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Inspecting SSL/TLS traffic with TLS inspection configurations in AWS Network Firewall

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Inspecting SSL/TLS traffic with TLS inspection configurations in AWS Network Firewall - AWS Network Firewall
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AWS Network Firewall uses TLS inspection configurations to decrypt your firewall's inbound and outbound SSL/TLS traffic. After decryption, Network Firewall inspects the traffic according to your firewall policy's stateful rules, and then re-encrypts it before sending it to its destination. You can enable inspection of your firewall's inbound traffic, outbound traffic, or both. To use TLS inspection with your firewall, you must import or provision certificates to AWS Certificate Manager, create a TLS inspection configuration, add that configuration to a new firewall policy, and then associate that policy with your firewall.

Pricing for using TLS inspection configurations is based on the amount of traffic that Network Firewall inspects—which appears on your bill as advanced inspection—and the number of deployed firewall endpoints. For information about TLS inspection configuration pricing, see Network Firewall pricing. To use the AWS pricing calculator to check Network Firewall costs, see Network Firewall pricing calculator.

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