An HTTP Task is a type of Task workflow state state that lets you call an HTTPS API in your workflows. The API can be public, such as third-party SaaS applications like Stripe or Salesforce. You can also call private API, such as HTTPS-based applications in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.
For authorization and network connectivity, an HTTP Task requires an EventBridge connection.
To call an HTTPS API, use the Task state with the arn:aws:states:::http:invoke
Then, provide the API endpoint configuration details, such as the API URL, method you want
to use, and connection details.
If you use Workflow Studio to build your state machine that contains an HTTP Task, Workflow Studio automatically generates an execution role with IAM policies for the HTTP Task. For more information, see Role for testing HTTP Tasks in Workflow Studio.
HTTP Task currently only supports public domain names with publicly trusted certificates for HTTPS endpoints when using private APIs. HTTP Task does not support mutual TLS (mTLS).
Connectivity for an HTTP Task
An HTTP Task requires an EventBridge connection, which securely manages the authentication credentials of an API provider. A connection defines the authorization method and credentials to use in connecting to a given API. If you are connecting to a private API, such as a private API in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), you can also use the connection to define secure point-to-point network connectivity. Using a connection helps you avoid hard-coding secrets, such as API keys, into your state machine definition. An EventBridge connection supports the Basic, OAuth, and API Key authorization schemes.
When you create an EventBridge connection, you provide your authorization and network connectivity details. You can also include the header, body, and query parameters that are required for authorization with an API. You must include the connection ARN in any HTTP Task that calls an HTTPS API.
When you create a connection, EventBridge creates a secret in AWS Secrets Manager. In this secret, EventBridge stores the connection and authorization parameters in an encrypted form. To successfully create or update a connection, you must use an AWS account that has permission to use Secrets Manager. For more information about the IAM permissions your state machine needs to access an EventBridge connection, see IAM permissions to run an HTTP Task.
The following image shows how Step Functions handles authorization for HTTPS API calls using an EventBridge connection. The EventBridge connection manages credentials of an HTTPS API provider. EventBridge creates a secret in Secrets Manager to store the connection and authorization parameters in an encrypted form. In the case of private APIs, EventBridge also stores network connectivity configurations.
Timeouts for connections
HTTP task requests will timeout after 60 seconds.

HTTP Task definition
The ASL definition represents an HTTP Task with http:invoke
resource. The following HTTP Task definition invokes a public Stripe API that returns
a list of all customers.
"Call HTTPS API": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::http:invoke",
"Parameters": {
"ApiEndpoint": "",
"Authentication": {
"ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:events:us-east-2
"Method": "GET"
"End": true
HTTP Task fields
An HTTP Task includes the following fields in its definition.
To specify a task type, provide its ARN in the
field. For an HTTP Task, you specify theResource
field as follows."Resource": "arn:aws:states:::http:invoke"
Contains the
, andConnectionArn
fields that provide information about the HTTPS API you want to call.Parameters
also contains optional fields, such asHeaders
.You can specify a combination of static JSON and JsonPath
syntax as Parameters
in theParameters
field. For more information, see Passing parameters to a service API in Step Functions.To specify the EventBridge connection, use either the
Specifies the URL of the HTTPS API you want to call. To append query parameters to the URL, use the
field. The following example shows how you can call a Stripe API to fetch the list of all customers."ApiEndpoint":""
You can also specify a reference path using the JsonPath
syntax to select the JSON node that contains the HTTPS API URL. For example, say you want to call one of Stripe’s APIs using a specific customer ID. Imagine that you've provided the following state input. { "customer_id": "1234567890", "name": "John Doe" }
To retrieve the details of this customer ID using a Stripe API, specify the
as shown in the following example. This example uses an intrinsic function and a reference path."ApiEndpoint.$":"States.Format('{}', $.customer_id)"
At runtime, Step Functions resolves the value of
as follows.
Specifies the HTTP method you want to use for calling an HTTPS API. You can specify one of these methods in your HTTP Task: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS, or HEAD.
