- Navigation GuideYou are on a Client landing page. Commands (operations) are listed on this page. The Client constructor type is linked at the bottom.
Resilience Hub helps you proactively prepare and protect your Amazon Web Services applications from disruptions. It offers continual resiliency assessment and validation that integrates into your software development lifecycle. This enables you to uncover resiliency weaknesses, ensure recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO) targets for your applications are met, and resolve issues before they are released into production.
npm install @aws-sdk/client-resiliencehub
yarn add @aws-sdk/client-resiliencehub
pnpm add @aws-sdk/client-resiliencehub
ResiliencehubClient Operations
Command | Summary |
Command | Summary |
AcceptResourceGroupingRecommendationsCommand | Accepts the resource grouping recommendations suggested by Resilience Hub for your application. |
AddDraftAppVersionResourceMappingsCommand | Adds the source of resource-maps to the draft version of an application. During assessment, Resilience Hub will use these resource-maps to resolve the latest physical ID for each resource in the application template. For more information about different types of resources supported by Resilience Hub and how to add them in your application, see Step 2: How is your application managed? in the Resilience Hub User Guide. |
BatchUpdateRecommendationStatusCommand | Enables you to include or exclude one or more operational recommendations. |
CreateAppCommand | Creates an Resilience Hub application. An Resilience Hub application is a collection of Amazon Web Services resources structured to prevent and recover Amazon Web Services application disruptions. To describe a Resilience Hub application, you provide an application name, resources from one or more CloudFormation stacks, Resource Groups, Terraform state files, AppRegistry applications, and an appropriate resiliency policy. In addition, you can also add resources that are located on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters as optional resources. For more information about the number of resources supported per application, see Service quotas . After you create an Resilience Hub application, you publish it so that you can run a resiliency assessment on it. You can then use recommendations from the assessment to improve resiliency by running another assessment, comparing results, and then iterating the process until you achieve your goals for recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO). |
CreateAppVersionAppComponentCommand | Creates a new Application Component in the Resilience Hub application. This API updates the Resilience Hub application draft version. To use this Application Component for running assessments, you must publish the Resilience Hub application using the |
CreateAppVersionResourceCommand | Adds a resource to the Resilience Hub application and assigns it to the specified Application Components. If you specify a new Application Component, Resilience Hub will automatically create the Application Component.
CreateRecommendationTemplateCommand | Creates a new recommendation template for the Resilience Hub application. |
CreateResiliencyPolicyCommand | Creates a resiliency policy for an application. Resilience Hub allows you to provide a value of zero for |
DeleteAppAssessmentCommand | Deletes an Resilience Hub application assessment. This is a destructive action that can't be undone. |
DeleteAppCommand | Deletes an Resilience Hub application. This is a destructive action that can't be undone. |
DeleteAppInputSourceCommand | Deletes the input source and all of its imported resources from the Resilience Hub application. |
DeleteAppVersionAppComponentCommand | Deletes an Application Component from the Resilience Hub application.
DeleteAppVersionResourceCommand | Deletes a resource from the Resilience Hub application.
DeleteRecommendationTemplateCommand | Deletes a recommendation template. This is a destructive action that can't be undone. |
DeleteResiliencyPolicyCommand | Deletes a resiliency policy. This is a destructive action that can't be undone. |
DescribeAppAssessmentCommand | Describes an assessment for an Resilience Hub application. |
DescribeAppCommand | Describes an Resilience Hub application. |
DescribeAppVersionAppComponentCommand | Describes an Application Component in the Resilience Hub application. |
DescribeAppVersionCommand | Describes the Resilience Hub application version. |
DescribeAppVersionResourceCommand | Describes a resource of the Resilience Hub application. This API accepts only one of the following parameters to describe the resource:
DescribeAppVersionResourcesResolutionStatusCommand | Returns the resolution status for the specified resolution identifier for an application version. If |
DescribeAppVersionTemplateCommand | Describes details about an Resilience Hub application. |
DescribeDraftAppVersionResourcesImportStatusCommand | Describes the status of importing resources to an application version. If you get a 404 error with |
DescribeMetricsExportCommand | Describes the metrics of the application configuration being exported. |
DescribeResiliencyPolicyCommand | Describes a specified resiliency policy for an Resilience Hub application. The returned policy object includes creation time, data location constraints, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the policy, tags, tier, and more. |
DescribeResourceGroupingRecommendationTaskCommand | Describes the resource grouping recommendation tasks run by Resilience Hub for your application. |
ImportResourcesToDraftAppVersionCommand | Imports resources to Resilience Hub application draft version from different input sources. For more information about the input sources supported by Resilience Hub, see Discover the structure and describe your Resilience Hub application . |
ListAlarmRecommendationsCommand | Lists the alarm recommendations for an Resilience Hub application. |
ListAppAssessmentComplianceDriftsCommand | List of compliance drifts that were detected while running an assessment. |
ListAppAssessmentResourceDriftsCommand | List of resource drifts that were detected while running an assessment. |
ListAppAssessmentsCommand | Lists the assessments for an Resilience Hub application. You can use request parameters to refine the results for the response object. |
ListAppComponentCompliancesCommand | Lists the compliances for an Resilience Hub Application Component. |
ListAppComponentRecommendationsCommand | Lists the recommendations for an Resilience Hub Application Component. |
ListAppInputSourcesCommand | Lists all the input sources of the Resilience Hub application. For more information about the input sources supported by Resilience Hub, see Discover the structure and describe your Resilience Hub application . |
ListAppVersionAppComponentsCommand | Lists all the Application Components in the Resilience Hub application. |
ListAppVersionResourceMappingsCommand | Lists how the resources in an application version are mapped/sourced from. Mappings can be physical resource identifiers, CloudFormation stacks, resource-groups, or an application registry app. |
ListAppVersionResourcesCommand | Lists all the resources in an Resilience Hub application. |
ListAppVersionsCommand | Lists the different versions for the Resilience Hub applications. |
ListAppsCommand | Lists your Resilience Hub applications. You can filter applications using only one filter at a time or without using any filter. If you try to filter applications using multiple filters, you will get the following error: |
ListMetricsCommand | Lists the metrics that can be exported. |
ListRecommendationTemplatesCommand | Lists the recommendation templates for the Resilience Hub applications. |
ListResiliencyPoliciesCommand | Lists the resiliency policies for the Resilience Hub applications. |
ListResourceGroupingRecommendationsCommand | Lists the resource grouping recommendations suggested by Resilience Hub for your application. |
ListSopRecommendationsCommand | Lists the standard operating procedure (SOP) recommendations for the Resilience Hub applications. |
ListSuggestedResiliencyPoliciesCommand | Lists the suggested resiliency policies for the Resilience Hub applications. |
ListTagsForResourceCommand | Lists the tags for your resources in your Resilience Hub applications. |
ListTestRecommendationsCommand | Lists the test recommendations for the Resilience Hub application. |
ListUnsupportedAppVersionResourcesCommand | Lists the resources that are not currently supported in Resilience Hub. An unsupported resource is a resource that exists in the object that was used to create an app, but is not supported by Resilience Hub. |
PublishAppVersionCommand | Publishes a new version of a specific Resilience Hub application. |
PutDraftAppVersionTemplateCommand | Adds or updates the app template for an Resilience Hub application draft version. |
RejectResourceGroupingRecommendationsCommand | Rejects resource grouping recommendations. |
RemoveDraftAppVersionResourceMappingsCommand | Removes resource mappings from a draft application version. |
ResolveAppVersionResourcesCommand | Resolves the resources for an application version. |
StartAppAssessmentCommand | Creates a new application assessment for an application. |
StartMetricsExportCommand | Initiates the export task of metrics. |
StartResourceGroupingRecommendationTaskCommand | Starts grouping recommendation task. |
TagResourceCommand | Applies one or more tags to a resource. |
UntagResourceCommand | Removes one or more tags from a resource. |
UpdateAppCommand | Updates an application. |
UpdateAppVersionAppComponentCommand | Updates an existing Application Component in the Resilience Hub application. This API updates the Resilience Hub application draft version. To use this Application Component for running assessments, you must publish the Resilience Hub application using the |
UpdateAppVersionCommand | Updates the Resilience Hub application version. This API updates the Resilience Hub application draft version. To use this information for running resiliency assessments, you must publish the Resilience Hub application using the |
UpdateAppVersionResourceCommand | Updates the resource details in the Resilience Hub application.
UpdateResiliencyPolicyCommand | Updates a resiliency policy. Resilience Hub allows you to provide a value of zero for |
ResiliencehubClient Configuration
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
defaultsMode Optional | DefaultsMode | Provider<DefaultsMode> | The @smithy/smithy-client#DefaultsMode that will be used to determine how certain default configuration options are resolved in the SDK. |
disableHostPrefix Optional | boolean | Disable dynamically changing the endpoint of the client based on the hostPrefix trait of an operation. |
extensions Optional | RuntimeExtension[] | Optional extensions |
logger Optional | Logger | Optional logger for logging debug/info/warn/error. |
maxAttempts Optional | number | Provider<number> | Value for how many times a request will be made at most in case of retry. |
profile Optional | string | Setting a client profile is similar to setting a value for the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. Setting a profile on a client in code only affects the single client instance, unlike AWS_PROFILE.When set, and only for environments where an AWS configuration file exists, fields configurable by this file will be retrieved from the specified profile within that file. Conflicting code configuration and environment variables will still have higher priority.For client credential resolution that involves checking the AWS configuration file, the client's profile (this value) will be used unless a different profile is set in the credential provider options. |
region Optional | string | Provider<string> | The AWS region to which this client will send requests |
requestHandler Optional | __HttpHandlerUserInput | The HTTP handler to use or its constructor options. Fetch in browser and Https in Nodejs. |
retryMode Optional | string | Provider<string> | Specifies which retry algorithm to use. |
useDualstackEndpoint Optional | boolean | Provider<boolean> | Enables IPv6/IPv4 dualstack endpoint. |
useFipsEndpoint Optional | boolean | Provider<boolean> | Enables FIPS compatible endpoints. |
Additional config fields are described in the full configuration type: ResiliencehubClientConfig