Work with seller products - AWS Marketplace

Work with seller products

You can use the AWS Marketplace Catalog API to automate tasks for working with seller products. This includes the ability to create, update, view, list, and sort products. This enables you to automate the management of your products including self-service publishing capabilities on the AWS Marketplace Management Portal.

A product is a unit or resource that sellers intend to sell in AWS Marketplace, often referred to as a base product. A base product is not complete for buyer consumption until product information, deployment attributes, and billing information are added.

A product describes the product information, software deployment attributes, and billing mechanism of the listing that a seller intends to sell. The product must be paired with an offer to become a transactable unit that can be sold and be used by buyers in AWS Marketplace.

You can also use the AWS Marketplace Catalog API to Work with private offers using the AWS Marketplace APIs, Work with resale authorizations using the AWS Marketplace APIs, or Work with channel partner private offers using the AWS Marketplace APIs.

Each product type has a different product entity. The following product types and entities are supported:

Product type Entity
Amazon Machine Image (AMI) products AmiProduct@1.0
Container products ContainerProduct@1.0
Software as a service (SaaS) products SaaSProduct@1.0

Single-AMI with AWS CloudFormation product types, AWS Data Exchange data products, and professional services products are not supported.

This chapter assumes that you have access to the API and have completed any seller prerequisites, as described in the Access control for the AWS Marketplace Catalog API topic.

See the following resources:

The following topics describe how to use the Catalog API to perform actions on your single-AMI products, container-based products, or SaaS products.

Create a product


This change type is only needed when you intend to create a brand new product entity in the AWS Marketplace catalog. It is not needed when updating existing products.

You can use the Catalog API to create an AMI, container, or SaaS product document with identifiers (product code and product ID) in AWS Marketplace.

You create a product in Draft state by calling the StartChangeSet API operation with the CreateProduct change type.

If your request is processed successfully, then AWS Marketplace Catalog API generates a product in Draft state for you. This is an incomplete product and isn’t visible to buyers in AWS Marketplace.

You then use Update change types to complete the create product process: UpdateInformation, UpdateDimensions, UpdateTargeting, and UpdateVisibility.

After the product is completed, you can use the ReleaseProduct change type to complete the product creation process, and then release the offer. This process validates the entire product and moves the product to the Limited state.


For more information about creating a product using the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, see the following topics in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide:

If you use the AWS Marketplace Management Portal to create a product, the product will be in the Staging state.

To create a product in Draft state, call the StartChangeSet API operation with the CreateProduct change type, as shown in the following example.

Request Syntax

POST /StartChangeSet HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType":"CreateProduct", "Entity":{ "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0" // choose from ["AmiProduct@1.0", "ContainerProduct@1.0", "SaaSProduct@1.0"] }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductTitle": "Test product title set in CreateProduct" } } ] }

Provide information for the fields to add the CreateProduct change type. This change type can take in ProductTitle attribute, subject to the same restrictions as that sent into UpdateInformation change type.

  • Entity (object) (required) – The named type of object being created.

    • Type (string) (required) – The Type is based on the delivery method (product type) that your product will be using: AmiProduct@1.0, ContainerProduct@1.0, or SaaSProduct@1.0. For more information, see Identifier.

  • DetailsDocument (object) (required) – It may be empty.

    • ProductTitle (optional) – The title for your product, max length is 72 characters. Note that you can also later set or update the product title via the UpdateInformation change type.

Response Syntax

A change set is created for your request. The response to this request gives you the ChangeSetId and ChangeSetArn for the change set and looks like the following.

{ "ChangeSetId": "example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/example123456789012abcdef" }

The change request is added to a queue and processed.

You can check the status of the request through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, or directly through Catalog API using the DescribeChangeSet API operation.

When the request is complete (if the Status is SUCCEEDED), a new ProductId is generated.

Synchronous Validations

The following schema validations are specific to CreateProduct actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These validations are performed when you call StartChangeSet. If the request doesn’t meet the following requirements, it will fail with an HTTP response.

Input field Validation rule HTTP code
ProductTitle (string) Max length: 72 400

Asynchronous Errors

The following errors are specific to CreateProduct actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These errors are returned when you call DescribeChangeSet after a change set is processing. For more details about using DescribeChangeSet to get the status of a change request, see Working with change sets.

Error code Error message
INVALID_INPUT Inappropriate content '{InappropriateContent}' found in ProuctTitle field. Provide ProductTitle with no inappropriate content.

Update product details

If you already have a product in AWS Marketplace, you can use the Catalog API to update the product details for an AMI, container, or SaaS product.


For more information about updating the product details using the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, see the following topics in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide:

To update product details, call the StartChangeSet API operation with the UpdateInformation change type and the details that you want to change, as shown in the following example.

Request Syntax

POST /StartChangeSet HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Identifier": "prod-example12345", "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductTitle": "My Product Title", "ShortDescription": "My product short description.", "LongDescription": "My product longer description.", "Sku": "123example456", "LogoUrl": "", "VideoUrls": [ "" ], "Highlights": [ "123example45" ], "AdditionalResources": [ { "Text": "123example456", "Url": "" } ], "SupportDescription": "Need help? Contact our experts at \n\nYour purchase includes 24x7 support.", "Categories": [ "Operating Systems", "Network Infrastructure", "Application Development" ], "SearchKeywords": [ "123example456" ] } } ] }

Provide information for the fields to add the UpdateInformation change type:

  • Entity (object) (required) – The named type of entity being created.

    • Identifier (string) (required) – Your product ID. For more information, see Identifier.

    • Type (string) (required) – The Type is based on the delivery method (product type) that your product will be using: AmiProduct@1.0, ContainerProduct@1.0, or SaaSProduct@1.0.

  • DetailsDocument (object) (required) – The details of the request including the information that you want to update for your product. Each field is optional, but you must include at least one change to update.

    • ProductTitle (string) – The name of the product to be displayed to buyers.

    • ShortDescription (string) – The description of key aspects of the product to be displayed to buyers. This is usually 2–3 sentences.

    • LongDescription (string) – The longer description of your product to be displayed to buyers. This is usually 1–3 paragraphs.

    • Sku (string or null) – The free-form string that you define as a reference for your own use. Use null to unset this field.

    • LogoUrl (string) – The URL to an image in a publicly accessible Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. For more information, see Company and product logo requirements.

