Listing IP addresses that are being rate limited by rate-based rules - AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced

Listing IP addresses that are being rate limited by rate-based rules

This section explains how to access the list of IP addresses that are currently rate-limited by a rate-based rule by using the CLI, the API, or any of the SDKs.

If your rate-based rule only aggregates on IP address or forwarded IP address, you can retrieve the list of IP addresses that the rule is currently rate limiting. AWS WAF stores these IP addresses in the rule's managed keys list.


This option is only available if you aggregate on only the IP address or only an IP address in a header. If you use the custom keys request aggregation, you can't retrieve a list of rate limited IP addresses, even if you use one of the IP address specifications in your custom keys.

A rate-based rule applies its rule action to requests from the rule's managed keys list that match the rule's scope-down statement. When a rule has no scope-down statement, it applies the action to all requests from the IP addresses that are in the list. The rule action is Block by default, but it can be any valid rule action except for Allow. The maximum number of IP addresses that AWS WAF can rate limit using a single rate-based rule instance is 10,000. If more than 10,000 addresses exceed the rate limit, AWS WAF limits those with the highest rates.

You can access a rate-based rule's managed keys list using the CLI, the API, or any of the SDKs. This topic covers access using the CLI and APIs. The console doesn't provide access to the list at this time.

For the AWS WAF API, the command is GetRateBasedStatementManagedKeys.

For the AWS WAF CLI, the command is get-rate-based-statement-managed-keys.

The following shows the syntax for retrieving the list of rate limited IP addresses for a rate-based rule that's being used in a web ACL on an Amazon CloudFront distribution.

aws wafv2 get-rate-based-statement-managed-keys --scope=CLOUDFRONT --region=us-east-1 --web-acl-name=WebACLName --web-acl-id=WebACLId --rule-name=RuleName

The following shows the syntax for a regional application, an Amazon API Gateway REST API, an Application Load Balancer, an AWS AppSync GraphQL API, an Amazon Cognito user pool, an AWS App Runner service, or an AWS Verified Access instance.

aws wafv2 get-rate-based-statement-managed-keys --scope=REGIONAL --region=region --web-acl-name=WebACLName --web-acl-id=WebACLId --rule-name=RuleName

AWS WAF monitors web requests and manages keys independently for each unique combination of web ACL, optional rule group, and rate-based rule. For example, if you define a rate-based rule inside a rule group, and then use the rule group in a web ACL, AWS WAF monitors web requests and manages keys for that web ACL, rule group reference statement, and rate-based rule instance. If you use the same rule group in a second web ACL, AWS WAF monitors web requests and manages keys for this second usage completely independent of your first.

For a rate-based rule that you've defined inside a rule group, you need to provide the name of the rule group reference statement in your request, in addition to the web ACL name and the name of the rate-based rule inside the rule group. The following shows the syntax for a regional application where the rate-based rule is defined inside a rule group, and the rule group is used in a web ACL.

aws wafv2 get-rate-based-statement-managed-keys --scope=REGIONAL --region=region --web-acl-name=WebACLName --web-acl-id=WebACLId --rule-group-rule-name=RuleGroupRuleName --rule-name=RuleName