For example, to use the GET method, specify the
field as follows."Method": "GET"
You can also use a reference path to specify the method at runtime. For example,
"Method.$": "$.myHTTPMethod"
. Authentication
You must specify either
.Contains the
field that specifies how to authenticate a public HTTPS API call. Step Functions supports authentication for a specifiedApiEndpoint
using the connection resource of Amazon EventBridge.ConnectionArn
Specifies the EventBridge connection ARN.
An HTTP Task requires an EventBridge connection, which securely manages the authorization credentials of an API provider. A connection specifies the authorization type and credentials to use for authorizing an HTTPS API. Using a connection helps you avoid hard-coding secrets, such as API keys, into your state machine definition. In a connection, you can also specify
, andRequestBody
parameters.For more information, see Connectivity for an HTTP Task.
The following example shows how you can specify the
field in your HTTP Task definition."Authentication": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:events:us-east-2:
:connection/Stripe/81210c42-8af1-456b-9c4a-6ff02fc664ac" } InvocationConfig
You must specify either
.Contains the authorization and network connectivity configuration for a private HTTPS API call. Step Functions supports connection for a specified
using the connection resource of Amazon EventBridge. For more information, see Connecting to private APIs in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.ConnectionArn
Specifies the EventBridge connection ARN.
An HTTP Task requires an EventBridge connection, which securely manages the authorization credentials of an API provider. A connection specifies the authorization type and credentials to use for authorizing an HTTPS API. For private APIs, the connection also defines secure point-to-point network connectivity. Using a connection helps you avoid hard-coding secrets, such as API keys, into your state machine definition. In a connection, you can also specify
, andRequestBody
parameters.For more information, see Connectivity for an HTTP Task.
The following example shows how you can specify an
field in your HTTP Task definition."InvocationConfig": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:events:
" } Headers
Provides additional context and metadata to the API endpoint. You can specify headers as a string or JSON array.
You can specify headers in the EventBridge connection and the
field in an HTTP Task. We recommend that you do not include authentication details to your API providers in theHeaders
field. We recommend that you include these details into your EventBridge connection.Step Functions adds the headers that you specify in the EventBridge connection to the headers that you specify in the HTTP Task definition. If the same header keys are present in the definition and connection, Step Functions uses the corresponding values specified in the EventBridge connection for those headers. For more information about how Step Functions performs data merging, see Merging EventBridge connection and HTTP Task definition data.
The following example specifies a header that will be included in an HTTPS API call:
."Headers": { "content-type": "application/json" }
You can also use a reference path to specify the headers at runtime. For example,
"Headers.$": "$.myHTTPHeaders"
.Step Functions sets the
, andHost
headers. Step Functions sets the value of theHost
header based on the API you're calling. The following is an example of these headers.User-Agent: Amazon|StepFunctions|HttpInvoke|
, Range: bytes=0-262144, Host: api.stripe.comYou can't use the following headers in your HTTP Task definition. If you use these headers, the HTTP Task fails with the
Inserts key-value pairs at the end of an API URL. You can specify query parameters as a string, JSON array, or a JSON object. Step Functions automatically URL-encodes query parameters when it calls an HTTPS API.
For example, say that you want to call the Stripe API to search for customers that do their transactions in US dollars (USD). Imagine that you've provided the following
as state input."QueryParameters": { "currency": "usd" }
At runtime, Step Functions appends the
to the API URL as follows.
You can also use a reference path to specify the query parameters at runtime. For example,
"QueryParameters.$": "$.myQueryParameters"
.If you’ve specified query parameters in your EventBridge connection, Step Functions adds these query parameters to the query parameters that you specify in the HTTP Task definition. If the same query parameters keys are present in the definition and connection, Step Functions uses the corresponding values specified in the EventBridge connection for those headers. For more information about how Step Functions performs data merging, see Merging EventBridge connection and HTTP Task definition data.
Contains the
fields. By default, Step Functions sends the request body as JSON data to an API endpoint.If your API provider accepts
request bodies, use theTransform
field to specify URL-encoding for the request bodies. You must also specify thecontent-type
header asapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded
. Step Functions then automatically URL-encodes your request body.RequestBodyEncoding
Specifies URL-encoding of your request body. You can specify one these values:
– The HTTP request body will be the serialized JSON of theRequestBody
field. This is the default value. -
– The HTTP request body will be the URL-encoded form data of theRequestBody
Determines the encoding option to use for arrays in your request body if you set
.Step Functions supports the following array encoding options. For more information about these options and their examples, see Applying URL-encoding on request body.