    • VideoUrls (array of strings) – The list of URLs to publicly available, externally hosted videos to be provided as a reference to buyers in your product information.


      Currently, AWS Marketplace supports one URL in the array.

    • Highlights (array of strings) – The list of short callouts for key product features.

    • AdditionalResources (array of structures) – The list of references to additional resources to learn about your product. Each reference is made up of a text name and a URL:

      • Text (string) – The name or title of the resource.

      • Url (string) – The URL to a resource that might be helpful for a buyer to understand your product.

    • SupportDescription (string) – The details about your support offering for your product.

    • Categories (array of strings) – The list of AWS Marketplace defined product categories that describe your product. For more information, see Product categories in the AWS Marketplace Buyer Guide.

    • SearchKeywords (array of strings) – The list of keywords for your product to enhance the search experience. Seller name, product name, and product categories are automatically included in search keywords and don’t need to be repeated here.


When you are initially populating product information (metadata) for a Draft product, you will need to supply all of the following in the DetailsDocument object of UpdateInformation change type: ProductTitle, ShortDescription, LongDescription, LogoUrl, Highlights, AdditionalResources, SupportDescription, Categories, and SearchKeywords.

The ProductTitle can be omitted if it has already been provided during CreateProduct change type. However, when you are updating existing fields on the product, you can include only the attributes that need to be changed in the DetailsDocument object of the UpdateInformation change type.

Response Syntax

A change set is created for your request. The response to this request gives you the ChangeSetId and ChangeSetArn for the change set and looks like the following.

{ "ChangeSetId": "example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/example123456789012abcdef" }

The change request is added to a queue and processed.

You can check the status of the request through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, or directly through Catalog API using the DescribeChangeSet API operation.

Synchronous Validations

The following schema validations are specific to UpdateInformation actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These validations are performed when you call StartChangeSet. If the request doesn’t meet the following requirements, it will fail with an HTTP response.

Input field Validation rule HTTP code
String (general) No control characters "\\x00-\\x08\\x0B-\\x1F" 400
ProductTitle (string) Max length: 72


ShortDescription (string) Max length: 1000


LongDescription (string) Max length: 5000


Sku (string) Max length: 100


LogoUrl (string)

URL pattern:

^https://(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0- 9@.]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{2,63}\b([-a-zA- Z0-9@+./]*)


VideoUrls (array of strings)

URL pattern:

https://(www\\.)?[-a-zA-Z0- 9@._]{1,256}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{2,63}\\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@_+.\/]


Highlights (array of strings) Required: Min 1 - Max 3 400
AdditionalResources (array of structures) Max length: 500


SupportDescription (string) Max length: 2000


Categories (array of strings) Required: Min 1 - Max 3


SearchKeywords (array of strings) Required: Min 1 - Max 3



Asynchronous Errors

The following errors are specific to UpdateInformation actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These errors are returned when you call DescribeChangeSet after a change set is processing. For more information about using DescribeChangeSet to get the status of a change request, see Working with change sets.

Error code Error message
MISSING_DATA No data provided to perform an update. Provide data for at least 1 field of the product.
INVALID_INPUT Provide LogoUrl.
INVALID_INPUT Provide ProductTitle.
INVALID_INPUT Provide ShortDescription.
INVALID_INPUT Provide LongDescription.
INVALID_INPUT Provide SupportDescription.
INVALID_INPUT Provide at least one search keyword.
INVALID_INPUT Provide at least one highlight.
INVALID_INPUT Provide between 1 and 3 product categories.
INVALID_INPUT Inappropriate content '{InappropriateContent}' found in ProuctTitle field. Provide ProuctTitle with no inappropriate content.
INVALID_INPUT Inappropriate content '{InappropriateContent}' found in ShortDescription field. Provide ShortDescription with no inappropriate content.
INVALID_INPUT Inappropriate content '{InappropriateContent}' found in LongDescription field. Provide LongDescription with no inappropriate content.
INVALID_INPUT Inappropriate content '{InappropriateContent}' found in SupportDescription field. Provide SupportDescription with no inappropriate content.
INVALID_INPUT Invalid ProductTitle field. Remove spaces before trademark symbol.
INVALID_INPUT Invalid ShortDescription field. Remove spaces before trademark symbol.
INVALID_INPUT Invalid LongDescription field. Remove spaces before trademark symbol.
INVALID_INPUT Invalid SupportDescription field. Remove spaces before trademark symbol.
INVALID_INPUT Invalid ProductTitle field. Remove unsupported characters [UnsupportedCharacters].
INVALID_INPUT Invalid ShortDescription field. Remove unsupported characters [UnsupportedCharacters].
INVALID_INPUT Invalid LongDescription field. Remove unsupported characters [UnsupportedCharacters].
INVALID_INPUT Invalid SupportDescription field. Remove unsupported characters [UnsupportedCharacters].
INVALID_INPUT Search keywords must be no more than 250 combined characters.
INVALID_INPUT The input for this change type could not be read. Submit a properly formatted input.
INVALID_ADDITIONAL_RESOURCES Invalid URLs in AdditionalResources: [InvalidAdditionalResourcesUrls] Provide valid URLs.
INVALID_CATEGORY_NAMES Provide valid category names supported by AWS Marketplace.
InvalidImageProperties Validation errors found: The file is not image type. Supported image types: [png|jpg|gif].
EXPLICIT_CONTENT Explicit content: '{ExplicitContent}' detected. Provide media with no explicit content.
INVALID_MEDIA Invalid URL: {MediaUrl} Provide a new URL for media stored in S3.
INVALID_MEDIA Invalid URL: {MediaUrl} Provide a valid URL that does not exceed 2048 characters.
INVALID_MEDIA Location provided not accessible: {MediaUrl} Provide an accessible URL for media stored in S3.
INVALID_MEDIA There was an issue copying the media from S3. Image size exceeds 5 MB. Provide an image that is under 5 MB.
INVALID_MEDIA There was an issue copying the media from S3. Video size exceeds 100 MB. Provide a video that is under 100 MB.
INVALID_MEDIA Malware detected in media. Please resubmit media without malware.
INVALID_CHECKSUM Invalid Sha256Base4 value provided: {CheckSumValue} Please provide a valid Sha256Base64 value.
TOO_MANY_MEDIA Provide no more than 15 media items.
DUPLICATE_MEDIA Duplicate media is not allowed for a product. Please provide media with no duplicates.

