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MongoDbSettings - AWS Database Migration Service
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Provides information that defines a MongoDB endpoint.



The authentication mechanism you use to access the MongoDB source endpoint.

For the default value, in MongoDB version 2.x, "default" is "mongodb_cr". For MongoDB version 3.x or later, "default" is "scram_sha_1". This setting isn't used when AuthType is set to "no".

Type: String

Valid Values: default | mongodb_cr | scram_sha_1

Required: No


The MongoDB database name. This setting isn't used when AuthType is set to "no".

The default is "admin".

Type: String

Required: No


The authentication type you use to access the MongoDB source endpoint.

When when set to "no", user name and password parameters are not used and can be empty.

Type: String

Valid Values: no | password

Required: No


The database name on the MongoDB source endpoint.

Type: String

Required: No


Indicates the number of documents to preview to determine the document organization. Use this setting when NestingLevel is set to "one".

Must be a positive value greater than 0. Default value is 1000.

Type: String

Required: No


Specifies the document ID. Use this setting when NestingLevel is set to "none".

Default value is "false".

Type: String

Required: No


The AWS KMS key identifier that is used to encrypt the content on the replication instance. If you don't specify a value for the KmsKeyId parameter, then AWS DMS uses your default encryption key. AWS KMS creates the default encryption key for your AWS account. Your AWS account has a different default encryption key for each AWS Region.

Type: String

Required: No


Specifies either document or table mode.

Default value is "none". Specify "none" to use document mode. Specify "one" to use table mode.

Type: String

Valid Values: none | one

Required: No


The password for the user account you use to access the MongoDB source endpoint.

Type: String

Required: No


The port value for the MongoDB source endpoint.

Type: Integer

Required: No


If true, AWS DMS replicates data to shard collections. AWS DMS only uses this setting if the target endpoint is a DocumentDB elastic cluster.

When this setting is true, note the following:

  • You must set TargetTablePrepMode to nothing.

  • AWS DMS automatically sets useUpdateLookup to false.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that specifies AWS DMS as the trusted entity and grants the required permissions to access the value in SecretsManagerSecret. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. SecretsManagerSecret has the value of the AWS Secrets Manager secret that allows access to the MongoDB endpoint.


You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerSecretId. Or you can specify clear-text values for UserName, Password, ServerName, and Port. You can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerSecret and the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerSecretId required to access it, see Using secrets to access AWS Database Migration Service resources in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

Type: String

Required: No


The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerSecret that contains the MongoDB endpoint connection details.

Type: String

Required: No


The name of the server on the MongoDB source endpoint. For MongoDB Atlas, provide the server name for any of the servers in the replication set.

Type: String

Required: No


The user name you use to access the MongoDB source endpoint.

Type: String

Required: No


If true, AWS DMS retrieves the entire document from the MongoDB source during migration. This may cause a migration failure if the server response exceeds bandwidth limits. To fetch only updates and deletes during migration, set this parameter to false.

Type: Boolean

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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