The section provides an example of creating an application deployment bundle.
Download WordPress, extract the files and create a ./scripts directory.
Linux command:
Windows: Paste
into a browser window and download the zip file.Create a temporary directory in which to assemble the package.
mkdir /tmp/WordPress
Windows: Create a "WordPress" directory, you will use the directory path later.
Extract the WordPress source to the "WordPress" directory and create a ./scripts directory.
unzip -d /tmp/WordPress_Temp cp -paf /tmp/WordPress_Temp/WordPress-master/* /tmp/WordPress rm -rf /tmp/WordPress_Temp rm -f master cd /tmp/WordPress mkdir scripts
Windows: Go to the "WordPress" directory that you created and create a "scripts" directory there.
If you are in a Windows environment, be sure to set the break type for the script files to Unix (LF). In Notepad ++, this is an option at the bottom right of the window.
Create the CodeDeploy appspec.yml file, in the WordPress directory (if copying the example, check the indentation, each space counts). IMPORTANT: Ensure that the "source" path is correct for copying the WordPress files (in this case, in your WordPress directory) to the expected destination (/var/www/html/WordPress). In the example, the appspec.yml file is in the directory with the WordPress files, so only "/" is needed. Also, even if you used a RHEL AMI for your Auto Scaling group, leave the "os: linux" line as-is. Example appspec.yml file:
version: 0.0 os: linux files: - source: / destination: /var/www/html/WordPress hooks: BeforeInstall: - location: scripts/ timeout: 300 runas: root AfterInstall: - location: scripts/ timeout: 300 runas: root ApplicationStart: - location: scripts/ timeout: 300 runas: root ApplicationStop: - location: scripts/ timeout: 300 runas: root
Create bash file scripts in the WordPress ./scripts directory.
First, create
with the following content (if you prefer, you can edit the wp-config.php file directly).Note
with the value given in the HA Stack RFC (for example,wordpress
with theMasterUsername
value given in the HA Stack RFC (for example,admin
with theMasterUserPassword
value given in the HA Stack RFC (for example,p4ssw0rd
with the endpoint DNS name in the execution outputs of the HA Stack RFC (for example,
). You can find this with the GetRfc operation (CLI: get-rfc --rfc-id RFC_ID) or in the AMS Console RFC details page for the HA Stack RFC that you previously submitted.#!/bin/bash chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/WordPress cp /var/www/html/WordPress/wp-config-sample.php /var/www/html/WordPress/wp-config.php cd /var/www/html/WordPress sed -i "s/database_name_here/
/g" wp-config.php sed -i "s/username_here/DB_MasterUsername
/g" wp-config.php sed -i "s/password_here/DB_MasterUserPassword
/g" wp-config.php sed -i "s/localhost/DB_ENDPOINT
/g" wp-config.php In the same directory create
with the following content:#!/bin/bash yum install -y php yum install -y php-mysql yum install -y mysql service httpd restart
HTTPS is installed as part of the user data at launch in order to allow health checks to work from the start.
In the same directory create
with the following content:For Amazon Linux instances, use this:
#!/bin/bash service httpd start
For RHEL instances, use this (the extra commands are policies that allow SELINUX to accept WordPress):
#!/bin/bash setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1 setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/WordPress/wp-content -R restorecon -Rv /var/www/html service httpd start
In the same directory create
with the following content:#!/bin/bash service httpd stop
Create the zip bundle.
$ cd /tmp/WordPress $ zip -r .
Windows: Go to your "WordPress" directory and select all of the files and create a zip file, be sure to name it