Amazon S3에 사진 업로드: 전체 코드 - AWS SDK for JavaScript

곧 AWS SDK for JavaScript(v2)에 대한 지원이 종료될 예정임을 알려드립니다. AWS SDK for JavaScript v3로 마이그레이션하실 것을 권장합니다. 마이그레이션 날짜, 추가 세부 정보 및 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 링크된 공지 사항을 참조하세요.

Amazon S3에 사진 업로드: 전체 코드

이 섹션에는 사진이 Amazon S3 사진 앨범에 업로드되는 예제에 관한 전체 HTML 및 JavaScript 코드가 포함되어 있습니다. 자세한 내용과 사전 조건은 상위 섹션을 참조하세요.

HTML 예제:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- **DO THIS**: --> <!-- Replace SDK_VERSION_NUMBER with the current SDK version number --> <script src=""></script> <script src="./s3_photoExample.js"></script> <script> function getHtml(template) { return template.join('\n'); } listAlbums(); </script> </head> <body> <h1>My Photo Albums App</h1> <div id="app"></div> </body> </html>

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브라우저 스크립트 코드 예제:

var albumBucketName = "BUCKET_NAME"; var bucketRegion = "REGION"; var IdentityPoolId = "IDENTITY_POOL_ID"; AWS.config.update({ region: bucketRegion, credentials: new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({ IdentityPoolId: IdentityPoolId, }), }); var s3 = new AWS.S3({ apiVersion: "2006-03-01", params: { Bucket: albumBucketName }, }); function listAlbums() { s3.listObjects({ Delimiter: "/" }, function (err, data) { if (err) { return alert("There was an error listing your albums: " + err.message); } else { var albums = (commonPrefix) { var prefix = commonPrefix.Prefix; var albumName = decodeURIComponent(prefix.replace("/", "")); return getHtml([ "<li>", "<span onclick=\"deleteAlbum('" + albumName + "')\">X</span>", "<span onclick=\"viewAlbum('" + albumName + "')\">", albumName, "</span>", "</li>", ]); }); var message = albums.length ? getHtml([ "<p>Click on an album name to view it.</p>", "<p>Click on the X to delete the album.</p>", ]) : "<p>You do not have any albums. Please Create album."; var htmlTemplate = [ "<h2>Albums</h2>", message, "<ul>", getHtml(albums), "</ul>", "<button onclick=\"createAlbum(prompt('Enter Album Name:'))\">", "Create New Album", "</button>", ]; document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = getHtml(htmlTemplate); } }); } function createAlbum(albumName) { albumName = albumName.trim(); if (!albumName) { return alert("Album names must contain at least one non-space character."); } if (albumName.indexOf("/") !== -1) { return alert("Album names cannot contain slashes."); } var albumKey = encodeURIComponent(albumName); s3.headObject({ Key: albumKey }, function (err, data) { if (!err) { return alert("Album already exists."); } if (err.code !== "NotFound") { return alert("There was an error creating your album: " + err.message); } s3.putObject({ Key: albumKey }, function (err, data) { if (err) { return alert("There was an error creating your album: " + err.message); } alert("Successfully created album."); viewAlbum(albumName); }); }); } function viewAlbum(albumName) { var albumPhotosKey = encodeURIComponent(albumName) + "/"; s3.listObjects({ Prefix: albumPhotosKey }, function (err, data) { if (err) { return alert("There was an error viewing your album: " + err.message); } // 'this' references the AWS.Response instance that represents the response var href = this.request.httpRequest.endpoint.href; var bucketUrl = href + albumBucketName + "/"; var photos = (photo) { var photoKey = photo.Key; var photoUrl = bucketUrl + encodeURIComponent(photoKey); return getHtml([ "<span>", "<div>", '<img style="width:128px;height:128px;" src="' + photoUrl + '"/>', "</div>", "<div>", "<span onclick=\"deletePhoto('" + albumName + "','" + photoKey + "')\">", "X", "</span>", "<span>", photoKey.replace(albumPhotosKey, ""), "</span>", "</div>", "</span>", ]); }); var message = photos.length ? "<p>Click on the X to delete the photo</p>" : "<p>You do not have any photos in this album. Please add photos.</p>"; var htmlTemplate = [ "<h2>", "Album: " + albumName, "</h2>", message, "<div>", getHtml(photos), "</div>", '<input id="photoupload" type="file" accept="image/*">', '<button id="addphoto" onclick="addPhoto(\'' + albumName + "')\">", "Add Photo", "</button>", '<button onclick="listAlbums()">', "Back To Albums", "</button>", ]; document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = getHtml(htmlTemplate); }); } function addPhoto(albumName) { var files = document.getElementById("photoupload").files; if (!files.length) { return alert("Please choose a file to upload first."); } var file = files[0]; var fileName =; var albumPhotosKey = encodeURIComponent(albumName) + "/"; var photoKey = albumPhotosKey + fileName; // Use S3 ManagedUpload class as it supports multipart uploads var upload = new AWS.S3.ManagedUpload({ params: { Bucket: albumBucketName, Key: photoKey, Body: file, }, }); var promise = upload.promise(); promise.then( function (data) { alert("Successfully uploaded photo."); viewAlbum(albumName); }, function (err) { return alert("There was an error uploading your photo: ", err.message); } ); } function deletePhoto(albumName, photoKey) { s3.deleteObject({ Key: photoKey }, function (err, data) { if (err) { return alert("There was an error deleting your photo: ", err.message); } alert("Successfully deleted photo."); viewAlbum(albumName); }); } function deleteAlbum(albumName) { var albumKey = encodeURIComponent(albumName) + "/"; s3.listObjects({ Prefix: albumKey }, function (err, data) { if (err) { return alert("There was an error deleting your album: ", err.message); } var objects = (object) { return { Key: object.Key }; }); s3.deleteObjects( { Delete: { Objects: objects, Quiet: true }, }, function (err, data) { if (err) { return alert("There was an error deleting your album: ", err.message); } alert("Successfully deleted album."); listAlbums(); } ); }); }

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