Add pricing dimensions

You can use the Catalog API to add billable dimensions in order to charge users for an AMI, container, or SaaS product in AWS Marketplace.

A pricing dimension is a unit of measure that sellers define for charging buyers. Sellers must set up this information to bill buyers for using the product, whether it’s a usage-based or contract- based pricing model. The type of dimension is dependent on the intended product’s pricing model. For more information about product pricing, see AMI product pricing, Container products pricing, and SaaS product pricing in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide.


For more information about adding pricing dimensions using the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, see the following topics in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide:

To add pricing dimensions, call the StartChangeSet API operation with the AddDimensions change type, as shown in the following example.


After submitting the first AddDimensions change type with dimensions specifying a type of pricing model (usage, contract, and contract with consumption), you must work with the AWS Marketplace Seller Operations team. They will assist you in adding a dimension with types that are outside of the initially set pricing model.

Request Syntax

POST /StartChangeSet HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "AddDimensions", "DetailsDocument": [ { "Description": "Description of the dimension", "Key": "uniqueapikey", "Units": "HostHrs", "Name": "First Dimension", "Types": [ "ExternallyMetered" ] } ], "Entity": { "Identifier": "prod-example12345", "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0" } } ] }

Provide information for the fields to add the AddDimensions change type.

  • DetailsDocument (array of objects) (required) – Details of the request.

    • Description (string) (required) – Full details of the dimension that will be the long description on the buyer’s viewing page.

    • Key (string) (required) – Enter in the facet that will be used for defining the rates in the offer. Also, enter the dimensions published to the AWS Marketplace Metering Service (MMS) if the dimension can’t be metered externally. After the dimension is created, this can’t be changed.

    • Units (string) (required) – The unit type for the dimension. Possible units are Users, Hosts, GB, MB, TB, Gbps, Mbps, Requests, Units, UserHrs, UnitHrs, Units, HostHrs, TierHrs, and TaskHrs.

    • Name (string) (required) – The display name for the dimension on the website and customer's bill.

      • Types (array of strings) (required) (also known as Tags) – These indicate whether the dimension covers metering, entitlement, or support for external metering. This is not changeable after the dimension is created.

        • Metered – Indicates that Commerce Platform usage types should be created to allow metering to occur for this dimension.

        • ExternallyMetered – Indicates that AWS Marketplace Metering Service (MMS) dimensions should be created during publishing to allow sellers to meter through the AWS SDK.

        • Entitled – Indicates that entitlements can be granted for the dimension during the product or offer publishing.

          Valid Pricing Dimension Types Combinations
          Pricing Dimension Type Product
          [Metered] AMI
          [Metered, ExternallyMetered] SaaS, AMI/Flexible Consumption Pricing (FCP)

          When ExternallyMetered appears, Metered is masked/inferred.

          [Entitled] SaaS Contracts, ProServ Products

          The Entitled tag grants rights to use a software/service set start and end dates for the usage. Also, to grant rights to have usage discount for AMI annual products. Each entitlement is identified by a Dimension Key in AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service for creating or updating the entitlements.

          [Metered, ExternallyMetered, Entitled] Contracts with Consumption Pricing, where dimensions can be prepaid or metered are a combination of both [ExternallyMetered] and [Entitled].
  • Entity (object) (required) – The named type of entity being created.

    • Identifier (string) (required) – Your product ID. For more information, see Identifier.

    • Type (string) (required) – The Type is based on the delivery method (product type) that your product will be using: AmiProduct@1.0 or SaaSProduct@1.0.

Response Syntax

A change set is created for your request. The response to this request gives you the ChangeSetId and ChangeSetArn for the change set and looks like the following.

{ "ChangeSetId": "example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/example123456789012abcdef" }

The change request is added to a queue and processed. This includes validating information to ensure it meets the AWS Marketplace guidelines. The validation process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

You can check the status of the request through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, or directly through Catalog API using the DescribeChangeSet API operation.

Synchronous Validations

The following schema validations are specific to AddDimensions actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These validations are performed when you call StartChangeSet. If the request doesn’t meet the following requirements, it will fail with an HTTP response.

Input field Validation rule HTTP code
Description Max length: 1000


Key Max length: 100

Pattern: [A-Za-z0-9_.-]+$


Dimension Units Max length: 20


Name Max length: 500


Type (tag)

Required: Min 1 - Max 3

Inputs: Entitled, Metered, ExternallyMetered



Asynchronous Errors

The following errors are specific to AddDimensions actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These errors are returned when you call DescribeChangeSet after a change set is processing. For more information about using DescribeChangeSet to get the status of a change request, see Working with change sets.

Error code Error message
MISSING_DATA No data provided to perform an update. Provide data for at least 1 dimension.
INVALID_DIMENSION Provide no more than 24 dimensions.
INVALID_DIMENSION Can't add duplicate dimensions.
INVALID_DIMENSION Dimension can't be added in current state '%s'. States that support dimension updates are %s.
INVALID_DIMENSION Can't add dimension. The field '%s' has duplicate values '%s' in other dimensions.
INVALID_DIMENSION Provide non-empty fields (Key, Unit, Name, Types) for each dimension.
IINVALID_TYPE Remove invalid type '%s'. Valid types are ["Metered", "Entitled", "ExternallyMetered"].
INVALID_UNIT Remove invalid Unit '%s'. Valid units are ["GB", "Gbps", "HostHrs", "Hosts", "MB", "Mbps", "Requests", "TaskHrs", "TB", "TierHrs", "UnitHrs", "Units", "UserHrs", "Users"].
INVALID_INPUT Inappropriate content '%s' found in %s field. Provide %s with no inappropriate content.
INVALID_INPUT Invalid '%s' field. Remove spaces before trademark symbol.
INVALID_INPUT Invalid '%s' field. Remove unsupported characters %s.
INVALID_DIMENSION Remove invalid dimension type combination %s. Allowed values are %s.
INVALID_DIMENSION Remove invalid dimension key '%s' for Metered dimension.
INVALID_DIMENSION Dimension named '%s' for productCode '%s' did not pass AWS Marketplace Metering Service validation %s.
INVALID_DIMENSION Dimension named '%s' for productCode '%s' has no metering record present in Metering Service. The product has either never been launched for testing or is misconfigured and does not make the appropriate calls to the AWS Marketplace Metering Service.

