Automate device registration - AWS Panorama

Automate device registration

To provision an appliance, use the ProvisionDevice API. The response includes a ZIP file with the device's configuration and temporary credentials. Decode the file and save it in an archive with the prefix certificates-omni_.

if [[ $# -eq 1 ]] ; then DEVICE_NAME=$1 else echo "Usage: ./ <device-name>" exit 1 fi CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE=certificates-omni_${DEVICE_NAME}.zip aws panorama provision-device --name ${DEVICE_NAME} --output text --query Certificates | base64 --decode > ${CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE} echo "Created certificate bundle ${CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE}"

The credentials in the configuration archive expire after 5 minutes. Transfer the archive to your appliance with the included USB drive.

To register a camera, use the CreateNodeFromTemplateJob API. This API takes a map of template parameters for the camera's username, password, and URL. You can format this map as a JSON document by using Bash string manipulation.

if [[ $# -eq 3 ]] ; then NAME=$1 USERNAME=$2 URL=$3 else echo "Usage: ./ <stream-name> <username> <rtsp-url>" exit 1 fi echo "Enter camera stream password: " read PASSWORD TEMPLATE='{"Username":"MY_USERNAME","Password":"MY_PASSWORD","StreamUrl": "MY_URL"}' TEMPLATE=${TEMPLATE/MY_USERNAME/$USERNAME} TEMPLATE=${TEMPLATE/MY_PASSWORD/$PASSWORD} TEMPLATE=${TEMPLATE/MY_URL/$URL} echo ${TEMPLATE} JOB_ID=$(aws panorama create-node-from-template-job --template-type RTSP_CAMERA_STREAM --output-package-name ${NAME} --output-package-version "1.0" --node-name ${NAME} --template-parameters "${TEMPLATE}" --output text)

Alternatively, you can load the JSON configuration from a file.

--template-parameters file://camera-template.json