– Encodes arrays using the index value of array elements. By default, Step Functions uses this encoding option. -
– Repeats a key for each item in an array. -
– Encodes all the values in a key as a comma-delimited list of values. -
– Repeats a key for each item in an array and appends a bracket, [], to the key to indicate that it is an array.
The following example sets URL-encoding for the request body data. It also specifies to use the
encoding option for arrays in the request body."Transform": { "RequestBodyEncoding": "URL_ENCODED", "RequestEncodingOptions": { "ArrayFormat": "COMMAS" } }
Accepts JSON data that you provide in the state input. In
, you can specify a combination of static JSON and JsonPathsyntax. For example, say that you provide the following state input: { "CardNumber": "1234567890", "ExpiryDate": "09/25" }
To use these values of
in your request body at runtime, you can specify the following JSON data in your request body."RequestBody": { "Card": { "Number.$": "$.CardNumber", "Expiry.$": "$.ExpiryDate", "Name": "John Doe", "Address": "123 Any Street, Any Town, USA" } }
If the HTTPS API you want to call requires
request bodies, you must specify URL-encoding for your request body data. For more information, see Applying URL-encoding on request body.
Merging EventBridge connection and
HTTP Task definition data
When you invoke an HTTP Task, you can specify data in your EventBridge
connection and your HTTP Task definition. This data includes Headers
, QueryParameters
, and RequestBody
parameters. Before
calling an HTTPS API, Step Functions merges the request body with the
connection body parameters in all cases except if your request body is a string and the
connection body parameters is non-empty. In this case, the HTTP Task fails with the
If there are any duplicate keys specified in the HTTP Task definition and the EventBridge connection, Step Functions overwrites the values in the HTTP Task with the values in the connection.
The following list describes how Step Functions merges data before calling an HTTPS API:
Headers – Step Functions adds any headers you specified in the connection to the headers in the
field of the HTTP Task. If there is a conflict between the header keys, Step Functions uses the values specified in the connection for those headers. For example, if you specified thecontent-type
header in both the HTTP Task definition and EventBridge connection, Step Functions uses thecontent-type
header value specified in the connection. -
Query parameters – Step Functions adds any query parameters you specified in the connection to the query parameters in the
field of the HTTP Task. If there is a conflict between the query parameter keys, Step Functions uses the values specified in the connection for those query parameters. For example, if you specified themaxItems
query parameter in both the HTTP Task definition and EventBridge connection, Step Functions uses themaxItems
query parameter value specified in the connection. -
Body parameters
Step Functions adds any request body values specified in the connection to the request body in the
field of the HTTP Task. If there is a conflict between the request body keys, Step Functions uses the values specified in the connection for the request body. For example, say that you specified aMode
field in theRequestBody
of both the HTTP Task definition and EventBridge connection. Step Functions uses theMode
field value you specified in the connection. -
If you specify the request body as a string instead of a JSON object, and the EventBridge connection also contains request body, Step Functions can't merge the request body specified in both these places. It fails the HTTP Task with the
Step Functions applies all transformations and serializes the request body after it completes the merging of the request body.
The following example sets the Headers
, QueryParameters
, and
fields in both the HTTP Task and EventBridge
HTTP Task definition
{ "Comment": "Data merging example for HTTP Task and EventBridge connection", "StartAt": "ListCustomers", "States": { "ListCustomers": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::http:invoke", "Parameters": { "Authentication": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:events:us-east-1:
" }, "ApiEndpoint": "https:/
", "Method": "GET", "Headers": {"Request-Id": "my_request_id", "Header-Param": "state_machine_header_param"
}, "RequestBody": {"Job": "Software Engineer", "Company": "AnyCompany", "BodyParam": "state_machine_body_param"
}, "QueryParameters": {"QueryParam": "state_machine_query_param"
} } } } }
EventBridge connection
{ "AuthorizationType": "
", "AuthParameters": { "ApiKeyAuthParameters": { "ApiKeyName": "ApiKey
", "ApiKeyValue": "key_value
" }, "InvocationHttpParameters": { "BodyParameters": [ {"Key": "BodyParam", "Value": "connection_body_param"
} ], "HeaderParameters": [ {"Key": "Header-Param", "Value": "connection_header_param"
} ], "QueryStringParameters": [ {"Key": "QueryParam", "Value": "connection_query_param"
} ] } } }
In this example, duplicate keys are specified in the HTTP Task and EventBridge connection. Therefore, Step Functions overwrites the values in the HTTP Task with the values in the connection. The following code snippet shows the HTTP request that Step Functions sends to the HTTPS API.
