- Navigation GuideYou are on a Client landing page. Commands (operations) are listed on this page. The Client constructor type is linked at the bottom.
Amazon QuickSight is a fully managed, serverless business intelligence service for the Amazon Web Services Cloud that makes it easy to extend data and insights to every user in your organization. This API reference contains documentation for a programming interface that you can use to manage Amazon QuickSight.
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QuickSightClient Operations
Command | Summary |
Command | Summary |
BatchCreateTopicReviewedAnswerCommand | Creates new reviewed answers for a Q Topic. |
BatchDeleteTopicReviewedAnswerCommand | Deletes reviewed answers for Q Topic. |
CancelIngestionCommand | Cancels an ongoing ingestion of data into SPICE. |
CreateAccountCustomizationCommand | Creates Amazon QuickSight customizations for the current Amazon Web Services Region. Currently, you can add a custom default theme by using the You can create customizations for your Amazon Web Services account or, if you specify a namespace, for a QuickSight namespace instead. Customizations that apply to a namespace always override customizations that apply to an Amazon Web Services account. To find out which customizations apply, use the Before you use the |
CreateAccountSubscriptionCommand | Creates an Amazon QuickSight account, or subscribes to Amazon QuickSight Q. The Amazon Web Services Region for the account is derived from what is configured in the CLI or SDK. Before you use this operation, make sure that you can connect to an existing Amazon Web Services account. If you don't have an Amazon Web Services account, see Sign up for Amazon Web Services in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. The person who signs up for Amazon QuickSight needs to have the correct Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions. For more information, see IAM Policy Examples for Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. If your IAM policy includes both the You can't pass an existing IAM role to access other Amazon Web Services services using this API operation. To pass your existing IAM role to Amazon QuickSight, see Passing IAM roles to Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. You can't set default resource access on the new account from the Amazon QuickSight API. Instead, add default resource access from the Amazon QuickSight console. For more information about setting default resource access to Amazon Web Services services, see Setting default resource access to Amazon Web Services services in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. |
CreateAnalysisCommand | Creates an analysis in Amazon QuickSight. Analyses can be created either from a template or from an |
CreateBrandCommand | Creates an Amazon QuickSight brand. |
CreateCustomPermissionsCommand | Creates a custom permissions profile. |
CreateDashboardCommand | Creates a dashboard from either a template or directly with a A dashboard is an entity in Amazon QuickSight that identifies Amazon QuickSight reports, created from analyses. You can share Amazon QuickSight dashboards. With the right permissions, you can create scheduled email reports from them. If you have the correct permissions, you can create a dashboard from a template that exists in a different Amazon Web Services account. |
CreateDataSetCommand | Creates a dataset. This operation doesn't support datasets that include uploaded files as a source. |
CreateDataSourceCommand | Creates a data source. |
CreateFolderCommand | Creates an empty shared folder. |
CreateFolderMembershipCommand | Adds an asset, such as a dashboard, analysis, or dataset into a folder. |
CreateGroupCommand | Use the The permissions resource is The response is a group object. |
CreateGroupMembershipCommand | Adds an Amazon QuickSight user to an Amazon QuickSight group. |
CreateIAMPolicyAssignmentCommand | Creates an assignment with one specified IAM policy, identified by its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This policy assignment is attached to the specified groups or users of Amazon QuickSight. Assignment names are unique per Amazon Web Services account. To avoid overwriting rules in other namespaces, use assignment names that are unique. |
CreateIngestionCommand | Creates and starts a new SPICE ingestion for a dataset. You can manually refresh datasets in an Enterprise edition account 32 times in a 24-hour period. You can manually refresh datasets in a Standard edition account 8 times in a 24-hour period. Each 24-hour period is measured starting 24 hours before the current date and time. Any ingestions operating on tagged datasets inherit the same tags automatically for use in access control. For an example, see How do I create an IAM policy to control access to Amazon EC2 resources using tags? in the Amazon Web Services Knowledge Center. Tags are visible on the tagged dataset, but not on the ingestion resource. |
CreateNamespaceCommand | (Enterprise edition only) Creates a new namespace for you to use with Amazon QuickSight. A namespace allows you to isolate the Amazon QuickSight users and groups that are registered for that namespace. Users that access the namespace can share assets only with other users or groups in the same namespace. They can't see users and groups in other namespaces. You can create a namespace after your Amazon Web Services account is subscribed to Amazon QuickSight. The namespace must be unique within the Amazon Web Services account. By default, there is a limit of 100 namespaces per Amazon Web Services account. To increase your limit, create a ticket with Amazon Web Services Support. |
