这是 AWS CDK v2 开发者指南。较旧的 CDK v1 于 2022 年 6 月 1 日进入维护阶段,并于 2023 年 6 月 1 日终止支持。
测试 AWS CDK 应用程序
使用 AWS CDK 后,您的基础设施可以像您编写的任何其他代码一样具有可测试性。测试 AWS CDK 应用程序的标准方法是使用 AWS CDK 的断言模块和常用的测试框架,例如,适用于 TypeScript 和 JavaScript 的 Jest
您可以为 AWS CDK 应用程序编写两类测试。
细粒度断言可测试生成的 AWS CloudFormation 模板的特定方面,比如“该资源具有该值的该属性”。这些测试可以检测回归。当您使用测试驱动开发来开发新功能时,这些测试也会很有用。(您可以先编写一个测试,然后编写正确的实现使其通过。) 细粒度断言是最常使用的测试。
快照测试可对照先前存储的基线模板来测试合成的 AWS CloudFormation 模板。快照测试让您可以自由重构,因为您可以确保重构后的代码与原始代码的工作方式完全相同。如果这些更改是有意的,您可以接受新的基线,用于今后的测试。但是,CDK 升级也可能导致合成模板发生变化,因此您不能仅依靠快照来确保实现是正确的。
GitHub 上提供
为了说明如何编写这些测试,我们将创建一个包含 AWS Step Functions 状态机和 AWS Lambda 函数的堆栈。Lambda 函数订阅了 Amazon SNS 主题,只需将消息转发到状态机即可。
首先,使用 CDK Toolkit 创建一个空的 CDK 应用程序项目并安装我们需要的库。我们将使用的构造都在 CDK 主包中,该包是使用 CDK Toolkit 创建的项目中的默认依赖项。但您必须安装测试框架。
- TypeScript
mkdir state-machine && cd state-machine cdk init --language=typescript npm install --save-dev jest @types/jest
mkdir test
,以告诉 NPM 如何运行 Jest,并告诉 Jest 要收集什么类型的文件。必要的更改如下所示。-
密钥 -
将 Jest 及其类型添加到
部分 -
中指示的位置。“...”占位符表示文件中不应更改的现有部分。{ ... "scripts": { ... "test": "jest" }, "devDependencies": { ... "@types/jest": "^24.0.18", "jest": "^24.9.0" }, "jest": { "moduleFileExtensions": ["js"] } }
- JavaScript
mkdir state-machine && cd state-machine cdk init --language=javascript npm install --save-dev jest
mkdir test
,以告诉 NPM 如何运行 Jest,并告诉 Jest 要收集什么类型的文件。必要的更改如下所示。-
密钥 -
将 Jest 添加到
部分 -
中指示的位置。“...”占位符表示文件中不应更改的现有部分。{ ... "scripts": { ... "test": "jest" }, "devDependencies": { ... "jest": "^24.9.0" }, "jest": { "moduleFileExtensions": ["js"] } }
- Python
mkdir state-machine && cd state-machine cdk init --language=python source .venv/bin/activate # On Windows, run '.\venv\Scripts\activate' instead python -m pip install -r requirements.txt python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- Java
mkdir state-machine && cd-state-machine cdk init --language=java
在首选的 Java IDE 中打开项目。(在 Eclipse 中,使用文件 > 导入 > 现有 Maven 项目。)
- C#
mkdir state-machine && cd-state-machine cdk init --language=csharp
在 Visual Studio 中打开
。在“解决方案资源管理器”中右键单击该解决方案,然后选择添加 > 新建项目。搜索 MSTest C# 并添加适用于 C# 的 MSTest 测试项目。(使用默认名称
并选择添加 > 项目引用,然后添加StateMachine
以下是本主题中将要测试的堆栈。如前所述,其包含了一个 Lambda 函数和一个 Step Functions 状态机,并接受一个或多个 Amazon SNS 主题。Lambda 函数订阅了 Amazon SNS 主题并将其转发到状态机。
您无需执行任何特殊操作来让应用程序具有可测试性。实际上,该 CDK 堆栈与本指南中的其他示例堆栈没有任何重要区别。
- TypeScript
中:import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; import * as sns from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns"; import * as sns_subscriptions from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns-subscriptions"; import * as lambda from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda"; import * as sfn from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-stepfunctions"; import { Construct } from "constructs"; export interface StateMachineStackProps extends cdk.StackProps { readonly topics: sns.Topic[]; } export class StateMachineStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StateMachineStackProps) { super(scope, id, props); // In the future this state machine will do some work... const stateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(this, "StateMachine", { definition: new sfn.Pass(this, "StartState"), }); // This Lambda function starts the state machine. const func = new lambda.Function(this, "LambdaFunction", { runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_18_X, handler: "handler", code: lambda.Code.fromAsset("./start-state-machine"), environment: { STATE_MACHINE_ARN: stateMachine.stateMachineArn, }, }); stateMachine.grantStartExecution(func); const subscription = new sns_subscriptions.LambdaSubscription(func); for (const topic of props.topics) { topic.addSubscription(subscription); } } }
- JavaScript