Update pricing dimensions

You can use the Catalog API to update existing pricing dimensions of an AMI, container, or SaaS product in AWS Marketplace.

Each dimension is uniquely identified by the dimension key and dimension types to perform the update. Updating a dimension doesn’t affect any active offer or customers that the original dimension had created.


For more information about updating pricing dimensions using the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, see the following topics in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide:

To update pricing dimensions, call the StartChangeSet API operation with the UpdateDimensions change type, as shown in the following example.

Request Syntax

POST /StartChangeSet HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateDimensions", "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "uniqueapikey", "Types": [ "ExternallyMetered" ], "Name": "First Dimension", "Description": "Description of the dimension" } ], "Entity": { "Identifier": "prod-example12345", "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0" } } ] }

Provide information for the fields to add the UpdateDimensions change type:

  • DetailsDocument (array of objects) (required) – Details of the request.

    • Key (string) (required) – Provide key of existing dimension from the product to change description and name on. For UpdateDimension, this field is only for identifying the dimension to be changed.

    • Types (array of strings) (required) (also known as Tags) – These indicate whether the dimension covers metering, entitlement, or support for external metering. This is not changeable after the dimension is created.

      • Metered – Indicates that Commerce Platform usage types should be created to allow metering to occur for this dimension.

      • ExternallyMetered – Indicates that AWS Marketplace Metering Service (MMS) dimensions should be created during publishing to allow sellers to meter through the AWS SDK.

      • Entitled – Indicates that entitlements can be granted for the dimension during product/offer publishing.

        Valid Pricing Dimension Types Combinations
        Pricing Dimension Type Product
        [Metered] AMI
        [ExternallyMetered] SaaS, AMI/Flexible Consumption Pricing (FCP)

        When ExternallyMetered appears, Metered is masked/inferred.

        [Entitled] SaaS Contracts, ProServe Products

        The Entitled tag grants rights to use a software/service set start and end dates for the usage. Also, to grant rights to have usage discount for AMI annual products. Each entitlement is identified by a Dimension Key in AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service for creating or updating the entitlements.

        [ExternallyMetered, Entitled] Contracts with Consumption Pricing, where dimensions can be prepaid or metered are a combination of both [ExternallyMetered] and [Entitled].
    • Description (string) (optional – Full description of the dimension that will be the long description on the buyer's viewing page.

    • Name (string) optional – DIsplay name for the dimension on the website and customer's bill.

  • Entity (object) (required) – The named type of entity being created.

    • Identifier (string) (required) – Your product ID. For more information, see Identifier.

    • Type (string) (required) – The Type is based on the delivery method (product type) that your product will be using: AmiProduct@1.0 or SaaSProduct@1.0.

Response Syntax

A change set is created for your request. The response to this request gives you the ChangeSetId and ChangeSetArn for the change set and looks like the following.

{ "ChangeSetId": "example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/example123456789012abcdef" }

The change request is added to a queue and processed. This included validating information to ensure it meets the AWS Marketplace guidelines. The validation process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

You can check the status of the request through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, or directly through Catalog API using the DescribeChangeSet API operation.

Synchronous Validations

The following schema validations are specific to UpdateDimensions actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These validations are performed when you call StartChangeSet. If the request doesn’t meet the following requirements, it will fail with an HTTP response.

Input field Validation rule HTTP code

Max length: 1000



Max length: 100

Pattern: [A-Za-z0-9_.-]+$



Max length: 5


Types (tag)

Required: Min 1 - Max 3

Inputs: Entitled, Metered, ExternallyMetered



Asynchronous Errors

The following errors are specific to UpdateDimensions actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These errors are returned when you call DescribeChangeSet after a change set is processing. For more information about using DescribeChangeSet to get the status of a change request, see Working with change sets.

Error code Error message
INVALID_INPUT Invalid '%s' field. Remove spaces before trademark symbol.
INVALID_INPUT Invalid '%s' field. Remove unsupported characters %s.
INVALID_DIMENSION Provide non-empty fields (Key, Types, Name and/or Description) for each dimension.
INVALID_DIMENSION Cannot update dimension. The field Name has duplicate values '%s' in other dimensions.
INVALID_DIMENSION Cannot update same dimension with key '%s' and types '%s' multiple times in the same request.
INVALID_DIMENSION Cannot restrict dimension. The dimension key '%s' with types '%s' does not exist.
INVALID_DIMENSION Cannot update dimension. The dimension key '%s' is Metered.
INVALID_DIMENSION Dimension cannot be updated for an already restricted dimension.

Restrict pricing dimensions

You can use the Catalog API to restrict existing pricing dimensions of an AMI or SaaS product in AWS Marketplace.

Each dimension is uniquely identified by the dimension key and dimension types to perform the update. Restricting a dimension doesn’t affect any active offer or customers that the original dimension had created.

To restrict pricing dimensions, call the StartChangeSet API operation with the RestrictDimensions change type, as shown in the following example.

Request Syntax

POST /StartChangeSet HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "RestrictDimensions", "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "uniqueapikey", "Types": "First Dimension" } ], "Entity": { "Identifier": "prod-example12345", "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0" } } ] }

Provide information for the fields to add the RestrictDimensions change type:

  • DetailsDocument (array of objects) (required) – Details of the request.

    • Key (string) (required) – Provide key of existing dimension from the product to change description and name on. For RestrictDimensions, this field is only for identifying the dimension to be changed.

    • Types (array of strings) (required) (also known as Tags) – These indicate whether the dimension covers metering, entitlement, or support for external metering. This is not changeable after the dimension is created.

      • Metered – Indicates that Commerce Platform usage types should be created to allow metering to take place for this dimension.

      • ExternallyMetered – Indicates that AWS Marketplace Metering Service (MMS) dimensions should be created during publishing to allow sellers to meter through the AWS SDK.

      • Entitled – Indicates that entitlements can be granted for the dimension during product/offer publishing.

      • Valid Pricing Dimension Types Combinations:

        • [Metered] – AMI Products

        • [ExternallyMetered] – SaaS, AMI/FCP (Flexible Consumption Pricing)

        • [Entitled] – SaaS Contracts, ProServe Products. Entitled tag grants rights to use a software/service, sets start and end dates for the usage. Also, to grant rights to have usage discount for AMI annual products. Each entitlement is identified by a Dimension Key in AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service for creating/updating the entitlements.

