and secrets needed in AWS Secrets Manager. Do this step first, because you need the ARNs of the created resources in the policies.

Create Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

Create Amazon Kinesis Video Streams using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or API.

In the AWS Management Console, open the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams console. Choose Video streams in the left navigation.

For more information, see Create an Amazon Kinesis video stream.

Create secrets in AWS Secrets Manager

In the AWS Management Console, open the AWS Secrets Manager console. Choose Secrets in the left navigation.

Verify that the appropriate Region is selected.

  1. Choose Store a new secret.

    1. Step 1: Choose secret type

      • Select Other type of secret.

      • In the Key/Value Pairs section, add a key-value pair.

        Key: MediaURI


        The key must be MediaURI. This is case-sensitive. If you enter it incorrectly, the application doesn't work.

        Value: Your MediaURI.

        Example: rtsp://<YourCameraIPAddress>:<YourCameraRTSPPort>/YourCameraMediaURI.

    2. Step 2: Configure secret. Give this secret a name. Name it whatever you want.

    3. Step 3: Configure rotation - optional. Choose Next.

    4. Step 4: Review. Choose Store.

  2. If your secret does not display immediately, select the refresh button.

    Choose the name of your secret. Make note of the Secret ARN.

  3. Repeat this process for each MediaURI that you want to stream from.


The AWS network blocks some public RTSP sources. You cannot access these from within the Amazon EC2 instance or if you are running unmanaged while connected to the VPN.


Your camera RTSP URL should stream video in h.264 format. The fragment duration must not exceed the limit mentioned in Producer SDK quotas.

Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Edge Agent only supports video.

Run gst-discoverer-1.0 Your RtspUrl to make sure that your camera is reachable from your device.

Save the ARNs for all of the streams and secrets that you created. You need these for the next step.