POST /path?QueryParam=connection_query_param HTTP/1.1
Apikey: key_value
Content-Length: 79
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Header-Param: connection_header_param
Range: bytes=0-262144
Request-Id: my_request_id
User-Agent: Amazon|StepFunctions|HttpInvoke|us-east-1
{"Job":"Software Engineer","Company":"AnyCompany","BodyParam":"connection_body_param"}
Applying URL-encoding on request body
By default, Step Functions sends the request body as JSON data to an API
endpoint. If your HTTPS API provider requires
request bodies, you must specify URL-encoding for the
request bodies. Step Functions then automatically URL-encodes the request body
based on the URL-encoding option you select.
You specify URL-encoding using the Transform
field. This field contains the RequestBodyEncoding
field that
specifies whether or not you want to apply URL-encoding for your request bodies. When
you specify the RequestBodyEncoding
field, Step Functions converts
your JSON request body to form-urlencoded
request body before calling the
HTTPS API. You must also specify the content-type
header as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
because APIs that accept
URL-encoded data expect the content-type
To encode arrays in your request body, Step Functions provides the following array encoding options.
– Repeats a key for each item in an array and appends a bracket, [], to the key to indicate that it is an array. This bracket contains the index of the array element. Adding the index helps you specify the order of the array elements. By default, Step Functions uses this encoding option.For example, if your request body contains the following array.
{"array": ["a","b","c","d"]}
Step Functions encodes this array to the following string.
– Repeats a key for each item in an array.For example, if your request body contains the following array.
{"array": ["a","b","c","d"]}
Step Functions encodes this array to the following string.
– Encodes all the values in a key as a comma-delimited list of values.For example, if your request body contains the following array.
{"array": ["a","b","c","d"]}
Step Functions encodes this array to the following string.
– Repeats a key for each item in an array and appends a bracket, [], to the key to indicate that it is an array.For example, if your request body contains the following array.
{"array": ["a","b","c","d"]}
Step Functions encodes this array to the following string.
IAM permissions to run an
Your state machine execution role must have the following permissions for an HTTP Task to call an HTTPS API:
The following IAM policy example grants the least privileges required to your state machine role for calling Stripe APIs. This IAM policy also grants permission to the state machine role to access a specific EventBridge connection, including the secret for this connection that is stored in Secrets Manager.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Statement1", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "states:InvokeHTTPEndpoint", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:us-east-2:
", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "states:HTTPMethod": "GET" }, "StringLike": { "states:HTTPEndpoint": "*" } } }, { "Sid": "Statement2", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "events:RetrieveConnectionCredentials", ], "Resource": "arn:aws:events:us-east-2:123456789012
" }, { "Sid": "Statement3", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue", "secretsmanager:DescribeSecret" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:*:*:secret:events!connection/*" } ] }
HTTP Task example
The following state machine definition shows an HTTP Task that includes the
, QueryParameters
, Transform
, and RequestBody
parameters. The
HTTP Task calls a Stripe API,, to generate an
invoice. The HTTP Task also specifies URL-encoding for the request body using the
encoding option.
Make sure that you've created an EventBridge connection. The following example shows a connection created using BASIC auth type.
"Type": "BASIC",
"AuthParameters": {
"BasicAuthParameters": {
"Password": "myPassword",
"Username": "myUsername"
Remember to replace the italicized
text with your resource-specific information.