        • Contracts with Consumption Pricing, where dimensions can be prepaid or metered are a combination of both [ExternallyMetered] and [Entitled]

  • Entity (object) (required) – The named type of entity being created.

    • Identifier (string) (required) – Your product ID. For more information, see Identifier.

    • Type (string) (required) – The Type is based on the delivery method (product type) that your product will be using: AmiProduct@1.0 or SaaSProduct@1.0.

Response Syntax

A change set is created for your request. The response to this request gives you the ChangeSetId and ChangeSetArn for the change set and looks like the following.

{ "ChangeSetId": "example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/example123456789012abcdef" }

The change request is added to a queue and processed. This included validating information to ensure it meets the AWS Marketplace guidelines. The validation process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

You can check the status of the request through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, or directly through Catalog API using the DescribeChangeSet API operation.

Synchronous Validations

The following schema validations are specific to RestrictDimensions actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These validations are performed when you call StartChangeSet. If the request doesn’t meet the following requirements, it will fail with an HTTP response.

Input field Validation rule HTTP code

Max length: 1000



Max length: 100

Pattern: [A-Za-z0-9_.-]+$



Max length: 5


Types (tag)

Required: Min 1 - Max 3

Inputs: Entitled, Metered, ExternallyMetered



Asynchronous Errors

The following errors are specific to RestrictDimensions actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These errors are returned when you call DescribeChangeSet after a change set is processing. For more information about using DescribeChangeSet to get the status of a change request, see Working with change sets.

Error code Error message
INVALID_INPUT Invalid '%s' field. Remove spaces before trademark symbol.
INVALID_INPUT Invalid '%s' field. Remove unsupported characters %s.
INVALID_DIMENSION The dimension key '%s' with types '%s' was already restricted
INVALID_DIMENSION Cannot restrict dimension. The dimension key '%s' with types '%s' does not exist
INVALID_DIMENSION Cannot restrict duplicate dimensions.
INVALID_DIMENSION All Entitled dimensions cannot be restricted. There must be at least one active Entitled dimension.
INVALID_DIMENSION The dimension key '%s' with types '%s' is associated with another dimension of different types '%s'. Both dimensions of the same key must be restricted at the same time to be valid.

Update targeting configuration

You can use the Catalog API to add AWS account IDs that are allowed to view the AMI, container, or SaaS product in AWS Marketplace before it’s moved to a Public state by calling the UpdateVisibility change type.


For more information about adding AWS account IDs using the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, see the following topics in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide:

To add AWS account IDs that are allowed to view the AMI, container, or SaaS product, call the StartChangeSet API operation with the UpdateTargeting change type, as shown in the following example.

Request Syntax

POST /StartChangeSet HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "prod-example12345" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "1112223334444" ] } } } ] }

Provide information for the fields to add the UpdateTargeting change type.

  • Entity (object) (required) – The named type of entity being created.

    • Identifier (string) (required) – Your product ID. For more information, see Identifier.

    • Type (string) (required) – The Type is based on the delivery method (product type) that your product will be using: AmiProduct@1.0 or SaaSProduct@1.0.

  • DetailsDocument (object) (required) – The details required to run the ChangeSet.

    • PositiveTargeting (object) (optional) – Positive targeting defines the criteria which any buyer's profile should fulfill in order to be allowed to access the offer. This field is optional, but at least one targeting option should be provided when this field is present.

      • BuyerAccounts (array of strings) (optional) – List as an option to allow targeting based on AWS accounts (also known as, Private Offer). If the intention is to not target the offer to an AWS account, this field should be omitted.

Response Syntax

A change set is created for your request. The response to this request gives you the ChangeSetId and ChangeSetArn for the change set and looks like the following.

{ "ChangeSetId": "example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/example123456789012abcdef" }

The change request is added to a queue and processed. This included validating information to ensure it meets the AWS Marketplace guidelines. The validation process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

You can check the status of the request through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, or directly through Catalog API using the DescribeChangeSet API operation.

When the request is complete (if the Status is SUCCEEDED), a new ProductId is generated.

Synchronous Validations

The following schema validations are specific to UpdateTargeting actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These validations are performed when you call StartChangeSet. If the request doesn’t meet the following requirements, it will fail with an HTTP response.

Type of targeting Valid current visibility states BuyerAccounts (input) Check
Positive Public, Limited, or Draft

Array of 12-digit AWS account ID strings.

Min size: 0.

Max size: 5000.

The input must be different from the current document targeted accounts.

Input must be in valid AWS accounts.

Asynchronous Errors

The following errors are specific to DescribeChangeSet actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These errors are returned when you call DescribeChangeSet after a change set is processing. For more information about using DescribeChangeSet to get the status of a change request, see Working with change sets.

Error code Error message
INVALID_PRODUCT_VISIBILITY Use an existing Public, Limited or Draft product.
INVALID_AWS_ACCOUNT_IDS Provide valid AWS account IDs. AWS accounts not found: [x, y, z].

Update product visibility

You can use the Catalog API to update the visibility (also known as lifecycle state) of an AMI, container, or SaaS product in AWS Marketplace.


For more information updating product visibility using the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, see the following topics in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide:

Allowed target lifecycle states are Limited, Public, or Restricted.


The state where the product is complete and has successfully completed the ReleaseProduct ChangeType. Sellers can view details of the product in this state. The product is not public. However, sellers can target specific buyers to allow to preview the product.


The state where the product is visible in AWS Marketplace. Buyers can view and subscribe to the product.


The state where the product is no longer visible to the public and doesn’t accept new subscribers. Existing subscribers can continue using this product until their subscription expires.


The UpdateVisibility change type requires a manual review from the AWS Marketplace Seller Operations team, which results in a longer execution time. Use UpdateVisibility separately in its own change set.

To update the visibility of your product, call the StartChangeSet API operation with the UpdateVisibility change type, as shown in the following example.

Request Syntax

For when TargetVisibility is Public or Limited.

POST /StartChangeSet HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateVisibility", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "prod-example12345" }, "DetailsDocument": { "TargetVisibility": "Public" } } ] }

For when TargetVisibility is Restricted.

POST /StartChangeSet HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateVisibility", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "prod-example12345" }, "DetailsDocument": { "TargetVisibility": "Restricted", "ReplacementProductId": "prod-example54321" } } ] }

Provide information for the fields to add the UpdateVisibility change type.