CreateRefreshScheduleCommand | Creates a refresh schedule for a dataset. You can create up to 5 different schedules for a single dataset. |
CreateRoleMembershipCommand | Use |
CreateTemplateAliasCommand | Creates a template alias for a template. |
CreateTemplateCommand | Creates a template either from a A template is an entity in Amazon QuickSight that encapsulates the metadata required to create an analysis and that you can use to create s dashboard. A template adds a layer of abstraction by using placeholders to replace the dataset associated with the analysis. You can use templates to create dashboards by replacing dataset placeholders with datasets that follow the same schema that was used to create the source analysis and template. |
CreateThemeAliasCommand | Creates a theme alias for a theme. |
CreateThemeCommand | Creates a theme. A theme is set of configuration options for color and layout. Themes apply to analyses and dashboards. For more information, see Using Themes in Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. |
CreateTopicCommand | Creates a new Q topic. |
CreateTopicRefreshScheduleCommand | Creates a topic refresh schedule. |
CreateVPCConnectionCommand | Creates a new VPC connection. |
DeleteAccountCustomizationCommand | Deletes all Amazon QuickSight customizations in this Amazon Web Services Region for the specified Amazon Web Services account and Amazon QuickSight namespace. |
DeleteAccountSubscriptionCommand | Use the |
DeleteAnalysisCommand | Deletes an analysis from Amazon QuickSight. You can optionally include a recovery window during which you can restore the analysis. If you don't specify a recovery window value, the operation defaults to 30 days. Amazon QuickSight attaches a At any time before recovery window ends, you can use the An analysis that's scheduled for deletion isn't accessible in the Amazon QuickSight console. To access it in the console, restore it. Deleting an analysis doesn't delete the dashboards that you publish from it. |
DeleteBrandAssignmentCommand | Deletes a brand assignment. |
DeleteBrandCommand | Deletes an Amazon QuickSight brand. |
DeleteCustomPermissionsCommand | Deletes a custom permissions profile. |
DeleteDashboardCommand | Deletes a dashboard. |
DeleteDataSetCommand | Deletes a dataset. |
DeleteDataSetRefreshPropertiesCommand | Deletes the dataset refresh properties of the dataset. |
DeleteDataSourceCommand | Deletes the data source permanently. This operation breaks all the datasets that reference the deleted data source. |
DeleteDefaultQBusinessApplicationCommand | Deletes a linked Amazon Q Business application from an Amazon QuickSight account |
DeleteFolderCommand | Deletes an empty folder. |
DeleteFolderMembershipCommand | Removes an asset, such as a dashboard, analysis, or dataset, from a folder. |
DeleteGroupCommand | Removes a user group from Amazon QuickSight. |
DeleteGroupMembershipCommand | Removes a user from a group so that the user is no longer a member of the group. |
DeleteIAMPolicyAssignmentCommand | Deletes an existing IAM policy assignment. |
DeleteIdentityPropagationConfigCommand | Deletes all access scopes and authorized targets that are associated with a service from the Amazon QuickSight IAM Identity Center application. This operation is only supported for Amazon QuickSight accounts that use IAM Identity Center. |
DeleteNamespaceCommand | Deletes a namespace and the users and groups that are associated with the namespace. This is an asynchronous process. Assets including dashboards, analyses, datasets and data sources are not deleted. To delete these assets, you use the API operations for the relevant asset. |
DeleteRefreshScheduleCommand | Deletes a refresh schedule from a dataset. |
DeleteRoleCustomPermissionCommand | Removes custom permissions from the role. |
DeleteRoleMembershipCommand | Removes a group from a role. |
DeleteTemplateAliasCommand | Deletes the item that the specified template alias points to. If you provide a specific alias, you delete the version of the template that the alias points to. |
DeleteTemplateCommand | Deletes a template. |
DeleteThemeAliasCommand | Deletes the version of the theme that the specified theme alias points to. If you provide a specific alias, you delete the version of the theme that the alias points to. |
DeleteThemeCommand | Deletes a theme. |
DeleteTopicCommand | Deletes a topic. |
DeleteTopicRefreshScheduleCommand | Deletes a topic refresh schedule. |
DeleteUserByPrincipalIdCommand | Deletes a user identified by its principal ID. |
DeleteUserCommand | Deletes the Amazon QuickSight user that is associated with the identity of the IAM user or role that's making the call. The IAM user isn't deleted as a result of this call. |
DeleteUserCustomPermissionCommand | Deletes a custom permissions profile from a user. |
DeleteVPCConnectionCommand | Deletes a VPC connection. |
DescribeAccountCustomizationCommand | Describes the customizations associated with the provided Amazon Web Services account and Amazon Amazon QuickSight namespace in an Amazon Web Services Region. The Amazon QuickSight console evaluates which customizations to apply by running this API operation with the To determine what customizations display when you run this command, it can help to visualize the relationship of the entities involved.
