Modes overview - AMS Advanced User Guide

Modes overview

Use this information to help you select the appropriate AWS Managed Services (AMS) mode for hosting your applications, based on your desired combination of flexibility and prescriptive governance to achieve your business outcomes.

The intended audience for this information is:

  • Customer teams responsible for the strategy and governance of their landing zone. This information will help the team lay out the foundation of an AMS-managed landing zone, with the AMS modes they’d like to offer to their internal and external customers.

  • Business and application owners tasked with migrating their application to AMS. This information will help with planning application migration, with the appropriate AMS mode to migrate/host their application. Note, the same application can be hosted in more than one AMS mode during different phases of its Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) lifecycle.

  • AMS partners tasked with guiding customers on the different options to build and migrate to AMS.

This information is most useful during the foundation phase of setting up your AMS-managed platform, and when you are transitioning from the foundation to the migration phase of your cloud adoption journey, just after onboarding to AMS is complete and you're focusing on application governance and operations.