  • Entity (object) (required) – The named type of entity being created.

    • Identifier (string) (required) – Your product ID. For more information, see Identifier.

    • Type (string) (required) – The Type is based on the delivery method (product type) that your product will be using: AmiProduct@1.0, SaaSProduct@1.0, ContainerProduct@1.0. For more information, see Identifier

  • DetailsDocument (object) (required) – The details required to run the ChangeSet.

      • TargetVisibility – The intended new visibility of the product.

        Possible values: Public, Limited, and Restricted

      • ReplacementProductId (string) (optional) – Replacement product ID for the product to be Restricted. Used to notify current subscribers about the product restriction.

        Only accepts Restricted for TargetVisibility.

Synchronous Validations

The following schema validations are specific to UpdateVisibility actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These validations are performed when you call StartChangeSet. If the request doesn’t meet the following requirements, it will fail with an HTTP response.

Type of targeting Valid current states ReplacementProductId (input) Validation checks
Public Limited and Restricted Not allowed Valid current state
Limited Public and Restricted Not allowed Valid current state
Restricted Public and Limited String (Optional) ReplacementProductId must belong to an existing Limited or Public product.

After triggering this change type, it can take up to 37 days to complete. This includes the time the AWS Marketplace Seller Operations Team needs to review, audit, and approve. When restricting a product, you have 24 hours to change your mind, by calling CancelChangeSet, before the AWS Marketplace Seller Operations Team begins auditing. For more information, see CancelChangeSet.

Response Syntax

A change set is created for your request. The response to this request gives you the ChangeSetId and ChangeSetArn for the change set and looks like the following.

{ "ChangeSetId": "example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/example123456789012abcdef" }

The change request is added to a queue and processed. This included validating information to ensure it meets the AWS Marketplace guidelines. The validation process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

You can check the status of the request through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, or directly through Catalog API using the DescribeChangeSet API operation.

When the request is complete (if the Status is SUCCEEDED), a new ProductId is generated.

Asynchronous Errors

The following errors are specific to UpdateVisibility actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These errors are returned when you call DescribeChangeSet after a change set is processing. For more information about using DescribeChangeSet to get the status of a change request, see Working with change sets.

Error code Error message
INVALID_PRODUCT_STATE Use an existing Public, Limited, or Restricted product.
INVALID_TARGET_VISIBILITY Provide a valid target visibility state: Public, Limited, or Restricted.
EMPTY_TARGET_VISIBILITY Provide a valid target visibility state: Public, Limited, or Restricted.
INVALID_REPLACEMENT_PRODUCT_ID Use an existing Public or Limited product as replacement.
INVALID_REPLACEMENT_PRODUCT_ID Replacement product ID is only valid when restricting a product.
AUDIT_ERROR Varies based on MCO manual review.
MISSING_SELLER_PROFILE_INFORMATION Before you can update your product to Public, you must add a public profile to your seller account.

Publish a product

You can use the Catalog API to publish a Draft AMI, container, or SaaS product into Limited state in AWS Marketplace.


For AmiProduct@1.0 and SaaSProduct@1.0, the ReleaseProduct change type must be accompanied by ReleaseOffer change type on the corresponding draft public Offer@1.0 entity created for this product.

To publish a product, call the StartChangeSet API operation with the ReleaseProduct change type, as shown in the following example.

Request Syntax

POST /StartChangeSet HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "ReleaseProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "prod-example12345" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }

Provide information for the fields to add to the ReleaseProduct change type. This change type does not take any parameter payload.

  • Entity (object) (required) – The named type of entity being created.

    • Identifier (string) (required) – Your product ID. For more information, see Identifier.

    • Type (string) (required) – The Type is based on the delivery method (product type) that your product will be using: AmiProduct@1.0, SaaSProduct@1.0, ContainerProduct@1.0. For more information, see Identifier.

  • DetailsDocument (object) (required) - Must be an empty object. The change type ReleaseProduct doesn't accept any details.

Response Syntax

A change set is created for your request. The response to this request gives you the ChangeSetId and ChangeSetArn for the change set and looks like the following.

{ "ChangeSetId": "example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/example123456789012abcdef" }

The change request is added to a queue and processed. This included validating information to ensure it meets the AWS Marketplace guidelines. The validation process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

You can check the status of the request through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, or directly through Catalog API using the DescribeChangeSet API operation.

When the request is complete (if the Status is SUCCEEDED), a new ProductId is generated.

Asynchronous Errors

The following errors are specific to ReleaseProduct actions in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These errors are returned when you call DescribeChangeSet after a change set is processing. For more information about using DescribeChangeSet to get the status of a change request, see Working with change sets.

Error code Error message
VALIDATION_FAILED Provide Description information.
VALIDATION_FAILED Provide Versions information.
VALIDATION_FAILED Provide Dimensions information.
VALIDATION_FAILED Provide Description|PromotionalResources|SupportInformation information.

Find your product ID

You must get the product ID for your product before you can modify it with AWS Marketplace Catalog API. There are two ways to find the product ID for server products:

  • Open the AWS Marketplace Management Portal and sign in with your seller account. From the Products menu, select Server products, then choose the product you are interested in. The product ID is listed in the Product Summary section.

  • Use the ListEntities action with the EntityType AmiProduct or ContainerProduct, SaaSProduct, or DataProduct to get a list of products, including their product IDs, via the Catalog API. ListEntities requires that you do not include the version of the entity type (for example, AmiProduct@1.0).


The product ID is only available after your product has been published and is visible to at least yourself in AWS Marketplace. When you first create your product, it can take several days to be reviewed and fully created. During this time, it will not have a product ID available.

The following topics explain how to find a product by filtering on entity id, product title, last modified date, or visibility.

