Integrate alerts with Amazon Managed Grafana or open source Grafana - Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

Integrate alerts with Amazon Managed Grafana or open source Grafana

Alert rules that you have created in Alertmanager within Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus can be forwarded and viewed in Amazon Managed Grafana and Grafana, unifying your alert rules and alerts in a single environment. Within Amazon Managed Grafana, you can view your alert rules and the alerts that are generated.


Before starting to integrate Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus into Amazon Managed Grafana, you must have completed the following prerequisites:

Setting up Amazon Managed Grafana

If you have already set up rules and alerts in your Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus instance, the configuration to use Amazon Managed Grafana as a dashboard for those alerts is done entirely within Amazon Managed Grafana.

To configure Amazon Managed Grafana as your alerts dashboard
  1. Open the Grafana console for your workspace.

  2. Under Configurations, choose Data sources.

  3. Either create or open your Prometheus data source. If you have not previously set up a Prometheus data source, see Step 2: Add the Prometheus data source in Grafana for more information.

  4. In the Prometheus data source, select Manage alerts via Alertmanager UI.

  5. Go back to the Data sources interface.

  6. Create a new Alertmanager data source.

  7. In the Alertmanager data source configuration page, add the following settings:

    • Set Implementation to Prometheus.

    • For the URL setting, use the URL for your Prometheus workspace, remove everything after the workspace ID, and append /alertmanager to the end. For example,

    • Under Auth, turn on SigV4Auth. This tells Grafana to use the AWS authentication for the requests.

    • Under SigV4Auth Details, for Default Region, provide the region of your Prometheus instance, for example us-east-1.

    • Set the Default option to true.

  8. Choose Save and test.

  9. Your Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus alerts should now be configured to work with your Grafana instance. Verify that you can see any Alert rules, Alert groups (including active alerts), and Silences from your Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus instance in the Grafana Alerting page.