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Before You Begin

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Before You Begin - AMS Advanced Application Developer's Guide
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The Deployment | Advanced Stack Components | High Availability Two Tier Stack | Create CT creates an Auto Scaling group, a load balancer, a database, and a CodeDeploy application name and deployment group (with the same name that you give the application). For information on CodeDeploy see What is CodeDeploy?

This walkthrough uses a High Availability Two-Tier Stack RFC that includes UserData and also describes how to create a WordPress bundle that CodeDeploy can deploy.

The UserData shown in the example gets instance metadata such as instance ID, region, etc, from within a running instance by querying the EC2 instance metadata service available at This line in the user data script: REGION=$(curl | sed 's/[a-z]$//'), retrieves the availability zone name from the meta-data service into the $REGION variable for our supported regions, and uses it to complete the URL for the S3 bucket where the CodeDeploy agent is downloaded. The IP is routable only within the VPC (all VPCs can query the service). For information about the service, see Instance Metadata and User Data. Note also that scripts entered as UserData are executed as the "root" user and do not need to use the "sudo" command.

This walkthrough leaves the following parameters at the default value (shown):

  • Auto Scaling group: Cooldown=300, DesiredCapacity=2, EBSOptimized=false, HealthCheckGracePeriod=600, IAMInstanceProfile=customer-mc-ec2-instance-profile, InstanceDetailedMonitoring=true, InstanceRootVolumeIops=0, InstanceRootVolumeType=standard, InstanceType=m3.medium, MaxInstances=2, MinInstances=2, ScaleDownPolicyCooldown=300, ScaleDownPolicyEvaluationPeriods=4, ScaleDownPolicyPeriod=60, ScaleDownPolicyScalingAdjustment=-1, ScaleDownPolicyStatistic=Average, ScaleDownPolicyThreshold=35, ScaleMetricName=CPUUtilization, ScaleUpPolicyCooldown=60, ScaleUpPolicyEvaluationPeriods=2, ScaleUpPolicyPeriod=60, ScaleUpPolicyScalingAdjustment=2, ScaleUpPolicyStatistic=Average, ScaleUpPolicyThreshold=75.

  • Load Balancer: HealthCheckInterval=30, HealthCheckTimeout=5.

  • Database: BackupRetentionPeriod=7, Backups=true, InstanceType=db.m3.medium, IOPS=0, MultiAZ=true, PreferredBackupWindow=22:00-23:00, PreferredMaintenanceWindow=wed:03:32-wed:04:02, StorageEncrypted=false, StorageEncryptionKey="", StorageType=gp2.

  • Application: DeploymentConfigName=CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime.

Variable Parameters:

The Console provides an ASAP option for the start time and this walkthrough recommends using it. ASAP causes the RFC to be executed as soon as approvals are passed.


There are many parameters that you might choose to set differently than as shown. The values for those parameters shown in the example have been tested but may not be right for you. Only required values are shown in the examples. Values in replaceable font should be changed as they are particular to your account.

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