Find a product based on product title


POST /ListEntities HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "EntityType": "AmiProduct", "MaxResults": 10, "EntityTypeFilters": { "AmiProductFilters": { "ProductTitle": { "WildCardValue": "XYZ" } } } }


HTTP/1.1 200 Content-type: application/json { "EntitySummaryList": [ { "EntityArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/AmiProduct/example-abcd-1234", "EntityId": "example1-abcd-1234-5ef6-7890abcdef12@1", "EntityType": "AmiProduct", "LastModifiedDate": "2018-02-27T13:45:22Z", "AmiProductSummary": { "ProductTitle": "ABC-XYZ-123", "Visibility": "Public" } } ], "NextToken": "" }

Find a product based on last modified date


POST /ListEntities HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "EntityType": "AmiProduct", "MaxResults": 10, "EntityTypeFilters": { "AmiProductFilters": { "LastModifiedDate": { "DateRange": { "BeforeValue": "2018-03-27T13:45:22Z", "AfterValue": "2018-01-27T13:45:22Z" } } } } }


HTTP/1.1 200 Content-type: application/json { "EntitySummaryList": [ { "EntityArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/AmiProduct/example-abcd-1234", "EntityId": "example1-abcd-1234-5ef6-7890abcdef12@1", "EntityType": "AmiProduct", "LastModifiedDate": "2018-02-27T13:45:22Z", "AmiProductSummary": { "ProductTitle": "ABC-XYZ-123", "Visibility": "Public" } } ], "NextToken": "" }

Find a product based on product visibility


POST /ListEntities HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "EntityType": "AmiProduct", "MaxResults": 10, "EntityTypeFilters": { "AmiProductFilters": { "Visibility": { "ValueList": [ "Public" ] } } } }


HTTP/1.1 200 Content-type: application/json { "EntitySummaryList": [ { "EntityArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/AmiProduct/example-abcd-1234", "EntityId": "example1-abcd-1234-5ef6-7890abcdef12@1", "EntityType": "AmiProduct", "LastModifiedDate": "2018-02-27T13:45:22Z", "AmiProductSummary": { "ProductTitle": "ABC-XYZ-123", "Visibility": "Public" } } ], "NextToken": "" }

Find a product based on product title, last modified date, and product visibility


POST /ListEntities HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "EntityType": "AmiProduct", "MaxResults": 10, "EntityTypeFilters": { "AmiProductFilters": { "LastModifiedDate": { "DateRange": { "BeforeValue": "2018-03-27T13:45:22Z", "AfterValue": "2018-01-27T13:45:22Z" } }, "Visibility": { "ValueList": [ "Public" ] }, "ProductTitle": { "ValueList": [ "ABC-XYZ-123" ] } } } }


HTTP/1.1 200 Content-type: application/json { "EntitySummaryList": [ { "EntityArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/AmiProduct/example-abcd-1234", "EntityId": "example1-abcd-1234-5ef6-7890abcdef12@1", "EntityType": "AmiProduct", "LastModifiedDate": "2018-02-27T13:45:22Z", "AmiProductSummary": { "ProductTitle": "ABC-XYZ-123", "Visibility": "Public" } } ], "NextToken": "" }

Get additional details about a product

You can get additional details about the product using the entity id with the DescribeEntity action.


GET /DescribeEntity?catalog=AWSMarketplace&entityId=example-abcd-1234 HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 Content-type: application/json { "DetailsDocument": { "ProductTitle": "ABC-XYZ-123", "ShortDescription": "My product short description.", "LongDescription": "My product longer description.", "Sku": "123example456", "SupportDescription": "Need help? Contact our experts at \n\nYour purchase includes 24x7 support.", "Categories": [ "Operating Systems", "Network Infrastructure", "Application Development" ] } "EntityArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/AmiProduct/example-abcd-1234", "EntityId": "example1-abcd-1234-5ef6-7890abcdef12@1", "EntityType": "AmiProduct", "LastModifiedDate": "2018-02-27T13:45:22Z", }

Change set status and errors

Making changes to seller products in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API involves creating change sets that describe the changes you want to make, and then using the StartChangeSet action to start the changes. The changes from the request can take minutes to hours or longer to complete, depending on the request. The response to this request looks like the following.

{ "ChangeSetId": "example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/example123456789012abcdef" }

The change request is added to a queue and processed, including scanning the files and information to ensure that it meets the AWS Marketplace guidelines for products. Depending on the change requests, this process can take a few minutes to days. You can check the status of the request through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, or in the Catalog API with the DescribeChangeSet action. For more information about change sets, see Working with change sets.

To check the status of your request, use the DescribeChangeSet action.

POST /DescribeChangeSet HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSetID": "example123456789012abcdef" }

The result of this call looks like the following (in this case, for adding a new version to a container product).

{ "ChangeSetId": "example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetName": "Submitted by 123456789012", "StartTime": "2020-10-27T22:21:26Z", "EndTime": "2020-10-27T22:32:19Z", "Status": "SUCCEEDED", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "AddDeliveryOptions", "Entity": { "Type": "ContainerProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "example-1234-abcd-56ef-abcdef12345678@4" }, "Details": "{\"Version\": {\"VersionTitle\": \"1.1\",\"ReleaseNotes\": \"Minor bug fix\"},\"DeliveryOptions\": [{\"DeliveryOptionTitle\": \"EKSDelivery\",\"Details\": {\"EcrDeliveryOptionDetails\" : {\"ContainerImages\": [\"\"],\"DeploymentResources\": [{\"Name\": \"HelmDeploymentTemplate\",\"Url\": \"\"}],\"CompatibleServices\": [\"EKS\"],\"Description\": \"Sample Description\",\"UsageInstructions\":\"helm pull\"}}},{\"DeliveryOptionTitle\": \"HelmChartDeliveryOption\",\"Details\": {\"HelmDeliveryOptionDetails\": {\"CompatibleServices\": [\"EKS\", \"EKS-Anywhere\"],\"ContainerImages\": [\"\"],\"HelmChartUri\": \"\",\"Description\": \"Helm chart description\",\"UsageInstructions\": \"Usage instructions\",\"QuickLaunchEnabled\": true,\"MarketplaceServiceAccountName\": \"Service account name\",\"ReleaseName\": \"Optional release name\",\"Namespace\": \"Optional Kubernetes namespace\",\"OverrideParameters\": [{\"Key\": \"HelmKeyName1\",\"DefaultValue\": \"${AWSMP_LICENSE_SECRET}\",\"Metadata\": {\"Label\": \"AWS CloudFormation template field label\",\"Description\": \"AWS CloudFormation template field description\",\"Obfuscate\": false}},{\"Key\": \"HelmKeyName2\",\"DefaultValue\": \"${AWSMP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}\",\"Metadata\": {\"Label\": \"AWS CloudFormation template field label\",\"Description\": \"AWS CloudFormation template field description\",\"Obfuscate\": false}}]}}}]}", "DetailsDocument": { "Version": { "VersionTitle": "1.1", "ReleaseNotes": "Minor bug fix" }, "DeliveryOptions": [ { "DeliveryOptionTitle": "EKSDelivery", "Details": { "EcrDeliveryOptionDetails": { "ContainerImages": [ "" ], "DeploymentResources": [ { "Name": "HelmDeploymentTemplate", "Url": "" } ], "CompatibleServices": [ "EKS" ], "Description": "Sample Description", "UsageInstructions": "helm pull" } } }, { "DeliveryOptionTitle": "HelmChartDeliveryOption", "Details": { "HelmDeliveryOptionDetails": { "CompatibleServices": [ "EKS", "EKS-Anywhere" ], "ContainerImages": [ "" ], "HelmChartUri": "", "Description": "Helm chart description", "UsageInstructions": "Usage instructions", "QuickLaunchEnabled": true, "MarketplaceServiceAccountName": "Service account name", "ReleaseName": "Optional release name", "Namespace": "Optional Kubernetes namespace", "OverrideParameters": [ { "Key": "HelmKeyName1", "DefaultValue": "${AWSMP_LICENSE_SECRET}", "Metadata": { "Label": "AWS CloudFormation template field label", "Description": "AWS CloudFormation template field description", "Obfuscate": false } }, { "Key": "HelmKeyName2", "DefaultValue": "${AWSMP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}", "Metadata": { "Label": "AWS CloudFormation template field label", "Description": "AWS CloudFormation template field description", "Obfuscate": false } } ] } } } ] }, "ErrorDetailList": [] } ] }

