
GetTestCaseCommandOutput Interface

The output of GetTestCaseCommand.


$metadata RequiredResponseMetadata
Metadata pertaining to this request.
creationTime RequiredDate | undefined

The creation time of the test case.

lastUpdateTime RequiredDate | undefined

The last update time of the test case.

latestVersion RequiredTestCaseLatestVersion | undefined

The latest version of the test case.

name Requiredstring | undefined

The name of the test case.

status RequiredTestCaseLifecycle | undefined

The status of the test case.

steps RequiredStep[] | undefined

The steps of the test case.

testCaseArn Requiredstring | undefined

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the test case.

testCaseId Requiredstring | undefined

The response test ID of the test case.

testCaseVersion Requirednumber | undefined

The case version of the test case.

description string | undefined

The description of the test case.

statusReason string | undefined

The status reason of the test case.

tags Record<string, string> | undefined

The tags of the test case.

Full Signature

export interface GetTestCaseCommandOutput extends GetTestCaseResponse, MetadataBearer