DescribeAccountSettingsCommand | Describes the settings that were used when your Amazon QuickSight subscription was first created in this Amazon Web Services account. |
DescribeAccountSubscriptionCommand | Use the DescribeAccountSubscription operation to receive a description of an Amazon QuickSight account's subscription. A successful API call returns an |
DescribeAnalysisCommand | Provides a summary of the metadata for an analysis. |
DescribeAnalysisDefinitionCommand | Provides a detailed description of the definition of an analysis. If you do not need to know details about the content of an Analysis, for instance if you are trying to check the status of a recently created or updated Analysis, use the |
DescribeAnalysisPermissionsCommand | Provides the read and write permissions for an analysis. |
DescribeAssetBundleExportJobCommand | Describes an existing export job. Poll job descriptions after a job starts to know the status of the job. When a job succeeds, a URL is provided to download the exported assets' data from. Download URLs are valid for five minutes after they are generated. You can call the Job descriptions are available for 14 days after the job starts. |
DescribeAssetBundleImportJobCommand | Describes an existing import job. Poll job descriptions after starting a job to know when it has succeeded or failed. Job descriptions are available for 14 days after job starts. |
DescribeBrandAssignmentCommand | Describes a brand assignment. |
DescribeBrandCommand | Describes a brand. |
DescribeBrandPublishedVersionCommand | Describes the published version of the brand. |
DescribeCustomPermissionsCommand | Describes a custom permissions profile. |
DescribeDashboardCommand | Provides a summary for a dashboard. |
DescribeDashboardDefinitionCommand | Provides a detailed description of the definition of a dashboard. If you do not need to know details about the content of a dashboard, for instance if you are trying to check the status of a recently created or updated dashboard, use the |
DescribeDashboardPermissionsCommand | Describes read and write permissions for a dashboard. |
DescribeDashboardSnapshotJobCommand | Describes an existing snapshot job. Poll job descriptions after a job starts to know the status of the job. For information on available status codes, see |
DescribeDashboardSnapshotJobResultCommand | Describes the result of an existing snapshot job that has finished running. A finished snapshot job will return a If the job has not finished running, this operation returns a message that says |
DescribeDashboardsQAConfigurationCommand | Describes an existing dashboard QA configuration. |
DescribeDataSetCommand | Describes a dataset. This operation doesn't support datasets that include uploaded files as a source. |
DescribeDataSetPermissionsCommand | Describes the permissions on a dataset. The permissions resource is |
DescribeDataSetRefreshPropertiesCommand | Describes the refresh properties of a dataset. |
DescribeDataSourceCommand | Describes a data source. |
DescribeDataSourcePermissionsCommand | Describes the resource permissions for a data source. |
DescribeDefaultQBusinessApplicationCommand | Describes a Amazon Q Business application that is linked to an Amazon QuickSight account. |
DescribeFolderCommand | Describes a folder. |
DescribeFolderPermissionsCommand | Describes permissions for a folder. |
DescribeFolderResolvedPermissionsCommand | Describes the folder resolved permissions. Permissions consists of both folder direct permissions and the inherited permissions from the ancestor folders. |
DescribeGroupCommand | Returns an Amazon QuickSight group's description and Amazon Resource Name (ARN). |
DescribeGroupMembershipCommand | Use the |
DescribeIAMPolicyAssignmentCommand | Describes an existing IAM policy assignment, as specified by the assignment name. |
DescribeIngestionCommand | Describes a SPICE ingestion. |
DescribeIpRestrictionCommand | Provides a summary and status of IP rules. |
DescribeKeyRegistrationCommand | Describes all customer managed key registrations in a Amazon QuickSight account. |
DescribeNamespaceCommand | Describes the current namespace. |
DescribeQPersonalizationConfigurationCommand | Describes a personalization configuration. |
DescribeQuickSightQSearchConfigurationCommand | Describes the state of a Amazon QuickSight Q Search configuration. |
DescribeRefreshScheduleCommand | Provides a summary of a refresh schedule. |
DescribeRoleCustomPermissionCommand | Describes all custom permissions that are mapped to a role. |
DescribeTemplateAliasCommand | Describes the template alias for a template. |
DescribeTemplateCommand | Describes a template's metadata. |
DescribeTemplateDefinitionCommand | Provides a detailed description of the definition of a template. If you do not need to know details about the content of a template, for instance if you are trying to check the status of a recently created or updated template, use the |
DescribeTemplatePermissionsCommand | Describes read and write permissions on a template. |
DescribeThemeAliasCommand | Describes the alias for a theme. |
DescribeThemeCommand | Describes a theme. |
DescribeThemePermissionsCommand | Describes the read and write permissions for a theme. |
DescribeTopicCommand | Describes a topic. |
DescribeTopicPermissionsCommand | Describes the permissions of a topic. |
DescribeTopicRefreshCommand | Describes the status of a topic refresh. |
DescribeTopicRefreshScheduleCommand | Deletes a topic refresh schedule. |
DescribeUserCommand | Returns information about a user, given the user name. |
DescribeVPCConnectionCommand | Describes a VPC connection. |
GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUserCommand | Generates an embed URL that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight dashboard or visual in your website, without having to register any reader users. Before you use this action, make sure that you have configured the dashboards and permissions. The following rules apply to the generated URL:
For more information, see Embedded Analytics in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal . |
GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserCommand | Generates an embed URL that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight experience in your website. This action can be used for any type of user registered in an Amazon QuickSight account. Before you use this action, make sure that you have configured the relevant Amazon QuickSight resource and permissions. The following rules apply to the generated URL:
For more information, see Embedded Analytics in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal . |
GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserWithIdentityCommand | Generates an embed URL that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight experience in your website. This action can be used for any type of user that is registered in an Amazon QuickSight account that uses IAM Identity Center for authentication. This API requires identity-enhanced IAM Role sessions for the authenticated user that the API call is being made for. This API uses trusted identity propagation to ensure that an end user is authenticated and receives the embed URL that is specific to that user. The IAM Identity Center application that the user has logged into needs to have trusted Identity Propagation enabled for Amazon QuickSight with the scope value set to |
GetDashboardEmbedUrlCommand | Generates a temporary session URL and authorization code(bearer token) that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight read-only dashboard in your website or application. Before you use this command, make sure that you have configured the dashboards and permissions. Currently, you can use
For more information, see Embedding Analytics Using GetDashboardEmbedUrl in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal . |
GetSessionEmbedUrlCommand | Generates a session URL and authorization code that you can use to embed the Amazon Amazon QuickSight console in your web server code. Use |
ListAnalysesCommand | Lists Amazon QuickSight analyses that exist in the specified Amazon Web Services account. |
ListAssetBundleExportJobsCommand | Lists all asset bundle export jobs that have been taken place in the last 14 days. Jobs created more than 14 days ago are deleted forever and are not returned. If you are using the same job ID for multiple jobs, |
ListAssetBundleImportJobsCommand | Lists all asset bundle import jobs that have taken place in the last 14 days. Jobs created more than 14 days ago are deleted forever and are not returned. If you are using the same job ID for multiple jobs, |
ListBrandsCommand | Lists all brands in an Amazon QuickSight account. |
ListCustomPermissionsCommand | Returns a list of all the custom permissions profiles. |
ListDashboardVersionsCommand | Lists all the versions of the dashboards in the Amazon QuickSight subscription. |
ListDashboardsCommand | Lists dashboards in an Amazon Web Services account. |
ListDataSetsCommand | Lists all of the datasets belonging to the current Amazon Web Services account in an Amazon Web Services Region. The permissions resource is |
ListDataSourcesCommand | Lists data sources in current Amazon Web Services Region that belong to this Amazon Web Services account. |
ListFolderMembersCommand | List all assets ( |
ListFoldersCommand | Lists all folders in an account. |
ListFoldersForResourceCommand | List all folders that a resource is a member of. |
ListGroupMembershipsCommand | Lists member users in a group. |
ListGroupsCommand | Lists all user groups in Amazon QuickSight. |
ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsCommand | Lists the IAM policy assignments in the current Amazon QuickSight account. |
ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUserCommand | Lists all of the IAM policy assignments, including the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), for the IAM policies assigned to the specified user and group, or groups that the user belongs to. |
ListIdentityPropagationConfigsCommand | Lists all services and authorized targets that the Amazon QuickSight IAM Identity Center application can access. This operation is only supported for Amazon QuickSight accounts that use IAM Identity Center. |
ListIngestionsCommand | Lists the history of SPICE ingestions for a dataset. |
ListNamespacesCommand | Lists the namespaces for the specified Amazon Web Services account. This operation doesn't list deleted namespaces. |
ListRefreshSchedulesCommand | Lists the refresh schedules of a dataset. Each dataset can have up to 5 schedules. |
ListRoleMembershipsCommand | Lists all groups that are associated with a role. |
ListTagsForResourceCommand | Lists the tags assigned to a resource. |
ListTemplateAliasesCommand | Lists all the aliases of a template. |
ListTemplateVersionsCommand | Lists all the versions of the templates in the current Amazon QuickSight account. |
ListTemplatesCommand | Lists all the templates in the current Amazon QuickSight account. |
ListThemeAliasesCommand | Lists all the aliases of a theme. |
ListThemeVersionsCommand | Lists all the versions of the themes in the current Amazon Web Services account. |
ListThemesCommand | Lists all the themes in the current Amazon Web Services account. |
ListTopicRefreshSchedulesCommand | Lists all of the refresh schedules for a topic. |
ListTopicReviewedAnswersCommand | Lists all reviewed answers for a Q Topic. |
ListTopicsCommand | Lists all of the topics within an account. |
ListUserGroupsCommand | Lists the Amazon QuickSight groups that an Amazon QuickSight user is a member of. |
ListUsersCommand | Returns a list of all of the Amazon QuickSight users belonging to this account. |
ListVPCConnectionsCommand | Lists all of the VPC connections in the current set Amazon Web Services Region of an Amazon Web Services account. |
PredictQAResultsCommand | Predicts existing visuals or generates new visuals to answer a given query. |
PutDataSetRefreshPropertiesCommand | Creates or updates the dataset refresh properties for the dataset. |
RegisterUserCommand | Creates an Amazon QuickSight user whose identity is associated with the Identity and Access Management (IAM) identity or role specified in the request. When you register a new user from the Amazon QuickSight API, Amazon QuickSight generates a registration URL. The user accesses this registration URL to create their account. Amazon QuickSight doesn't send a registration email to users who are registered from the Amazon QuickSight API. If you want new users to receive a registration email, then add those users in the Amazon QuickSight console. For more information on registering a new user in the Amazon QuickSight console, see Inviting users to access Amazon QuickSight . |
RestoreAnalysisCommand | Restores an analysis. |
SearchAnalysesCommand | Searches for analyses that belong to the user specified in the filter. This operation is eventually consistent. The results are best effort and may not reflect very recent updates and changes. |
SearchDashboardsCommand | Searches for dashboards that belong to a user. This operation is eventually consistent. The results are best effort and may not reflect very recent updates and changes. |
SearchDataSetsCommand | Use the |
SearchDataSourcesCommand | Use the |
SearchFoldersCommand | Searches the subfolders in a folder. |
SearchGroupsCommand | Use the |
SearchTopicsCommand | Searches for any Q topic that exists in an Amazon QuickSight account. |
StartAssetBundleExportJobCommand | Starts an Asset Bundle export job. An Asset Bundle export job exports specified Amazon QuickSight assets. You can also choose to export any asset dependencies in the same job. Export jobs run asynchronously and can be polled with a The API caller must have the necessary permissions in their IAM role to access each resource before the resources can be exported. |
StartAssetBundleImportJobCommand | Starts an Asset Bundle import job. An Asset Bundle import job imports specified Amazon QuickSight assets into an Amazon QuickSight account. You can also choose to import a naming prefix and specified configuration overrides. The assets that are contained in the bundle file that you provide are used to create or update a new or existing asset in your Amazon QuickSight account. Each Amazon QuickSight account can run up to 5 import jobs concurrently. The API caller must have the necessary |
StartDashboardSnapshotJobCommand | Starts an asynchronous job that generates a snapshot of a dashboard's output. You can request one or several of the following format configurations in each API call.
The status of a submitted job can be polled with the StartDashboardSnapshotJob API throttling Amazon QuickSight utilizes API throttling to create a more consistent user experience within a time span for customers when they call the Common throttling scenarios The following list provides information about the most commin throttling scenarios that can occur.
If your use case requires a higher throttling limit, contact your account admin or Amazon Web ServicesSupport to explore options to tailor a more optimal expereince for your account. Best practices to handle throttling If your use case projects high levels of API traffic, try to reduce the degree of frequency and parallelism of API calls as much as you can to avoid throttling. You can also perform a timing test to calculate an estimate for the total processing time of your projected load that stays within the throttling limits of the Amazon QuickSight APIs. For example, if your projected traffic is 100 snapshot jobs before 12:00 PM per day, start 12 jobs in parallel and measure the amount of time it takes to proccess all 12 jobs. Once you obtain the result, multiply the duration by 9, for example The time that it takes to process a job can be impacted by the following factors:
StartDashboardSnapshotJobScheduleCommand | Starts an asynchronous job that runs an existing dashboard schedule and sends the dashboard snapshot through email. Only one job can run simultaneously in a given schedule. Repeated requests are skipped with a For more information, see Scheduling and sending Amazon QuickSight reports by email and Configuring email report settings for a Amazon QuickSight dashboard in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. |
TagResourceCommand | Assigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified Amazon QuickSight resource. Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions, by granting a user permission to access or change only resources with certain tag values. You can use the You can associate as many as 50 tags with a resource. Amazon QuickSight supports tagging on data set, data source, dashboard, template, topic, and user. Tagging for Amazon QuickSight works in a similar way to tagging for other Amazon Web Services services, except for the following:
UntagResourceCommand | Removes a tag or tags from a resource. |
UpdateAccountCustomizationCommand | Updates Amazon QuickSight customizations for the current Amazon Web Services Region. Currently, the only customization that you can use is a theme. You can use customizations for your Amazon Web Services account or, if you specify a namespace, for a Amazon QuickSight namespace instead. Customizations that apply to a namespace override customizations that apply to an Amazon Web Services account. To find out which customizations apply, use the |
UpdateAccountSettingsCommand | Updates the Amazon QuickSight settings in your Amazon Web Services account. |
UpdateAnalysisCommand | Updates an analysis in Amazon QuickSight |
UpdateAnalysisPermissionsCommand | Updates the read and write permissions for an analysis. |
UpdateApplicationWithTokenExchangeGrantCommand | Updates an Amazon QuickSight application with a token exchange grant. This operation only supports Amazon QuickSight applications that are registered with IAM Identity Center. |
UpdateBrandAssignmentCommand | Updates a brand assignment. |
UpdateBrandCommand | Updates a brand. |
UpdateBrandPublishedVersionCommand | Updates the published version of a brand. |
UpdateCustomPermissionsCommand | Updates a custom permissions profile. |
UpdateDashboardCommand | Updates a dashboard in an Amazon Web Services account. Updating a Dashboard creates a new dashboard version but does not immediately publish the new version. You can update the published version of a dashboard by using the |
UpdateDashboardLinksCommand | Updates the linked analyses on a dashboard. |
UpdateDashboardPermissionsCommand | Updates read and write permissions on a dashboard. |
UpdateDashboardPublishedVersionCommand | Updates the published version of a dashboard. |
UpdateDashboardsQAConfigurationCommand | Updates a Dashboard QA configuration. |
UpdateDataSetCommand | Updates a dataset. This operation doesn't support datasets that include uploaded files as a source. Partial updates are not supported by this operation. |
UpdateDataSetPermissionsCommand | Updates the permissions on a dataset. The permissions resource is |
UpdateDataSourceCommand | Updates a data source. |
UpdateDataSourcePermissionsCommand | Updates the permissions to a data source. |
UpdateDefaultQBusinessApplicationCommand | Updates a Amazon Q Business application that is linked to a Amazon QuickSight account. |
UpdateFolderCommand | Updates the name of a folder. |
UpdateFolderPermissionsCommand | Updates permissions of a folder. |
UpdateGroupCommand | Changes a group description. |
UpdateIAMPolicyAssignmentCommand | Updates an existing IAM policy assignment. This operation updates only the optional parameter or parameters that are specified in the request. This overwrites all of the users included in |
UpdateIdentityPropagationConfigCommand | Adds or updates services and authorized targets to configure what the Amazon QuickSight IAM Identity Center application can access. This operation is only supported for Amazon QuickSight accounts using IAM Identity Center |
UpdateIpRestrictionCommand | Updates the content and status of IP rules. Traffic from a source is allowed when the source satisfies either the |
UpdateKeyRegistrationCommand | Updates a customer managed key in a Amazon QuickSight account. |
UpdatePublicSharingSettingsCommand | Use the To use this operation, turn on session capacity pricing for your Amazon QuickSight account. Before you can turn on public sharing on your account, make sure to give public sharing permissions to an administrative user in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) console. For more information on using IAM with Amazon QuickSight, see Using Amazon QuickSight with IAM in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. |
UpdateQPersonalizationConfigurationCommand | Updates a personalization configuration. |
UpdateQuickSightQSearchConfigurationCommand | Updates the state of a Amazon QuickSight Q Search configuration. |
UpdateRefreshScheduleCommand | Updates a refresh schedule for a dataset. |
UpdateRoleCustomPermissionCommand | Updates the custom permissions that are associated with a role. |
UpdateSPICECapacityConfigurationCommand | Updates the SPICE capacity configuration for a Amazon QuickSight account. |
UpdateTemplateAliasCommand | Updates the template alias of a template. |
UpdateTemplateCommand | Updates a template from an existing Amazon QuickSight analysis or another template. |
UpdateTemplatePermissionsCommand | Updates the resource permissions for a template. |
UpdateThemeAliasCommand | Updates an alias of a theme. |
UpdateThemeCommand | Updates a theme. |
UpdateThemePermissionsCommand | Updates the resource permissions for a theme. Permissions apply to the action to grant or revoke permissions on, for example Theme permissions apply in groupings. Valid groupings include the following for the three levels of permissions, which are user, owner, or no permissions:
UpdateTopicCommand | Updates a topic. |
UpdateTopicPermissionsCommand | Updates the permissions of a topic. |
UpdateTopicRefreshScheduleCommand | Updates a topic refresh schedule. |
UpdateUserCommand | Updates an Amazon QuickSight user. |
UpdateUserCustomPermissionCommand | Updates a custom permissions profile for a user. |
UpdateVPCConnectionCommand | Updates a VPC connection. |
QuickSightClient Configuration
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
defaultsMode Optional | DefaultsMode | Provider<DefaultsMode> | The @smithy/smithy-client#DefaultsMode that will be used to determine how certain default configuration options are resolved in the SDK. |
disableHostPrefix Optional | boolean | Disable dynamically changing the endpoint of the client based on the hostPrefix trait of an operation. |
extensions Optional | RuntimeExtension[] | Optional extensions |
logger Optional | Logger | Optional logger for logging debug/info/warn/error. |
maxAttempts Optional | number | Provider<number> | Value for how many times a request will be made at most in case of retry. |
profile Optional | string | Setting a client profile is similar to setting a value for the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. Setting a profile on a client in code only affects the single client instance, unlike AWS_PROFILE.When set, and only for environments where an AWS configuration file exists, fields configurable by this file will be retrieved from the specified profile within that file. Conflicting code configuration and environment variables will still have higher priority.For client credential resolution that involves checking the AWS configuration file, the client's profile (this value) will be used unless a different profile is set in the credential provider options. |
region Optional | string | Provider<string> | The AWS region to which this client will send requests |
requestHandler Optional | __HttpHandlerUserInput | The HTTP handler to use or its constructor options. Fetch in browser and Https in Nodejs. |
retryMode Optional | string | Provider<string> | Specifies which retry algorithm to use. |
useDualstackEndpoint Optional | boolean | Provider<boolean> | Enables IPv6/IPv4 dualstack endpoint. |
useFipsEndpoint Optional | boolean | Provider<boolean> | Enables FIPS compatible endpoints. |
Additional config fields are described in the full configuration type: QuickSightClientConfig