中:const cdk = require("aws-cdk-lib"); const sns = require("aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns"); const sns_subscriptions = require("aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns-subscriptions"); const lambda = require("aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda"); const sfn = require("aws-cdk-lib/aws-stepfunctions"); class StateMachineStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope, id, props) { super(scope, id, props); // In the future this state machine will do some work... const stateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(this, "StateMachine", { definition: new sfn.Pass(this, "StartState"), }); // This Lambda function starts the state machine. const func = new lambda.Function(this, "LambdaFunction", { runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_18_X, handler: "handler", code: lambda.Code.fromAsset("./start-state-machine"), environment: { STATE_MACHINE_ARN: stateMachine.stateMachineArn, }, }); stateMachine.grantStartExecution(func); const subscription = new sns_subscriptions.LambdaSubscription(func); for (const topic of props.topics) { topic.addSubscription(subscription); } } } module.exports = { StateMachineStack }
- Python
中:from typing import List import aws_cdk.aws_lambda as lambda_ import aws_cdk.aws_sns as sns import aws_cdk.aws_sns_subscriptions as sns_subscriptions import aws_cdk.aws_stepfunctions as sfn import aws_cdk as cdk class StateMachineStack(cdk.Stack): def __init__( self, scope: cdk.Construct, construct_id: str, *, topics: List[sns.Topic], **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs) # In the future this state machine will do some work... state_machine = sfn.StateMachine( self, "StateMachine", definition=sfn.Pass(self, "StartState") ) # This Lambda function starts the state machine. func = lambda_.Function( self, "LambdaFunction", runtime=lambda_.Runtime.NODEJS_18_X, handler="handler", code=lambda_.Code.from_asset("./start-state-machine"), environment={ "STATE_MACHINE_ARN": state_machine.state_machine_arn, }, ) state_machine.grant_start_execution(func) subscription = sns_subscriptions.LambdaSubscription(func) for topic in topics: topic.add_subscription(subscription)
- Java
package software.amazon.samples.awscdkassertionssamples; import software.constructs.Construct; import software.amazon.awscdk.Stack; import software.amazon.awscdk.StackProps; import software.amazon.awscdk.services.lambda.Code; import software.amazon.awscdk.services.lambda.Function; import software.amazon.awscdk.services.lambda.Runtime; import software.amazon.awscdk.services.sns.ITopicSubscription; import software.amazon.awscdk.services.sns.Topic; import software.amazon.awscdk.services.sns.subscriptions.LambdaSubscription; import software.amazon.awscdk.services.stepfunctions.Pass; import software.amazon.awscdk.services.stepfunctions.StateMachine; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class StateMachineStack extends Stack { public StateMachineStack(final Construct scope, final String id, final List<Topic> topics) { this(scope, id, null, topics); } public StateMachineStack(final Construct scope, final String id, final StackProps props, final List<Topic> topics) { super(scope, id, props); // In the future this state machine will do some work... final StateMachine stateMachine = StateMachine.Builder.create(this, "StateMachine") .definition(new Pass(this, "StartState")) .build(); // This Lambda function starts the state machine. final Function func = Function.Builder.create(this, "LambdaFunction") .runtime(Runtime.NODEJS_18_X) .handler("handler") .code(Code.fromAsset("./start-state-machine")) .environment(Collections.singletonMap("STATE_MACHINE_ARN", stateMachine.getStateMachineArn())) .build(); stateMachine.grantStartExecution(func); final ITopicSubscription subscription = new LambdaSubscription(func); for (final Topic topic : topics) { topic.addSubscription(subscription); } } }
- C#
