AWS.Compute.EKSManagedNode - AWS Telco Network Builder


AWS TNB supports EKS Managed Node groups to automate the provisioning and lifecycle management of nodes (Amazon EC2 instances) for Amazon EKS Kubernetes clusters. To create an EKS Node group, do the following:

  • Choose the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) for your cluster workers nodes by providing either the ID of the AMI or the AMI type.

  • Provide an Amazon EC2 key pair for SSH access and the scaling properties for your node group.

  • Ensure that your node group is associated with an Amazon EKS cluster.

  • Provide the subnets for the worker nodes.

  • Optionally, attach security groups, node labels, and a placement group to your node group.


tosca.nodes.AWS.Compute.EKSManagedNode: capabilities: compute: properties: ami_type: String ami_id: String instance_types: List key_pair: String root_volume_encryption: Boolean root_volume_encryption_key_arn: String scaling: properties: desired_size: Integer min_size: Integer max_size: Integer properties: node_role: String tags: List kubernetes_version: String requirements: cluster: String subnets: List network_interfaces: List security_groups: List placement_group: String user_data: String labels: List



Properties that define the computing parameters for the Amazon EKS managed node group, such as, Amazon EC2 instance types and Amazon EC2 instance AMIs.


The Amazon EKS-supported AMI type.

Required: Yes

Type: String



The ID of the AMI.

Required: No

Type: String


If both ami_type and ami_id are specified in the template, AWS TNB will use only the ami_id value to create EKSManagedNode.


The instance size.

Required: Yes

Type: List


The EC2 Key pair to enable SSH access.

Required: Yes

Type: String


Enables Amazon EBS encryption for the Amazon EBS root volume. If this property is not provided, AWS TNB encrypts Amazon EBS root volumes by default.

Required: No

Default: true

Type: Boolean


The ARN of the AWS KMS key. AWS TNB supports regular key ARN, multi-region key ARN and alias ARN.

Required: No

Type: String

  • If root_volume_encryption is false, do not include root_volume_encryption_key_arn.

  • AWS TNB supports root volume encryption of Amazon EBS-backed AMI’s.

  • If the AMI's root volume is already encrypted, you must include the root_volume_encryption_key_arn for AWS TNB to re-encrypt the root volume.

  • If the AMI's root volume is not encrypted, AWS TNB uses the root_volume_encryption_key_arn to encrypt the root volume.

    If you do not include root_volume_encryption_key_arn, AWS TNB uses the default key provided by AWS Key Management Service to encrypt the root volume.

  • AWS TNB does not decrypt an encrypted AMI.


Properties that define the scaling parameters for the Amazon EKS managed node group, such as, the desired number of Amazon EC2 instances, and minimum and maximum number of Amazon EC2 instances in the node group.


The number of instances in this NodeGroup.

Required: Yes

Type: Integer


The minimum number of instances in this NodeGroup.

Required: Yes

Type: Integer


The maximum number of instances in this NodeGroup.

Required: Yes

Type: Integer



The ARN of the IAM role that is attached to the Amazon EC2 instance.

Required: Yes

Type: String


The tags to be attached to the resource.

Required: No

Type: List


The Kubernetes version for the Managed Node group. AWS TNB supports Kubernetes versions 1.23 through 1.31. Consider the following:

  • Specify either the kubernetes_version or ami_id. Do not specify both.

  • The kubernetes_version must be less than or equal to the AWS.Compute.EKSManagedNode version.

  • There can be a difference of 3 versions between the AWS.Compute.EKSManagedNode version and kubernetes_version.

  • If neither the kubernetes_version or ami_id are specified, AWS TNB will use the latest AMI of the AWS.Compute.EKSManagedNode version to create EKSManagedNode

Required: No

Type: String

Possible values: 1.23 | 1.24 | 1.25 | 1.26 | 1.27 | 1.28 | 1.29 | 1.30 | 1.31



An AWS.Compute.EKS node.

Required: Yes

Type: String


An AWS.Networking.Subnet node.

Required: Yes

Type: List


An AWS.Networking.ENI node. Ensure that the network interfaces and subnets are set to the same Availability Zone or instantiation will fail.

When you set network_interfaces, AWS TNB obtains the permission related to ENIs from the multus_role property if you included the multus property in the AWS.Compute.EKS node. Otherwise, AWS TNB obtains the permission related to ENIs from the node_role property.

Required: No

Type: List


An AWS.Networking.SecurityGroup node.

Required: No

Type: List


A tosca.nodes.AWS.Compute.PlacementGroup node.

Required: No

Type: String


A tosca.nodes.AWS.Compute.UserData node reference. A user data script is passed to the Amazon EC2 instances launched by the managed node group. Add the permissions required to run custom user data to the node_role passed to the node group.

Required: No

Type: String


A list of node labels. A node label must have a name and a value. Create a label using the following criteria:

  • The name and value must be separated by =.

  • The name and value can each be up to 63 characters in length.

  • The label can include letters (A-Z, a-z,), numbers (0-9) and the following characters: [-, _, ., *, ?]

  • The name and value must start and end with an alphanumeric, ?, or * character.

For example, myLabelName1=*NodeLabelValue1

Required: No

Type: List


SampleEKSManagedNode: type: tosca.nodes.AWS.Compute.EKSManagedNode capabilities: compute: properties: ami_type: "AL2_x86_64" instance_types: - "t3.xlarge" key_pair: "SampleKeyPair" root_volume_encryption: true root_volume_encryption_key_arn: "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab" scaling: properties: desired_size: 1 min_size: 1 max_size: 1 properties: node_role: "arn:aws:iam::${AWS::TNB::AccountId}:role/SampleRole" tags: - "Name=SampleVPC" - "Environment=Testing" kubernetes_version: - "1.30" requirements: cluster: SampleEKS subnets: - SampleSubnet network_interfaces: - SampleENI01 - SampleENI02 security_groups: - SampleSecurityGroup01 - SampleSecurityGroup02 placement_group: SamplePlacementGroup user_data: CustomUserData labels: - "sampleLabelName001=sampleLabelValue001" - "sampleLabelName002=sampleLabelValue002"