Open the Kinesis Video Streams console
The video stream that is sent from the Raspberry Pi appears in the console.
It may take a few seconds before the video appears in the console.
Once the stream is playing, you can experiment with the following features in the console:
In the Video preview section, use the navigation controls to rewind or fast-forward the stream.
In the Stream info section, review the codec, resolution, and bit rate of the stream. The resolution and bit rate values are set purposefully low on the Raspberry Pi to minimize bandwidth usage for this tutorial.
To view the Amazon CloudWatch metrics that are being created for your stream, select View stream metrics in CloudWatch.
Under Data retention period, notice that the video stream is retained for one day. You can edit this value and set it to No data retention, or set a value from one day to several years.
Under Server-side encryption, notice that your data is being encrypted at rest using a key maintained by the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
Playback issues
The following are some frequently encountered playback issues, and how to troubleshoot them.
No media, but there are PERSISTED Acks in the logs
If you see PERSISTED Acks in the logs, Kinesis Video Streams has successfully ingested and stored the media that was uploaded by kvssink
. Acks received from Kinesis Video Streams look like this. In the JSON, look at the value for the "EventType"
Wait a minute or two in the Kinesis Video Streams console, then use the double-right arrow. If no media appears, verify that your stream is being sent to the correct region and review the spelling of the stream name. You can find this information in the logs.
See Provide a region to kvssink for more information on how kvssink determines which region to use.
The media takes a long time to load in the AWS Management Console
The console playback experience is different than the HLS and DASH playback experience. Use
the sample media player hosted web page
Media may load slowly in the console because of poor network bandwidth or a constrained device, but can also be related to video encoding and fragmentation.
Video Encoding Basics:
H.264 and H.265 encoders use key-frames (I-Frames) and predicted-frames (P-Frames) for efficient compression.
Key-frames contain complete image data, while P-frames only contain changes from previous frames.
The "key-frame interval" determines how often key-frames occur in the video stream.
Fragmentation in Streaming:
In Kinesis Video Streams, new fragments start with each key-frame. For more information, see Kinesis Video Streams data model.
Fragment length (in seconds) can be estimated as: key-frame interval ÷ frame rate
For a stream with a key-frame interval of 30 and a frame rate of 15 fps:
Fragment Length = 30 ÷ 15 = 2 seconds
Due to larger key-frame intervals, longer fragments increase latency in streaming media.
To improve loading times, consider reducing the key-frame interval. This will create shorter fragments, decreasing latency, but it'll also increase the size of the video file.
For the x264enc
GStreamer element, you can explicitly set the
key-frame interval via the key-int-max
x264enc bframes=0 key-int-max=60
When reviewing the log output, note how often the uploading client receives ACKs from Kinesis Video Streams. The more keyframes that are generated, the more ACKs that are returned.
The media is distorted or has artifacts
To troubleshoot this issue, make sure that all cables are tightly connected.
Review the output of libcamera-hello
(or raspistill
legacy Pi cameras) for camera modules.
In your GStreamer pipeline, replace kvssink
or matroskamux
. For example:
... x264enc tune=zerolatency speed-preset=ultrafast bframes=0 key-int-max=60 byte-stream=true ! h264parse ! matroskamux ! filesink location=output.mkv
Review the output file for filesink
or the media player that opens
when using autovideosink
to see if the artifacts are there as
Also review the output of the following pipeline:
gst-launch-1.0 autovideosrc ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
Adding elements to your pipeline, like dewarp
Review the supported output codecs for your camera and adjust the elements as needed.
For example, if your USB camera only supports JPEG output, then you will need
to use the jpegparse
and jpegdec
elements to transform
the media before encoding it into H.264 using x264enc
. Search for
assistance on the GStreamer forums for other users with similar pipelines and/or
web cam setups.