Domains to add to your allow list
If you filter access to specific AWS domains or URL endpoints by using a web content filtering solution such as next-generation firewalls (NGFW) or Secure Web Gateways (SWG), you must add the following domains or URL endpoints to your web-content filtering solution allowlists.
AWS Sign-In domains to allowlist
If you or your organization implement IP or domain filtering, you may need to allowlist domains to use the AWS Management Console. The following domains must be accessible on the network from which you are trying to access the AWS Management Console.
[Region] -
[Region] -
AWS access portal domains to
If you filter access to specific AWS domains or URL endpoints by using a web content filtering solution such as next-generation firewalls (NGFW) or Secure Web Gateways (SWG), you must add the following domains or URL endpoints to your web-content filtering solution allowlists. Doing so enables you to access your AWS access portal.
[Directory ID or alias] -
[Region] -
[Region] -
AWS Builder ID domains to allowlist
If you or your organization implement IP or domain filtering, you may need to allowlist domains to create and use an AWS Builder ID. The following domains must be accessible on the network from which you are trying to access AWS Builder ID.