using Amazon.CDK; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.StepFunctions; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.SNS; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.SNS.Subscriptions; using Constructs; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace AwsCdkAssertionSamples { public class StateMachineStackProps : StackProps { public Topic[] Topics; } public class StateMachineStack : Stack { internal StateMachineStack(Construct scope, string id, StateMachineStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props) { // In the future this state machine will do some work... var stateMachine = new StateMachine(this, "StateMachine", new StateMachineProps { Definition = new Pass(this, "StartState") }); // This Lambda function starts the state machine. var func = new Function(this, "LambdaFunction", new FunctionProps { Runtime = Runtime.NODEJS_18_X, Handler = "handler", Code = Code.FromAsset("./start-state-machine"), Environment = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "STATE_MACHINE_ARN", stateMachine.StateMachineArn } } }); stateMachine.GrantStartExecution(func); foreach (Topic topic in props?.Topics ?? new Topic[0]) { var subscription = new LambdaSubscription(func); } } } }
- TypeScript
:#!/usr/bin/env node import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; const app = new cdk.App(); // Stacks are intentionally not created here -- this application isn't meant to // be deployed.
- JavaScript
:#!/usr/bin/env node const cdk = require("aws-cdk-lib"); const app = new cdk.App(); // Stacks are intentionally not created here -- this application isn't meant to // be deployed.
- Python
:#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import aws_cdk as cdk app = cdk.App() # Stacks are intentionally not created here -- this application isn't meant to # be deployed. app.synth()
- Java
package software.amazon.samples.awscdkassertionssamples; import software.amazon.awscdk.App; public class SampleApp { public static void main(final String[] args) { App app = new App(); // Stacks are intentionally not created here -- this application isn't meant to be deployed. app.synth(); } }
- C#
using Amazon.CDK; namespace AwsCdkAssertionSamples { sealed class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { var app = new App(); // Stacks are intentionally not created here -- this application isn't meant to be deployed. app.Synth(); } } }
Lambda 函数
我们的示例堆栈包含了一个启动状态机的 Lambda 函数。我们必须提供此函数的源代码,以便 CDK 可以将其作为创建 Lambda 函数资源的一部分进行捆绑和部署。
。 -
中。exports.handler = async function (event, context) { return 'hello world'; };
以下是用于在 AWS CDK 应用程序中运行测试的命令,供您参考。这些命令与您在使用同一测试框架的任何项目中运行测试时使用的命令相同。对于需要构建步骤的语言,请将其包括在内以确保已编译测试。
- TypeScript
tsc && npm test
- JavaScript
npm test
- Python
python -m pytest
- Java
mvn compile && mvn test
- C#
构建解决方案(F6)以发现测试,然后运行测试(测试 > 运行所有测试)。要选择运行哪些测试,请打开“测试资源管理器”(测试 > 测试资源管理器)。
dotnet test src
使用细粒度断言测试堆栈的第一步是合成堆栈,因为我们正在根据生成的 AWS CloudFormation 模板编写断言。
我们的 StateMachineStackStack
要求我们向其转发要发送到状态机的 Amazon SNS 主题。因此,在我们的测试中,我们将创建一个单独的堆栈来包含主题。
通常,在编写 CDK 应用程序时,可以在堆栈的构造函数中子类化 Stack
并实例化 Amazon SNS 主题。在我们的测试中,我们直接实例化 Stack
,然后将此堆栈作为 Topic
- TypeScript
import { Capture, Match, Template } from "aws-cdk-lib/assertions"; import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; import * as sns from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns"; import { StateMachineStack } from "../lib/state-machine-stack"; describe("StateMachineStack", () => { test("synthesizes the way we expect", () => { const app = new cdk.App(); // Since the StateMachineStack consumes resources from a separate stack // (cross-stack references), we create a stack for our SNS topics to live // in here. These topics can then be passed to the StateMachineStack later, // creating a cross-stack reference. const topicsStack = new cdk.Stack(app, "TopicsStack"); // Create the topic the stack we're testing will reference. const topics = [new sns.Topic(topicsStack, "Topic1", {})]; // Create the StateMachineStack. const stateMachineStack = new StateMachineStack(app, "StateMachineStack", { topics: topics, // Cross-stack reference }); // Prepare the stack for assertions. const template = Template.fromStack(stateMachineStack); }
- JavaScript
const { Capture, Match, Template } = require("aws-cdk-lib/assertions"); const cdk = require("aws-cdk-lib"); const sns = require("aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns"); const { StateMachineStack } = require("../lib/state-machine-stack"); describe("StateMachineStack", () => { test("synthesizes the way we expect", () => { const app = new cdk.App(); // Since the StateMachineStack consumes resources from a separate stack // (cross-stack references), we create a stack for our SNS topics to live // in here. These topics can then be passed to the StateMachineStack later, // creating a cross-stack reference. const topicsStack = new cdk.Stack(app, "TopicsStack"); // Create the topic the stack we're testing will reference. const topics = [new sns.Topic(topicsStack, "Topic1", {})]; // Create the StateMachineStack. const StateMachineStack = new StateMachineStack(app, "StateMachineStack", { topics: topics, // Cross-stack reference }); // Prepare the stack for assertions. const template = Template.fromStack(stateMachineStack);
- Python
from aws_cdk import aws_sns as sns import aws_cdk as cdk from aws_cdk.assertions import Template from app.state_machine_stack import StateMachineStack def test_synthesizes_properly(): app = cdk.App() # Since the StateMachineStack consumes resources from a separate stack # (cross-stack references), we create a stack for our SNS topics to live # in here. These topics can then be passed to the StateMachineStack later, # creating a cross-stack reference. topics_stack = cdk.Stack(app, "TopicsStack") # Create the topic the stack we're testing will reference. topics = [sns.Topic(topics_stack, "Topic1")] # Create the StateMachineStack. state_machine_stack = StateMachineStack( app, "StateMachineStack", topics=topics # Cross-stack reference ) # Prepare the stack for assertions. template = Template.from_stack(state_machine_stack)
- Java
package software.amazon.samples.awscdkassertionssamples; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import software.amazon.awscdk.assertions.Capture; import software.amazon.awscdk.assertions.Match; import software.amazon.awscdk.assertions.Template; import software.amazon.awscdk.App; import software.amazon.awscdk.Stack; import software.amazon.awscdk.services.sns.Topic; import java.util.*; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; public class StateMachineStackTest { @Test public void testSynthesizesProperly() { final App app = new App(); // Since the StateMachineStack consumes resources from a separate stack (cross-stack references), we create a stack // for our SNS topics to live in here. These topics can then be passed to the StateMachineStack later, creating a // cross-stack reference. final Stack topicsStack = new Stack(app, "TopicsStack"); // Create the topic the stack we're testing will reference. final List<Topic> topics = Collections.singletonList(Topic.Builder.create(topicsStack, "Topic1").build()); // Create the StateMachineStack. final StateMachineStack stateMachineStack = new StateMachineStack( app, "StateMachineStack", topics // Cross-stack reference ); // Prepare the stack for assertions. final Template template = Template.fromStack(stateMachineStack)
- C#
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using Amazon.CDK; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.SNS; using Amazon.CDK.Assertions; using AwsCdkAssertionSamples; using ObjectDict = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>; using StringDict = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>; namespace TestProject1 { [TestClass] public class StateMachineStackTest { [TestMethod] public void TestMethod1() { var app = new App(); // Since the StateMachineStack consumes resources from a separate stack (cross-stack references), we create a stack // for our SNS topics to live in here. These topics can then be passed to the StateMachineStack later, creating a // cross-stack reference. var topicsStack = new Stack(app, "TopicsStack"); // Create the topic the stack we're testing will reference. var topics = new Topic[] { new Topic(topicsStack, "Topic1") }; // Create the StateMachineStack. var StateMachineStack = new StateMachineStack(app, "StateMachineStack", new StateMachineStackProps { Topics = topics }); // Prepare the stack for assertions. var template = Template.FromStack(stateMachineStack); // test will go here } } }
现在我们可以断言已创建 Lambda 函数和 Amazon SNS 订阅。
- TypeScript
// Assert it creates the function with the correct properties... template.hasResourceProperties("AWS::Lambda::Function", { Handler: "handler", Runtime: "nodejs14.x", }); // Creates the subscription... template.resourceCountIs("AWS::SNS::Subscription", 1);
- JavaScript
// Assert it creates the function with the correct properties... template.hasResourceProperties("AWS::Lambda::Function", { Handler: "handler", Runtime: "nodejs14.x", }); // Creates the subscription... template.resourceCountIs("AWS::SNS::Subscription", 1);
- Python
# Assert that we have created the function with the correct properties template.has_resource_properties( "AWS::Lambda::Function", { "Handler": "handler", "Runtime": "nodejs14.x", }, ) # Assert that we have created a subscription template.resource_count_is("AWS::SNS::Subscription", 1)
- Java
// Assert it creates the function with the correct properties... template.hasResourceProperties("AWS::Lambda::Function", Map.of( "Handler", "handler", "Runtime", "nodejs14.x" )); // Creates the subscription... template.resourceCountIs("AWS::SNS::Subscription", 1);
- C#
// Prepare the stack for assertions. var template = Template.FromStack(stateMachineStack); // Assert it creates the function with the correct properties... template.HasResourceProperties("AWS::Lambda::Function", new StringDict { { "Handler", "handler"}, { "Runtime", "nodejs14x" } }); // Creates the subscription... template.ResourceCountIs("AWS::SNS::Subscription", 1);
我们的 Lambda 函数测试断言函数资源的两个特定属性具有特定值。默认情况下,hasResourceProperties
方法对合成的 CloudFormation 模板中给定的资源属性执行部分匹配。此测试要求存在提供的属性并具有指定的值,但资源也可以具有其他未经测试的属性。
我们的 Amazon SNS 断言称,合成的模板包含订阅,但没有关于订阅本身的任何信息。我们包含此断言主要是为了说明如何断言资源数量。Template
类提供了更具体的方法,针对 CloudFormation 模板的 Resources
和 Mapping
可以使用 Match
类中的匹配程序来更改 hasResourceProperties
匹配程序的范围从宽松 (Match.anyValue
) 到严格 (Match.objectEquals
)。这些程序可以嵌套,以便将不同的匹配方法应用于资源属性的不同部分。例如,将 Match.objectEquals
和 Match.anyValue
结合使用,我们可以更全面地测试状态机的 IAM 角色,而不需要可能更改的属性的特定值。
- TypeScript
// Fully assert on the state machine's IAM role with matchers. template.hasResourceProperties( "AWS::IAM::Role", Match.objectEquals({ AssumeRolePolicyDocument: { Version: "2012-10-17", Statement: [ { Action: "sts:AssumeRole", Effect: "Allow", Principal: { Service: { "Fn::Join": [ "", ["states.", Match.anyValue(), ".amazonaws.com"], ], }, }, }, ], }, }) );
- JavaScript
// Fully assert on the state machine's IAM role with matchers. template.hasResourceProperties( "AWS::IAM::Role", Match.objectEquals({ AssumeRolePolicyDocument: { Version: "2012-10-17", Statement: [ { Action: "sts:AssumeRole", Effect: "Allow", Principal: { Service: { "Fn::Join": [ "", ["states.", Match.anyValue(), ".amazonaws.com"], ], }, }, }, ], }, }) );
- Python
from aws_cdk.assertions import Match # Fully assert on the state machine's IAM role with matchers. template.has_resource_properties( "AWS::IAM::Role", Match.object_equals( { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": { "Fn::Join": [ "", [ "states.", Match.any_value(), ".amazonaws.com", ], ], }, }, }, ], }, } ), )
- Java
// Fully assert on the state machine's IAM role with matchers. template.hasResourceProperties("AWS::IAM::Role", Match.objectEquals( Collections.singletonMap("AssumeRolePolicyDocument", Map.of( "Version", "2012-10-17", "Statement", Collections.singletonList(Map.of( "Action", "sts:AssumeRole", "Effect", "Allow", "Principal", Collections.singletonMap( "Service", Collections.singletonMap( "Fn::Join", Arrays.asList( "", Arrays.asList("states.", Match.anyValue(), ".amazonaws.com") ) ) ) )) )) ));
- C#
// Fully assert on the state machine's IAM role with matchers. template.HasResource("AWS::IAM::Role", Match.ObjectEquals(new ObjectDict { { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument", new ObjectDict { { "Version", "2012-10-17" }, { "Action", "sts:AssumeRole" }, { "Principal", new ObjectDict { { "Version", "2012-10-17" }, { "Statement", new object[] { new ObjectDict { { "Action", "sts:AssumeRole" }, { "Effect", "Allow" }, { "Principal", new ObjectDict { { "Service", new ObjectDict { { "", new object[] { "states", Match.AnyValue(), ".amazonaws.com" } } } } } } } } } } } } } }));
许多 CloudFormation 资源都包含以字符串表示的序列化 JSON 对象。Match.serializedJson()
匹配程序可用于匹配此 JSON 中的属性。
例如,Step Functions 状态机是使用基于 JSON 的 Amazon States Language 中的字符串定义的。我们将使用 Match.serializedJson()
- TypeScript
// Assert on the state machine's definition with the Match.serializedJson() // matcher. template.hasResourceProperties("AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine", { DefinitionString: Match.serializedJson( // Match.objectEquals() is used implicitly, but we use it explicitly // here for extra clarity. Match.objectEquals({ StartAt: "StartState", States: { StartState: { Type: "Pass", End: true, // Make sure this state doesn't provide a next state -- we can't // provide both Next and set End to true. Next: Match.absent(), }, }, }) ), });
- JavaScript
// Assert on the state machine's definition with the Match.serializedJson() // matcher. template.hasResourceProperties("AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine", { DefinitionString: Match.serializedJson( // Match.objectEquals() is used implicitly, but we use it explicitly // here for extra clarity. Match.objectEquals({ StartAt: "StartState", States: { StartState: { Type: "Pass", End: true, // Make sure this state doesn't provide a next state -- we can't // provide both Next and set End to true. Next: Match.absent(), }, }, }) ), });
- Python
# Assert on the state machine's definition with the serialized_json matcher. template.has_resource_properties( "AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine", { "DefinitionString": Match.serialized_json( # Match.object_equals() is the default, but specify it here for clarity Match.object_equals( { "StartAt": "StartState", "States": { "StartState": { "Type": "Pass", "End": True, # Make sure this state doesn't provide a next state -- # we can't provide both Next and set End to true. "Next": Match.absent(), }, }, } ) ), }, )
- Java
// Assert on the state machine's definition with the Match.serializedJson() matcher. template.hasResourceProperties("AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine", Collections.singletonMap( "DefinitionString", Match.serializedJson( // Match.objectEquals() is used implicitly, but we use it explicitly here for extra clarity. Match.objectEquals(Map.of( "StartAt", "StartState", "States", Collections.singletonMap( "StartState", Map.of( "Type", "Pass", "End", true, // Make sure this state doesn't provide a next state -- we can't provide // both Next and set End to true. "Next", Match.absent() ) ) )) ) ));
- C#
// Assert on the state machine's definition with the Match.serializedJson() matcher template.HasResourceProperties("AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine", new ObjectDict { { "DefinitionString", Match.SerializedJson( // Match.objectEquals() is used implicitly, but we use it explicitly here for extra clarity. Match.ObjectEquals(new ObjectDict { { "StartAt", "StartState" }, { "States", new ObjectDict { { "StartState", new ObjectDict { { "Type", "Pass" }, { "End", "True" }, // Make sure this state doesn't provide a next state -- we can't provide // both Next and set End to true. { "Next", Match.Absent() } }} }} }) )}});
模块在其 Capture
通过指定一个 Capture
实例来代替 hasResourceProperties
中的值,该值将保留在 Capture
对象中。可以使用对象的 as
方法(包括 asNumber()
和 asObject
)来检索实际捕获的值,并对其进行测试。将 Capture
与匹配程序一起使用,以指定要捕获的值在资源属性(包括序列化的 JSON 属性)中的确切位置。
以下示例进行了测试,以确保状态机的启动状态名称以 Start
- TypeScript
// Capture some data from the state machine's definition. const startAtCapture = new Capture(); const statesCapture = new Capture(); template.hasResourceProperties("AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine", { DefinitionString: Match.serializedJson( Match.objectLike({ StartAt: startAtCapture, States: statesCapture, }) ), }); // Assert that the start state starts with "Start". expect(startAtCapture.asString()).toEqual(expect.stringMatching(/^Start/)); // Assert that the start state actually exists in the states object of the // state machine definition. expect(statesCapture.asObject()).toHaveProperty(startAtCapture.asString());
- JavaScript
// Capture some data from the state machine's definition. const startAtCapture = new Capture(); const statesCapture = new Capture(); template.hasResourceProperties("AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine", { DefinitionString: Match.serializedJson( Match.objectLike({ StartAt: startAtCapture, States: statesCapture, }) ), }); // Assert that the start state starts with "Start". expect(startAtCapture.asString()).toEqual(expect.stringMatching(/^Start/)); // Assert that the start state actually exists in the states object of the // state machine definition. expect(statesCapture.asObject()).toHaveProperty(startAtCapture.asString());
- Python
import re from aws_cdk.assertions import Capture # ... # Capture some data from the state machine's definition. start_at_capture = Capture() states_capture = Capture() template.has_resource_properties( "AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine", { "DefinitionString": Match.serialized_json( Match.object_like( { "StartAt": start_at_capture, "States": states_capture, } ) ), }, ) # Assert that the start state starts with "Start". assert re.match("^Start", start_at_capture.as_string()) # Assert that the start state actually exists in the states object of the # state machine definition. assert start_at_capture.as_string() in states_capture.as_object()
- Java
// Capture some data from the state machine's definition. final Capture startAtCapture = new Capture(); final Capture statesCapture = new Capture(); template.hasResourceProperties("AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine", Collections.singletonMap( "DefinitionString", Match.serializedJson( Match.objectLike(Map.of( "StartAt", startAtCapture, "States", statesCapture )) ) )); // Assert that the start state starts with "Start". assertThat(startAtCapture.asString()).matches("^Start.+"); // Assert that the start state actually exists in the states object of the state machine definition. assertThat(statesCapture.asObject()).containsKey(startAtCapture.asString());
- C#
// Capture some data from the state machine's definition. var startAtCapture = new Capture(); var statesCapture = new Capture(); template.HasResourceProperties("AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine", new ObjectDict { { "DefinitionString", Match.SerializedJson( new ObjectDict { { "StartAt", startAtCapture }, { "States", statesCapture } } )} }); Assert.IsTrue(startAtCapture.ToString().StartsWith("Start")); Assert.IsTrue(statesCapture.AsObject().ContainsKey(startAtCapture.ToString()));
在快照测试中,您将合成的整个 CloudFormation 模板与之前存储的基线模板(通常称为“主模板”)进行比较。与细粒度断言不同,快照测试在捕捉回归方面没有用。这是因为快照测试应用于整个模板,且代码更改之外的其他因素可能会导致合成结果出现细微(或不那么细微)的差异。这些更改甚至可能不会影响您的部署,但仍会导致快照测试失败。
例如,您可能会更新 CDK 构造以包含新的最佳实践,这可能会导致合成资源或其组织方式发生变化。或者,您可以将 CDK Toolkit 更新为报告其他元数据的版本。对上下文值的更改也会影响合成模板。
例如,如果我们有这样的 DeadLetterQueue
- TypeScript
export class DeadLetterQueue extends sqs.Queue { public readonly messagesInQueueAlarm: cloudwatch.IAlarm; constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) { super(scope, id); // Add the alarm this.messagesInQueueAlarm = new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Alarm', { alarmDescription: 'There are messages in the Dead Letter Queue', evaluationPeriods: 1, threshold: 1, metric: this.metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible(), }); } }
- JavaScript
class DeadLetterQueue extends sqs.Queue { constructor(scope, id) { super(scope, id); // Add the alarm this.messagesInQueueAlarm = new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Alarm', { alarmDescription: 'There are messages in the Dead Letter Queue', evaluationPeriods: 1, threshold: 1, metric: this.metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible(), }); } } module.exports = { DeadLetterQueue }
- Python
class DeadLetterQueue(sqs.Queue): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str): super().__init__(scope, id) self.messages_in_queue_alarm = cloudwatch.Alarm( self, "Alarm", alarm_description="There are messages in the Dead Letter Queue.", evaluation_periods=1, threshold=1, metric=self.metric_approximate_number_of_messages_visible(), )
- Java
public class DeadLetterQueue extends Queue { private final IAlarm messagesInQueueAlarm; public DeadLetterQueue(@NotNull Construct scope, @NotNull String id) { super(scope, id); this.messagesInQueueAlarm = Alarm.Builder.create(this, "Alarm") .alarmDescription("There are messages in the Dead Letter Queue.") .evaluationPeriods(1) .threshold(1) .metric(this.metricApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible()) .build(); } public IAlarm getMessagesInQueueAlarm() { return messagesInQueueAlarm; } }
- C#
namespace AwsCdkAssertionSamples { public class DeadLetterQueue : Queue { public IAlarm messagesInQueueAlarm; public DeadLetterQueue(Construct scope, string id) : base(scope, id) { messagesInQueueAlarm = new Alarm(this, "Alarm", new AlarmProps { AlarmDescription = "There are messages in the Dead Letter Queue.", EvaluationPeriods = 1, Threshold = 1, Metric = this.MetricApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible() }); } } }
- TypeScript
import { Match, Template } from "aws-cdk-lib/assertions"; import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"; import { DeadLetterQueue } from "../lib/dead-letter-queue"; describe("DeadLetterQueue", () => { test("matches the snapshot", () => { const stack = new cdk.Stack(); new DeadLetterQueue(stack, "DeadLetterQueue"); const template = Template.fromStack(stack); expect(template.toJSON()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });
- JavaScript
const { Match, Template } = require("aws-cdk-lib/assertions"); const cdk = require("aws-cdk-lib"); const { DeadLetterQueue } = require("../lib/dead-letter-queue"); describe("DeadLetterQueue", () => { test("matches the snapshot", () => { const stack = new cdk.Stack(); new DeadLetterQueue(stack, "DeadLetterQueue"); const template = Template.fromStack(stack); expect(template.toJSON()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });
- Python
import aws_cdk_lib as cdk from aws_cdk_lib.assertions import Match, Template from app.dead_letter_queue import DeadLetterQueue def snapshot_test(): stack = cdk.Stack() DeadLetterQueue(stack, "DeadLetterQueue") template = Template.from_stack(stack) assert template.to_json() == snapshot
- Java
package software.amazon.samples.awscdkassertionssamples; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import au.com.origin.snapshots.Expect; import software.amazon.awscdk.assertions.Match; import software.amazon.awscdk.assertions.Template; import software.amazon.awscdk.Stack; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; public class DeadLetterQueueTest { @Test public void snapshotTest() { final Stack stack = new Stack(); new DeadLetterQueue(stack, "DeadLetterQueue"); final Template template = Template.fromStack(stack); expect.toMatchSnapshot(template.toJSON()); } }
- C#
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using Amazon.CDK; using Amazon.CDK.Assertions; using AwsCdkAssertionSamples; using ObjectDict = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>; using StringDict = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>; namespace TestProject1 { [TestClass] public class StateMachineStackTest [TestClass] public class DeadLetterQueueTest { [TestMethod] public void SnapshotTest() { var stack = new Stack(); new DeadLetterQueue(stack, "DeadLetterQueue"); var template = Template.FromStack(stack); return Verifier.Verify(template.ToJSON()); } } }