Network service descriptor template - AWS Telco Network Builder

Network service descriptor template

Defines a network service descriptor (NSD) template.


tosca_definitions_version: tnb_simple_yaml_1_0 vnfds: - descriptor_id: String namespace: String topology_template: inputs: SampleInputParameter: type: String description: "Sample parameter description" default: "DefaultSampleValue" node_templates: SampleNode1: tosca.nodes.AWS.NS

Using defined parameters

When you want to dynamically pass a parameter, such as the CIDR block for the VPC node, you can use the { get_input: input-parameter-name } syntax and define the parameters in the NSD template. Then reuse the parameter across the same NSD template.

The following example shows how to define and use parameters:

tosca_definitions_version: tnb_simple_yaml_1_0 topology_template: inputs: cidr_block: type: String description: "CIDR Block for VPC" default: "" node_templates: ExampleSingleClusterNS: type: tosca.nodes.AWS.NS properties: descriptor_id: "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111" ..... ExampleVPC: type: tosca.nodes.AWS.Networking.VPC properties: cidr_block: { get_input: cidr_block }

VNFD import


The UUID of the descriptor.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: [a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}


The unique name.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Topology template