{ "Comment": "A state machine that uses HTTP Task", "StartAt": "CreateInvoiceAPI", "States": { "CreateInvoiceAPI": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::http:invoke", "Parameters": { "ApiEndpoint": "", "Method": "POST", "Authentication": { "ConnectionArn": ""arn:aws:events:
:connection/Stripe/81210c42-8af1-456b-9c4a-6ff02fc664ac" }, "Headers": { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, "RequestBody": { "customer.$": "$.customer_id", "description": "Monthly subscription", "metadata": { "order_details": "monthly report data" } }, "Transform": { "RequestBodyEncoding": "URL_ENCODED", "RequestEncodingOptions": { "ArrayFormat": "INDICES" } } }, "Retry": [ { "ErrorEquals": [ "States.Http.StatusCode.429", "States.Http.StatusCode.503", "States.Http.StatusCode.504", "States.Http.StatusCode.502" ], "BackoffRate": 2, "IntervalSeconds": 1, "MaxAttempts": 3, "JitterStrategy": "FULL" } ], "Catch": [ { "ErrorEquals": [ "States.Http.StatusCode.404", "States.Http.StatusCode.400", "States.Http.StatusCode.401", "States.Http.StatusCode.409", "States.Http.StatusCode.500" ], "Comment": "Handle all non 200 ", "Next": "HandleInvoiceFailure" } ], "End": true } } }
To run this state machine, provide the customer ID as the input as shown in the following example:
"customer_id": "1234567890"
The following example shows the HTTP request that Step Functions sends to the Stripe API.
POST /v1/invoices HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <base64 of username and password>
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Range: bytes=0-262144
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
User-Agent: Amazon|StepFunctions|HttpInvoke|us-east-1
Testing an HTTP Task
You can use the TestState API through the console, SDK, or the AWS CLI to test an HTTP Task. The following procedure describes how to use the TestState API in the Step Functions console. You can iteratively test the API request, response, and authentication details until your HTTP Task is working as expected.
Test an HTTP Task state in Step Functions console
Open the Step Functions console
. -
Choose Create state machine to start creating a state machine or choose an existing state machine that contains an HTTP Task.
Refer Step 4 if you're testing the task in an existing state machine.
In the Design mode of Workflow Studio, configure an HTTP Task visually. Or choose the Code mode to copy-paste the state machine definition from your local development environment.
In Design mode, choose Test state in the Inspector panel panel of Workflow Studio.
In the Test state dialog box, do the following:
For Execution role, choose an execution role to test the state. If you don't have a role with sufficient permissions for an HTTP Task, see Role for testing HTTP Tasks in Workflow Studio to create a role.
(Optional) Provide any JSON input that your selected state needs for the test.
For Inspection level, keep the default selection of INFO. This level shows you the status of the API call and the state output. This is useful for quickly checking the API response.
Choose Start test.
If the test succeeds, the state output appears on the right side of the Test state dialog box. If the test fails, an error appears.
In the State details tab of the dialog box, you can see the state definition and a link to your EventBridge connection.
Change the Inspection level to TRACE. This level shows you the raw HTTP request and response, and is useful for verifying headers, query parameters, and other API-specific details.
Choose the Reveal secrets checkbox. In combination with TRACE, this setting lets you see the sensitive data that the EventBridge connection inserts, such as API keys. The IAM user identity that you use to access the console must have permission to perform the
action. Without this permission, Step Functions throws an access denied error when you start the test. For an example of an IAM policy that sets thestates:RevealSecrets
permission, see IAM permissions for using TestState API.The following image shows a test for an HTTP Task that succeeds. The Inspection level for this state is set to TRACE. The HTTP request & response tab in the following image shows the result of the HTTPS API call.
Choose Start test.
If the test succeeds, you can see your HTTP details under the HTTP request & response tab.
Unsupported HTTP Task
An HTTP Task fails with the States.Runtime
error if one of the following conditions is
true for the response returned:
The response contains a content-type header of
, oraudio/*
. -
The response can't be read as a valid string. For example, binary or image data.
Connection errors
If EventBridge encounters an issue when connecting to the specified API during workflow
execution, Step Functions raises the error in your workflow. Connection errors are prefixed with
These errors include: