- Navigation GuideYou are on a Client landing page. Commands (operations) are listed on this page. The Client constructor type is linked at the bottom.
This is the Amazon Q Business API Reference. Amazon Q Business is a fully managed, generative-AI powered enterprise chat assistant that you can deploy within your organization. Amazon Q Business enhances employee productivity by supporting key tasks such as question-answering, knowledge discovery, writing email messages, summarizing text, drafting document outlines, and brainstorming ideas. Users ask questions of Amazon Q Business and get answers that are presented in a conversational manner. For an introduction to the service, see the Amazon Q Business User Guide .
For an overview of the Amazon Q Business APIs, see Overview of Amazon Q Business API operations .
For information about the IAM access control permissions you need to use this API, see IAM roles for Amazon Q Business in the Amazon Q Business User Guide.
The following resources provide additional information about using the Amazon Q Business API:
npm install @aws-sdk/client-qbusiness
yarn add @aws-sdk/client-qbusiness
pnpm add @aws-sdk/client-qbusiness
QBusinessClient Operations
Command | Summary |
Command | Summary |
AssociatePermissionCommand | Adds or updates a permission policy for a Amazon Q Business application, allowing cross-account access for an ISV. This operation creates a new policy statement for the specified Amazon Q Business application. The policy statement defines the IAM actions that the ISV is allowed to perform on the Amazon Q Business application's resources. |
BatchDeleteDocumentCommand | Asynchronously deletes one or more documents added using the You can see the progress of the deletion, and any error messages related to the process, by using CloudWatch. |
BatchPutDocumentCommand | Adds one or more documents to an Amazon Q Business index. You use this API to:
You can see the progress of the deletion, and any error messages related to the process, by using CloudWatch. |
CancelSubscriptionCommand | Unsubscribes a user or a group from their pricing tier in an Amazon Q Business application. An unsubscribed user or group loses all Amazon Q Business feature access at the start of next month. |
ChatCommand | Starts or continues a streaming Amazon Q Business conversation. |
ChatSyncCommand | Starts or continues a non-streaming Amazon Q Business conversation. |
CreateApplicationCommand | Creates an Amazon Q Business application. There are new tiers for Amazon Q Business. Not all features in Amazon Q Business Pro are also available in Amazon Q Business Lite. For information on what's included in Amazon Q Business Lite and what's included in Amazon Q Business Pro, see Amazon Q Business tiers . You must use the Amazon Q Business console to assign subscription tiers to users. An Amazon Q Apps service linked role will be created if it's absent in the Amazon Web Services account when When you create an application, Amazon Q Business may securely transmit data for processing from your selected Amazon Web Services region, but within your geography. For more information, see Cross region inference in Amazon Q Business . |
CreateDataAccessorCommand | Creates a new data accessor for an ISV to access data from a Amazon Q Business application. The data accessor is an entity that represents the ISV's access to the Amazon Q Business application's data. It includes the IAM role ARN for the ISV, a friendly name, and a set of action configurations that define the specific actions the ISV is allowed to perform and any associated data filters. When the data accessor is created, an IAM Identity Center application is also created to manage the ISV's identity and authentication for accessing the Amazon Q Business application. |
CreateDataSourceCommand | Creates a data source connector for an Amazon Q Business application. |
CreateIndexCommand | Creates an Amazon Q Business index. To determine if index creation has completed, check the Once the index is active, you can index your documents using the |
CreatePluginCommand | Creates an Amazon Q Business plugin. |
CreateRetrieverCommand | Adds a retriever to your Amazon Q Business application. |
CreateSubscriptionCommand | Subscribes an IAM Identity Center user or a group to a pricing tier for an Amazon Q Business application. Amazon Q Business offers two subscription tiers: |
CreateUserCommand | Creates a universally unique identifier (UUID) mapped to a list of local user ids within an application. |
CreateWebExperienceCommand | Creates an Amazon Q Business web experience. |
DeleteApplicationCommand | Deletes an Amazon Q Business application. |
DeleteAttachmentCommand | Deletes an attachment associated with a specific Amazon Q Business conversation. |
DeleteChatControlsConfigurationCommand | Deletes chat controls configured for an existing Amazon Q Business application. |
DeleteConversationCommand | Deletes an Amazon Q Business web experience conversation. |
DeleteDataAccessorCommand | Deletes a specified data accessor. This operation permanently removes the data accessor and its associated IAM Identity Center application. Any access granted to the ISV through this data accessor will be revoked. |
DeleteDataSourceCommand | Deletes an Amazon Q Business data source connector. While the data source is being deleted, the |
DeleteGroupCommand | Deletes a group so that all users and sub groups that belong to the group can no longer access documents only available to that group. For example, after deleting the group "Summer Interns", all interns who belonged to that group no longer see intern-only documents in their chat results. If you want to delete, update, or replace users or sub groups of a group, you need to use the |
DeleteIndexCommand | Deletes an Amazon Q Business index. |
DeletePluginCommand | Deletes an Amazon Q Business plugin. |
DeleteRetrieverCommand | Deletes the retriever used by an Amazon Q Business application. |
DeleteUserCommand | Deletes a user by email id. |
DeleteWebExperienceCommand | Deletes an Amazon Q Business web experience. |
DisassociatePermissionCommand | Removes a permission policy from a Amazon Q Business application, revoking the cross-account access that was previously granted to an ISV. This operation deletes the specified policy statement from the application's permission policy. |
GetApplicationCommand | Gets information about an existing Amazon Q Business application. |
GetChatControlsConfigurationCommand | Gets information about chat controls configured for an existing Amazon Q Business application. |
GetDataAccessorCommand | Retrieves information about a specified data accessor. This operation returns details about the data accessor, including its display name, unique identifier, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), the associated Amazon Q Business application and IAM Identity Center application, the IAM role for the ISV, the action configurations, and the timestamps for when the data accessor was created and last updated. |
GetDataSourceCommand | Gets information about an existing Amazon Q Business data source connector. |
GetGroupCommand | Describes a group by group name. |
GetIndexCommand | Gets information about an existing Amazon Q Business index. |
GetMediaCommand | Returns the image bytes corresponding to a media object. If you have implemented your own application with the Chat and ChatSync APIs, and have enabled content extraction from visual data in Amazon Q Business, you use the GetMedia API operation to download the images so you can show them in your UI with responses. For more information, see Extracting semantic meaning from images and visuals . |
GetPluginCommand | Gets information about an existing Amazon Q Business plugin. |
GetPolicyCommand | Retrieves the current permission policy for a Amazon Q Business application. The policy is returned as a JSON-formatted string and defines the IAM actions that are allowed or denied for the application's resources. |
GetRetrieverCommand | Gets information about an existing retriever used by an Amazon Q Business application. |
GetUserCommand | Describes the universally unique identifier (UUID) associated with a local user in a data source. |
GetWebExperienceCommand | Gets information about an existing Amazon Q Business web experience. |
ListApplicationsCommand | Lists Amazon Q Business applications. Amazon Q Business applications may securely transmit data for processing across Amazon Web Services Regions within your geography. For more information, see Cross region inference in Amazon Q Business . |
ListAttachmentsCommand | Gets a list of attachments associated with an Amazon Q Business web experience or a list of attachements associated with a specific Amazon Q Business conversation. |
ListConversationsCommand | Lists one or more Amazon Q Business conversations. |
ListDataAccessorsCommand | Lists the data accessors for a Amazon Q Business application. This operation returns a paginated list of data accessor summaries, including the friendly name, unique identifier, ARN, associated IAM role, and creation/update timestamps for each data accessor. |
ListDataSourceSyncJobsCommand | Get information about an Amazon Q Business data source connector synchronization. |
ListDataSourcesCommand | Lists the Amazon Q Business data source connectors that you have created. |
ListDocumentsCommand | A list of documents attached to an index. |
ListGroupsCommand | Provides a list of groups that are mapped to users. |
ListIndicesCommand | Lists the Amazon Q Business indices you have created. |
ListMessagesCommand | Gets a list of messages associated with an Amazon Q Business web experience. |
ListPluginActionsCommand | Lists configured Amazon Q Business actions for a specific plugin in an Amazon Q Business application. |
ListPluginTypeActionsCommand | Lists configured Amazon Q Business actions for any plugin type—both built-in and custom. |
ListPluginTypeMetadataCommand | Lists metadata for all Amazon Q Business plugin types. |
ListPluginsCommand | Lists configured Amazon Q Business plugins. |
ListRetrieversCommand | Lists the retriever used by an Amazon Q Business application. |
ListSubscriptionsCommand | Lists all subscriptions created in an Amazon Q Business application. |
ListTagsForResourceCommand | Gets a list of tags associated with a specified resource. Amazon Q Business applications and data sources can have tags associated with them. |
ListWebExperiencesCommand | Lists one or more Amazon Q Business Web Experiences. |
PutFeedbackCommand | Enables your end user to provide feedback on their Amazon Q Business generated chat responses. |
PutGroupCommand | Create, or updates, a mapping of users—who have access to a document—to groups. You can also map sub groups to groups. For example, the group "Company Intellectual Property Teams" includes sub groups "Research" and "Engineering". These sub groups include their own list of users or people who work in these teams. Only users who work in research and engineering, and therefore belong in the intellectual property group, can see top-secret company documents in their Amazon Q Business chat results. There are two options for creating groups, either passing group members inline or using an S3 file via the S3PathForGroupMembers field. For inline groups, there is a limit of 1000 members per group and for provided S3 files there is a limit of 100 thousand members. When creating a group using an S3 file, you provide both an S3 file and a |
SearchRelevantContentCommand | Searches for relevant content in a Amazon Q Business application based on a query. This operation takes a search query text, the Amazon Q Business application identifier, and optional filters (such as content source and maximum results) as input. It returns a list of relevant content items, where each item includes the content text, the unique document identifier, the document title, the document URI, any relevant document attributes, and score attributes indicating the confidence level of the relevance. |
StartDataSourceSyncJobCommand | Starts a data source connector synchronization job. If a synchronization job is already in progress, Amazon Q Business returns a |
StopDataSourceSyncJobCommand | Stops an Amazon Q Business data source connector synchronization job already in progress. |
TagResourceCommand | Adds the specified tag to the specified Amazon Q Business application or data source resource. If the tag already exists, the existing value is replaced with the new value. |
UntagResourceCommand | Removes a tag from an Amazon Q Business application or a data source. |
UpdateApplicationCommand | Updates an existing Amazon Q Business application. Amazon Q Business applications may securely transmit data for processing across Amazon Web Services Regions within your geography. For more information, see Cross region inference in Amazon Q Business . An Amazon Q Apps service-linked role will be created if it's absent in the Amazon Web Services account when |
UpdateChatControlsConfigurationCommand | Updates a set of chat controls configured for an existing Amazon Q Business application. |
UpdateDataAccessorCommand | Updates an existing data accessor. This operation allows modifying the action configurations (the allowed actions and associated filters) and the display name of the data accessor. It does not allow changing the IAM role associated with the data accessor or other core properties of the data accessor. |
UpdateDataSourceCommand | Updates an existing Amazon Q Business data source connector. |
UpdateIndexCommand | Updates an Amazon Q Business index. |
UpdatePluginCommand | Updates an Amazon Q Business plugin. |
UpdateRetrieverCommand | Updates the retriever used for your Amazon Q Business application. |
UpdateSubscriptionCommand | Updates the pricing tier for an Amazon Q Business subscription. Upgrades are instant. Downgrades apply at the start of the next month. Subscription tier determines feature access for the user. For more information on subscriptions and pricing tiers, see Amazon Q Business pricing . |
UpdateUserCommand | Updates a information associated with a user id. |
UpdateWebExperienceCommand | Updates an Amazon Q Business web experience. |
QBusinessClient Configuration
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
defaultsMode Optional | DefaultsMode | Provider<DefaultsMode> | The @smithy/smithy-client#DefaultsMode that will be used to determine how certain default configuration options are resolved in the SDK. |
disableHostPrefix Optional | boolean | Disable dynamically changing the endpoint of the client based on the hostPrefix trait of an operation. |
eventStreamSerdeProvider Optional | EventStreamSerdeProvider | The function that provides necessary utilities for generating and parsing event stream |
extensions Optional | RuntimeExtension[] | Optional extensions |
logger Optional | Logger | Optional logger for logging debug/info/warn/error. |
maxAttempts Optional | number | Provider<number> | Value for how many times a request will be made at most in case of retry. |
profile Optional | string | Setting a client profile is similar to setting a value for the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. Setting a profile on a client in code only affects the single client instance, unlike AWS_PROFILE.When set, and only for environments where an AWS configuration file exists, fields configurable by this file will be retrieved from the specified profile within that file. Conflicting code configuration and environment variables will still have higher priority.For client credential resolution that involves checking the AWS configuration file, the client's profile (this value) will be used unless a different profile is set in the credential provider options. |
region Optional | string | Provider<string> | The AWS region to which this client will send requests |
requestHandler Optional | __HttpHandlerUserInput | The HTTP handler to use or its constructor options. Fetch in browser and Https in Nodejs. |
retryMode Optional | string | Provider<string> | Specifies which retry algorithm to use. |
useDualstackEndpoint Optional | boolean | Provider<boolean> | Enables IPv6/IPv4 dualstack endpoint. |
useFipsEndpoint Optional | boolean | Provider<boolean> | Enables FIPS compatible endpoints. |
Additional config fields are described in the full configuration type: QBusinessClientConfig