
UpdateAppRequest Interface

The request structure for the update app request.


appId Requiredstring | undefined

The unique ID for an Amplify app.

accessToken string | undefined

The personal access token for a GitHub repository for an Amplify app. The personal access token is used to authorize access to a GitHub repository using the Amplify GitHub App. The token is not stored.

Use accessToken for GitHub repositories only. To authorize access to a repository provider such as Bitbucket or CodeCommit, use oauthToken.

You must specify either accessToken or oauthToken when you update an app.

Existing Amplify apps deployed from a GitHub repository using OAuth continue to work with CI/CD. However, we strongly recommend that you migrate these apps to use the GitHub App. For more information, see Migrating an existing OAuth app to the Amplify GitHub App  in the Amplify User Guide .

autoBranchCreationConfig AutoBranchCreationConfig | undefined

The automated branch creation configuration for an Amplify app.

autoBranchCreationPatterns string[] | undefined

Describes the automated branch creation glob patterns for an Amplify app.

basicAuthCredentials string | undefined

The basic authorization credentials for an Amplify app. You must base64-encode the authorization credentials and provide them in the format user:password.

buildSpec string | undefined

The build specification (build spec) for an Amplify app.

cacheConfig CacheConfig | undefined

The cache configuration for the Amplify app.

computeRoleArn string | undefined

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to assign to an SSR app. The SSR Compute role allows the Amplify Hosting compute service to securely access specific Amazon Web Services resources based on the role's permissions. For more information about the SSR Compute role, see Adding an SSR Compute role  in the Amplify User Guide.

customHeaders string | undefined

The custom HTTP headers for an Amplify app.

customRules CustomRule[] | undefined

The custom redirect and rewrite rules for an Amplify app.

description string | undefined

The description for an Amplify app.

enableAutoBranchCreation boolean | undefined

Enables automated branch creation for an Amplify app.

enableBasicAuth boolean | undefined

Enables basic authorization for an Amplify app.

enableBranchAutoBuild boolean | undefined

Enables branch auto-building for an Amplify app.

enableBranchAutoDeletion boolean | undefined

Automatically disconnects a branch in the Amplify console when you delete a branch from your Git repository.

environmentVariables Record<string, string> | undefined

The environment variables for an Amplify app.

iamServiceRoleArn string | undefined

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM service role for the Amplify app.

name string | undefined

The name for an Amplify app.

oauthToken string | undefined

The OAuth token for a third-party source control system for an Amplify app. The OAuth token is used to create a webhook and a read-only deploy key using SSH cloning. The OAuth token is not stored.

Use oauthToken for repository providers other than GitHub, such as Bitbucket or CodeCommit.

To authorize access to GitHub as your repository provider, use accessToken.

You must specify either oauthToken or accessToken when you update an app.

Existing Amplify apps deployed from a GitHub repository using OAuth continue to work with CI/CD. However, we strongly recommend that you migrate these apps to use the GitHub App. For more information, see Migrating an existing OAuth app to the Amplify GitHub App  in the Amplify User Guide .

platform Platform | undefined

The platform for the Amplify app. For a static app, set the platform type to WEB. For a dynamic server-side rendered (SSR) app, set the platform type to WEB_COMPUTE. For an app requiring Amplify Hosting's original SSR support only, set the platform type to WEB_DYNAMIC.

If you are deploying an SSG only app with Next.js version 14 or later, you must set the platform type to WEB_COMPUTE.

repository string | undefined

The name of the Git repository for an Amplify app.

Full Signature

export interface UpdateAppRequest