
GetTestRunStepResponse Interface


runStartTime RequiredDate | undefined

The run start time of the test run step.

status RequiredStepRunStatus | undefined

The status of the test run step.

stepName Requiredstring | undefined

The step name of the test run step.

testRunId Requiredstring | undefined

The test run ID of the test run step.

afterStep boolean | undefined

The after steps of the test run step.

beforeStep boolean | undefined

The before steps of the test run step.

runEndTime Date | undefined

The run end time of the test run step.

statusReason string | undefined

The status reason of the test run step.

stepRunSummary StepRunSummary | undefined

The step run summary of the test run step.

testCaseId string | undefined

The test case ID of the test run step.

testCaseVersion number | undefined

The test case version of the test run step.

testSuiteId string | undefined

The test suite ID of the test run step.

testSuiteVersion number | undefined

The test suite version of the test run step.

Full Signature

export interface GetTestRunStepResponse