Monitoring appliances and applications with Amazon CloudWatch - AWS Panorama

Monitoring appliances and applications with Amazon CloudWatch

When an appliance is online, AWS Panorama sends metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. You can build graphs and dashboards with these metrics in the CloudWatch console to monitor appliance activity, and set alarms that notify you when devices go offline or applications encounter errors.

To view metrics in the CloudWatch console
  1. Open the AWS Panorama console Metrics page (PanoramaDeviceMetrics namespace).

  2. Choose a dimension schema.

  3. Choose metrics to add them to the graph.

  4. To choose a different statistic and customize the graph, use the options on the Graphed metrics tab. By default, graphs use the Average statistic for all metrics.


CloudWatch has an Always Free tier. Beyond the free tier threshold, CloudWatch charges for metrics, dashboards, alarms, logs, and insights. For details, see CloudWatch pricing.

For more information about CloudWatch, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Using device metrics

When an appliance is online, it sends metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. You can use these metrics to monitor device activity and trigger an alarm if devices go offline.

  • DeviceActive – Sent periodically when the device is active.

    Dimensions – DeviceId and DeviceName.

View the DeviceActive metric with the Average statistic.

Using application metrics

When an application encounters an error, it sends metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. You can use these metrics to trigger an alarm if an application stops running.

  • ApplicationErrors – The number of application errors recorded.

    Dimensions – ApplicationInstanceName and ApplicationInstanceId.

View the application metrics with the Sum statistic.

Configuring alarms

To get notifications when a metric exceeds a threshold, create an alarm. For example, you can create an alarm that sends a notification when the sum of the ApplicationErrors metric stays at 1 for 20 minutes.

To create an alarm
  1. Open the Amazon CloudWatch console Alarms page.

  2. Choose Create alarm.

  3. Choose Select metric and locate a metric for your device, such as ApplicationErrors for applicationInstance-gk75xmplqbqtenlnmz4ehiu7xa,my-application.

  4. Follow the instructions to configure a condition, action, and name for the alarm.

For detailed instructions, see Create a CloudWatch alarm in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.