Launch a public ELB.
: The VPC you are using, this should be the same as the previously used VPC.ELBSubnetIds
: An array of subnets across which the load balancer will distribute traffic. Choose either public or private subnets. Find Subnet IDs with the For the AMS SKMS API reference, see the Reports tab in the AWS Artifact Console. operation (CLI: list-subnet-summaries) or in the AMS Console VPCs -> VPC details page.VpcId
: The VPC you are using, this should be the same as the previously used VPC.
On the Create RFC page, select the category Deployment, subcategory Advanced Stack Components, item Load balancer (ELB) stack, and click Create. Choose Advanced and accept all defaults (including those with no value) except those shown next.
Subject: WP-ELB-RFC ELBSubnetIds:
ELBScheme true ELBCookieExpirationPeriod 600 VpcId:VPC_ID
Name: WP-Public-ELBClick Submit when finished.