The Status field shows the current status of the request, in this case, SUCCEEDED.

If there are failures, the result can include two types of errors. For most errors, the error message is included directly. However, errors found while scanning the product for security vulnerabilities instead include a URL to a file that lists all of the errors found, in the ErrorMessage field. Errors found while scanning have the ErrorCode "SCAN_ERROR".

{ "ChangeSetId": "example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:123456789012:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/example123456789012abcdef", "ChangeSetName": "Submitted by 123456789012", "StartTime": "2020-10-27T22:21:26Z", "EndTime": "2020-10-27T22:32:19Z", "Status": "FAILED", "FailureDescription": "Change set preparation has failed. For details see 'ErrorDetailList'.", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "AddDeliveryOptions", "Entity": { "Type": "ContainerProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "example-1234-abcd-56ef-abcdef12345678@4" }, "Details": "{\"Version\": {\"VersionTitle\": \"1.1\",\"ReleaseNotes\": \"Minor bug fix\"},\"DeliveryOptions\": [{\"DeliveryOptionTitle\": \"EKSDelivery\",\"Details\": {\"EcrDeliveryOptionDetails\" : {\"ContainerImages\": [\"\"],\"DeploymentResources\": [{\"Name\": \"HelmDeploymentTemplate\",\"Url\": \"\"}],\"CompatibleServices\": [\"EKS\"],\"Description\": \"Sample Description\",\"UsageInstructions\":\"helm pull\"}}},{\"DeliveryOptionTitle\": \"HelmChartDeliveryOption\",\"Details\": {\"HelmDeliveryOptionDetails\": {\"CompatibleServices\": [\"EKS\", \"EKS-Anywhere\"],\"ContainerImages\": [\"\"],\"HelmChartUri\": \"\",\"Description\": \"Helm chart description\",\"UsageInstructions\": \"Usage instructions\",\"QuickLaunchEnabled\": true,\"MarketplaceServiceAccountName\": \"Service account name\",\"ReleaseName\": \"Optional release name\",\"Namespace\": \"Optional Kubernetes namespace\",\"OverrideParameters\": [{\"Key\": \"HelmKeyName1\",\"DefaultValue\": \"${AWSMP_LICENSE_SECRET}\",\"Metadata\": {\"Label\": \"AWS CloudFormation template field label\",\"Description\": \"AWS CloudFormation template field description\",\"Obfuscate\": false}},{\"Key\": \"HelmKeyName2\",\"DefaultValue\": \"${AWSMP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}\",\"Metadata\": {\"Label\": \"AWS CloudFormation template field label\",\"Description\": \"AWS CloudFormation template field description\",\"Obfuscate\": false}}]}}}]}", "DetailsDocument": { "Version": { "VersionTitle": "1.1", "ReleaseNotes": "Minor bug fix" }, "DeliveryOptions": [ { "DeliveryOptionTitle": "EKSDelivery", "Details": { "EcrDeliveryOptionDetails": { "ContainerImages": [ "" ], "DeploymentResources": [ { "Name": "HelmDeploymentTemplate", "Url": "" } ], "CompatibleServices": [ "EKS" ], "Description": "Sample Description", "UsageInstructions": "helm pull" } } }, { "DeliveryOptionTitle": "HelmChartDeliveryOption", "Details": { "HelmDeliveryOptionDetails": { "CompatibleServices": [ "EKS", "EKS-Anywhere" ], "ContainerImages": [ "" ], "HelmChartUri": "", "Description": "Helm chart description", "UsageInstructions": "Usage instructions", "QuickLaunchEnabled": true, "MarketplaceServiceAccountName": "Service account name", "ReleaseName": "Optional release name", "Namespace": "Optional Kubernetes namespace", "OverrideParameters": [ { "Key": "HelmKeyName1", "DefaultValue": "${AWSMP_LICENSE_SECRET}", "Metadata": { "Label": "AWS CloudFormation template field label", "Description": "AWS CloudFormation template field description", "Obfuscate": false } }, { "Key": "HelmKeyName2", "DefaultValue": "${AWSMP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}", "Metadata": { "Label": "AWS CloudFormation template field label", "Description": "AWS CloudFormation template field description", "Obfuscate": false } } ] } } } ] }, "ErrorDetailList": [ { "ErrorCode": "DUPLICATE_VERSION_TITLE", "ErrorMessage": "The version title must be different from any other version titles of this product." }, { "ErrorCode": "SCAN_ERROR", "ErrorMessage": "" } ] } ] }

In this example, there is one error directly reported (DUPLICATE_VERSION_TITLE). The other error has a file with error messages (a single SCAN_ERROR can have multiple found errors in the file that is linked).


The link returned in the ErrorMessage is valid for 60 days.